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2� 1 ��5851 <br /> automatically become modified on 081�112D1f� �the "Modification Effecti�� Date"} and a�l unpaid late <br /> charges that remain unpaid wi�l be wa�ved. The Laan Documents will be mvdified and the first modified <br /> payment wil� be due on�81�11Z016. <br /> A. The new Maturity Date wiil be:�71�11��46. <br /> B. The modified Principa� balance of my IVot�will include a!I amounts and arrearages that will be past <br /> due as of the Modification Effecti�e Dat� �in�luding unpaid and de�erred interest, fees, escrow <br /> ad�ances and other costs, hut excluding unpaid late �harges, collecti�ely, "Un�aid Amounts"} less <br /> any amounts paid to�he Lender but no# previousiy credited to my Loan. The new Principal balance <br /> of my Note wil� be �89,272.86 �the "New Principal 8alance"}. The "New Princi�al Balance" may <br /> represent the sum af the "Deferred PrinGipal Balance", �if applieable} the "Deferred Principal <br /> Redu�tion" �if applicable} and the "Interest Bearing Principal Ba�ance". � understand that by <br /> agreeing ta add the LJnpaid Amaunts to the outstanding princ�pal balance, the added Unpaid <br /> Amounts accrue interest based on the interest rate �n effect under this Agr�ement. ! also <br /> understand that this means int�rest will now aecrue on the unpaid interest that is added to the <br /> outstanding principa! ba�an�e, which would not hap�en without this Agreement. <br /> C. lnterest at the rate of 3.875��%wiil begin tv acCrue on the Interest Bearing Principal Ba�ance as of <br /> �71�11��16 and the first new monthly payment on the Interest Bearing Pr�ncipal will be due on <br /> o$��s�zo 16. <br />