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2� 1 ��5851 <br /> The Mortgage and Note together, as they may pre�iously have b�en amended, are refe�red to as the "Loan <br /> ❑ocuments".�apEtali�ed�erms u�ed in this Agreement and nvt defined ha�e the m�an�ng gi�en ta them in Loan <br /> Documents. <br /> �Lega1 Desc�iption-Attached as Exhibit if Recarding Agreement� <br /> Th�s Agreement wiil not take effect unless the preconditions set forth�n Se�tian 2 ha�e been satisfied. <br /> 1. My Representations, I certify,r�present to Lender and agree: <br /> A. � am experiencing a finan�ial hardship, and as a result, �i� � am in default under the Loan <br /> Do�uments,and �ii} 1 do not ha�e sufficient income or access to sufficienf liquid assets to make the <br /> monthly mortgage payments now or in the near future <br /> B. I live in the Property as my pr�nCipal residence,and the Praperty has not been c�ndemned <br /> C. There has been nn�hange in the ownership of the Property since I signed the Laan�ocuments <br /> D, i have prv�ided documentat�on #or all �neome that I receive �and I und�rstand that I am not <br /> required ta disclose child support or aiimony unless 1 chose to rely an sueh incame when <br /> requesting to qua�i�y fa�a modifieat�on of the Lvan Da�uments} <br /> E. Under penalty of perjury, al# dacuments and information I ha�e pro�ided ta Lender in�onnection <br /> with this Agre�ment, including the documents and information regarding my eligibility for the <br /> Program,are true and carrect and <br /> F. If Lender requires me to obtain c�-edit counseling tn conneetian with the Program, I will do so and <br /> G. I have made or will make all payments required under a Trial Perivd P1an or Loan Warkout Plan <br /> H. If I was dis�harged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy praceeding subsequent to the execution of the Loan <br /> Document5. Based on this representation, Lender ag�ees #hat I will not ha�e persanal liabil�ty an <br /> the debt pursuant to this Agreement <br /> 2. Atknowledgments and Pre�onditions to Modi�i�ation. I understand and acknowledge that: <br /> A. Time is of the essence under this Agreement <br /> B. !f privr to the Madi�ication Effe�ti�� Date as set forth in 5ection 3 the Lender determines that my <br /> representations in 5ection 1 are no longer true and correct, the Loan Da�uments will nat be <br /> modified and this Agreement will terminate. In this event,the Lender will have all of the rights and <br /> remedies provided by the Loan Documents and <br /> C. I understand that the Loan Documents will nat be modified unless and unti� [i� I receive from the <br /> Lender a copy of this Agreement signed by the Lender, and �ii}The Modification Effective ❑ate �as <br /> defin�d in Section 37 has occurred. i furth�r und�rstand and agree that the Lender wi�l no� k�e <br /> obligated ar bvund to make any modif�cation of the Laan Documents if I fai� to meet any�ne of <br /> the requirements under this Agre�ment <br /> 3. The Modification. If my representations in 5ecti�n 1 continue ta be true in all mate�ial respects and all <br /> preconditions to the modificatian set forth in 5ectian � ha�e been met, the Loan Documents will <br />