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<br /> MORTGAt3E 90-- 1 Q 0 2 6 3
<br /> 'I1�b Mortp=e la entersd into betWeen•�liOY'_I Va reasr�n �ndJ igrla 1_ /arnac�n�
<br /> ,���band a�d wife (harein"Mort�a�or")and
<br /> r ,Five Pnints Bank,,,,�ra icland Np6racka (heirin`•Mortp�ee").
<br /> Martp;or is indebted to Mort�ee in tne prncipai sum oi� ��_a��.�fs"r �f.�lYOt1LYY 4i a'.i'viiw�a;'S SSa:!
<br /> �� an �a r��. 1990 there[n"Note")pewvldinQ for paymenw of pnncipal and interest,with Wr baiance of the
<br /> indeetednets,l!not woner p�ld,due.�nd payable on �� y 11. 1990 ,
<br /> 7b�eeure the p�yment ot t8e Nok,wlth iaterest ss pmvided therein,the psyment oi tll other sums�wlth intereat,
<br /> �draneed by Moit�a�ee to prote�t the�curity o!thli Mart�a�e,u�d the perlorm�ttce ot the covenanU and a�reements of
<br /> the I�tortp�or contained herein, Mort�or doea hereby mort�age and convey ta Mortp�ee the followfnQ described
<br /> P�P�rtY located in Hail County, Nebnul�a:
<br /> Lot Five (5), Block Two (2�, Normandy Estates Additio� to the City of Grand
<br /> � Island, Hali County, Nebraska.
<br />---- � Totether�vith dl bulldings,improvements,lix�es,str�ts,alleys,passa�eways, easamenta,rghts,p�3vileges and .
<br /> . . �,F;;��;r��:..,•.r.�rt,��nn n*in�nvxi+tn e'rtainina�ihereto,and the 1�ent9.issues tnd P�n�.�oasions and remaindets , -
<br /> thereof;includin�,but not limited to,heatin�and cooliA�equipmenL md such petaon�prope::Y that is at4thed to the ; -. _
<br /> improvemeats so�a to conatitute a fisture;a11 of vrhich,including replacements and additions thereto,�s hereby declared :
<br /> to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of this�Mortga�e and aU of the foregoing being referred to herein as the y
<br /> ..�o��.+� --
<br /> Mortp�or further convenants and a�rees,wiW Mortq��ee,as follows: �„_,
<br /> . i. Taymeat. To pay the indebtednas and the intereat thereon as provided in thu Mort�e and the Note. •. �
<br /> �
<br /> 2. Title. Mort�a�or is the owner of the Property,has the right and authorlty to mortga�e the Property,md ?
<br /> waaanb that the lien created hereby is�first and prlor lien on the Property,except as may otherwise be set forth herein. �
<br /> �'I1�e Property ls sub t to a Mort��e whet+eill Hnma FaApral Savinga F nan Accn_
<br /> as ��. �k88-100958 of the Mort Records of �1a11 County, � t �
<br /> b the Mort�aYee�recorded i��Hlf�__ �Pa�e � , �,
<br /> Nebtuka,ehich Mort�e is a Uen prlo:to ttu lien create d here by. ;�'
<br /> O Othei p�ior liens or encumbiances: . �:�
<br /> ��.i��
<br /> S. Ta�ce�A�esnnent�. To pay v�fien due dl taxes,speciil auessments and all other char�es aQainst the Property
<br /> tnd,upon wiitten dernand by Mortp�ee,to add to the p�yments regWred under tbe Note aecutrd hereby,such unount as
<br /> may be wf8clent to eaable the Merigt�ee to psy such laxes,assessments or othtr char�es as they become due.
<br /> �. Iorneance. To keep the improvements noM or hereafter located on the re�l estate desesibed herein insuted
<br /> ' �pi�t d�ma�e by t[re'and such other h�zarda as Mort�a�ee may e�e9uire+in unounts and�vith companies acceptable to the
<br /> Mortg��,and with lo� payaWe to the blortg�gee. In case of loss under such policies the Mort�agee is authorized to
<br /> rdjust,coilect �nd compromise,in its di:cretion,�ll cWmi tbereunder at its�ole option, autdorludtoeftheripplythe
<br /> proceeds to tl�e restor�tion of W�Yroperty or upon the tadcbtednesa eecund hereby,but paymena heraunder�h�tl con-
<br /> tinue•unHl the�um��red I�enby are paid in full. '
<br /> b. O Fw¢row Foc Taxa aed Inwranoe. Notwrithstandine anytbinQ contained ia panseapha 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br /> contnry,Mort�or thall pay to the Mort�sYee it the time of payinQ the monthlq instdlmenta of princlpal and lntezest, :---- `
<br /> , onatrrdttb oi the yarly taua.aa:sasmenb,h�zud insurance pnailums,�nd�¢otmd trntc(it,any)whlch may attain a
<br /> prlalty orer tLit Moet�s�e,�11�t re�sonably esUmated from time to time by the MortyiYee.�lte amouats so pdd shall be
<br /> hNd by the Mort�a�ee writhout taterrst�nd applled to the p�yment oi tt�e items ln respect to qhich such amounta were
<br /> - depodted.'lLe�nms paid to Mo:i�ti°:�eunder 2*!�pled� ��addlN�n�1 seeunty for the iadebtedness�ecured by this '
<br /> Mort�e.lV6ott�orahall p�y to Morl�aree the unaunt of any deflciency betaeen the actutl Wcrs,assescments, insurance
<br /> � premlume IQ►d Qound rents and the deposita henunder�vithin l0 days atter demind Is made upon Morteagor requestin� �
<br /> payment t6ereof. �ic•
<br /> 6. Repfis,Maintsnance and Uu. To promptly repur,restore or rebuiid any buildinqs or improvemenis novrr or '�
<br /> °= here�fter on ii►e Properiy;Lo I�eep the Praperty in Qaod co�dition ead rep�r..withoe�t waste.and free trom mech�oic's or �.
<br /> -_=- other Ikno nat expressly Rubordinated to the lien henof;not to make,6ufier or permit any nuisance to exist.nar to dimin• �n�
<br /> _-;;. ish or impdt the value of the Property by tny act or omixslon to act;and to ro�npiy with all rnquirements of law with �
<br />-_,- respect to lhe Roperty. r.
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