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2� 1 ��5932 <br /> Parcel !D N u m ber:4 D�17�4�8 which curr�ntly has the address of <br /> �1D W 9�h St ��treet� <br /> �ood Ri v�r �City�, Nebraska �8883-9177 ��ip�'oc�e} <br /> �"Praperty Address"�; <br /> T�GETHER WITH a11 the improvements naw�r hereafter eree�ed on the praperty,and a11 easements, <br /> appurt�na�c�s,a�nd f�xtures now or her�a�t�r a par�of the propert�.A11 r�p�a�ements and ad�ditio�s shall als� <br /> be c�vered by th�s Security Instrum�at. A11 vf the foregoing is re�erred to in this Secwri.�y�nstrunr�er�t as th� <br /> "Property." Borrower understands and agre�s that MERS holds only lega�title ta the interests gra.nted by <br /> Borrower in this Security�nstrument,but, xf necessar�r�o comp�y with�aw or custam,MERS(as n.omin�e for <br /> Lend�r and Lender's successors and assigns}has�he righ�:to e�ercise any or a11 af those interests, including, <br /> but not 1im�t�d to,the right to for�close and se11 the Froperty;and to take any action required af Lender <br /> inc�uding,but nQt limited to,releasing and canceling this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt. <br /> B�RR�WE�C�VENA�ITS that Borrower is lawfu��y seised of the es�ate he�eby canveyed and has the right <br /> to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances af record. <br /> B�rrower warrants and wi11 d�f�nd generally the title to the Pr�pert�against a11 claims and demands, subject <br /> ta an}�encumbrances of recard. <br /> THIS SE�LTRITY IN�TR.UMENT combines uniform covenants far national use and non-uniform c��enants <br /> with lirnited�ariations by jurisdictron to const�tu��a uniform security instrument covering real property. <br /> UN�F�R�IA C�VENANTS.Borrower and Lender co�enant and agree as fallaws: <br /> 'I. Payment af Princ�pal,lnterest, Escrow Items, and Late Charges.Bonower sha11 pay when due <br /> the principal af,and interest on,the debt evidence�l by the Note and�ate chaerges due under the Note, <br /> Borrow�r shall a�so pay funds for Escraw Items pursuant to Section 3. Paymea�s due under th�Not�and <br /> #his Se�urity Instrument shall be made in LJ.S. curr�ncy. Ho�ever, if any check ar ather instrument <br /> received by Lender as paymen�under the Note ar this Securxty Instrument is returned ta Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender may require�hat any or a11 subsequent pa�rnents due under the Note and this Security Instrument <br /> be made in one or more of the following forms,as se�ected by Lender: (a��ash; (b)moa�y order; (c) <br /> certified check,bank ch�ck,treasurer's check ar cashi�r's check,provided any such eheck is drawn upon <br /> an ins��tut��n whose dep�sits aer�insured by a federal agency, instrumentality,ar ent�ty;or(d}Electronic <br /> Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�ments are deemed ree�iv��i by Lender vvhen re�ei��ed�.t tl�e locatian design.ate��n tl��l�ote ar at such <br /> other 1oGation as may be designated by Lender in accordance vvith the not�ce prov�sian��n Section �4. <br /> Lender may return any payment or partia�payment if the payment or part�al payments are�nsufficient to <br /> bring the Laan current. Lender may accept any paym�nt or partial paym�nt�nsuffi�ient to baring the Loan <br /> current,without�vaiver of any rights hereunder or prejudiGe to its rights�o refuse such payment or <br /> partial payments in the fu.ture,but Lender is not obligated to app�y such payments at the time such <br /> pa�ents are accepted.If each Periodic�`ayment is applied as of its�che�uled due date,then i.ender <br /> need not pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender rnay hold such unapp�ied funds until B�rrower makes <br /> payment to brin.g the Loan current. If Barro�er does not do so within a reasonable period of time, <br /> Lender sha11 either apply such funds or return them to Borrower. �f not applied earlier, sueh fun�i�wi11 <br /> be applied�o the outstanding princ�pal balanc�under the I�ote immediate�y pr�or to foreclosure.No <br /> offset or c�aim vvh�ch Borro�ver might have nov�or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower <br /> from making payments due under the Note and th�s Security In.�trument or performing��e covenant�and <br /> agreements secured by this�ecurit}�Instsument. <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With AAERS-NE 913412fl14 <br /> Bankers 5ystemsT� VMP� VMP4N(NE}{�5fl6),p4 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 4 of 17 <br /> qn3358881Z85 Q233 522 Q417 <br />