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2� 1 ��5932 <br /> 7. Appiicat�onof Payments or Pr�oceeds.Except as express��stated�therwise in this Security <br /> Instrument or the Note,a11 payments ac��pted and applied by Lender shal�be applied in the f�llowing <br /> order of priority: <br /> First,to the Mortgage Insurance premiums to be paid by Lender to the Secretaiy or the monthly <br /> charge by the Sec�etary instead of the month�y martgage insurance premiums; <br /> Second,to any taxes,special assessr���.ts�leasehold payments or ground rentsA and fire,f�ood and <br /> other hazard insuran�e pre�rniums,as required; <br /> Third,to interest due under the Note; <br /> Faurth,to amortization of the principal of the Note;and, <br /> Fifth,�o iate cha�rges due under the Note, <br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceeds,or Misce�laneous Proc�eds�o principal due under the <br /> Nate shali not extend ar postpone tb�e due date,or change the amount,of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Fundsfor Escrv►n►Items,Barrower sha��pay ta Lender on the day Periadic Payments are due under <br /> th�Note,until the 1�Tote is paid in fu1i,a sum(the "Funds"}to provide for payment of amounts due for: <br /> (a}taxes an�asses�ments and other items w]�ich can attain priorit�over th�s Security�nstrument as a lien <br /> or enGumbrance an the Proper�y;(b)leasehold paym�nts or grnund r�nts on the Property, if any; (c} . <br /> premiums for any and a11 insuranc�re�uired by Lender under Sectian S;and(d}Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums to be paid by Lender ta the S�cretary ar the monthly charge by the S��r�tary inst�ad af the <br /> monthly Mortgage Insurance premiums. These items are ca��ed"Escrow Items."At origination or a�any <br /> time during the term of the Loan,Lender may requue that Community Association Du�s,Fees, and <br /> Assessments, if any,�e es�rowed by Borro�uer,and such dues, fees and assessrnents�hall be an Escro� <br /> It�m. F3orrower shal�prompt�y furni�h to Lender a11�otices of amaunts to be paid under this Secti�n. <br /> Borrv�rer sha�Z pay Lender the Funds for Escro�u��ems unless Lender waives Borrower's abligation to <br /> pay the Funds for any or all Esc�row Items. Lender may�aive Borrower's obligatian to pay to Lend�r <br /> Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any time.Any such waiver may only be in writing. In the event of <br /> such waiver,Bono�ver sha�1 pay directly,when and where payable,the amounts due fflr any Escro�t <br /> �tems for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, �f Lender requir�s,shal�fumish to <br /> Lender rece�pts evidencing such payment with�n.such time period as Lend�er ma�require. Borrower's <br /> obligation ta mak��uch payments and to pro�ide receipts s�a��far a11 ge�rposes he deex�ed to be a <br /> co�enant and agreement contained in�his Security Instrument,as the phrase "covenan�and agreement" is <br /> used in Section 9.If Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly,pursuant to a�vaiver,aad <br /> Borrov�e�fails ta pay the amoun�d�e for an Escrow It�m,Lender may�xercise�ts rights under Sec�ion 9 <br /> and pay such amount and�orrower sha11 then be o�ligated under Section 9 tfl repay to Lender any such <br /> amount. Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at any time by a notic�g��en in <br /> acc�rdance with Sectian 1��#and,upon such revocation,Borro�ver sha11 pay to Lend�r a��Funds,and in <br /> such amaun�s,tha�are then required under this Section 3. <br /> Lender may,at any time,collec�and hold Funds in an amo�nt(a)suffi�ient to perrr�it L��de�'to app�.y the <br /> Funds at the time speci#"�ed und�r RESFA, and(b�not to e�.eeed the maximum amount a lender�an require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l estirnate the amount�f Funds c�ue on the basis of eurrent data and reasonable <br /> �st�mat�s of expenditur�s o�fii�e Esc�o�Items or otherw�se�n accordance with App�icab�e Lar�v. <br /> FHA Deed of Trust 11Vith MERS-NE 913U1241� <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N�NE)�15(36}.4� <br /> Wolters K�uwer Financiaf Servi�es Rage 5 of"!7 <br /> q43358851285 Q233 5�2 �517 <br />