2� 1 ��5832
<br /> DEEi] QF TRUST
<br /> �C��tit1 ued� Page �
<br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�! me�t afl qualifications required for Trust�� under applicabie Iaw. fn addi�ivn t❑ the rights
<br /> and r�medi�s se� #orth aba�e, wi�h respec# to a�� or any part ofi the Property, the Truste� shal� ha�e the right to
<br /> forec�ose by no�ice and sale, and Lender w'r!� have the right tv fare�[ose by judicial �flreclosure, in either case in
<br /> accardance with and�o th�full extent pra�ided by applicable iaw.
<br /> Successar Trustee. Lender, at Lender's op�ian, may from time tv tim� appvint a successor Trustee to any T�us�ee
<br /> appointed under this D�ed of Trust �y an instrument exe�uted and acknowiedged by Lender and recorded in �he
<br /> v��i�e of th� rscvrder �# Hal[ County, 5tat� a# Nebraska. The inst�um�n� shall cantain, in addition ta all other
<br /> matters required hy st�te law, the names of the originaf Lender. Trustee, and Trus�ar. the book and page 4ar
<br /> cvmpu�er system reference� where this Deed o� Trust is re�orded, and �he name and address v�f the su�cessor
<br /> �rustee, an��he instrumen�t shall be execu�ed and acknowledged by alf the beneficiaries under this ❑eed a�Trust ar
<br /> their successors in interes�. The successor trus�ee, w�thvut �on�eyance of the Property, shalf su��eed tn al� �he
<br /> titCe, power, and duties conferred upon�he Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by appli�ab�e law. This procedure for
<br /> substitution af Trustee sha!!�o�ern t❑the exc�usion a�all other pro�isivns for su�st�tuti�n.
<br /> N�TICES. Any notice required �to be g��en under�his Deed of Trust. including withaut f�mitation any notice of d��aul�
<br /> and any notice o�sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be effecti�e when actually deliWered, wh�n actua�ly re�ei��d
<br /> by te�efacsimil� 4unless vtherwise required by Eaw}, when deposi�ed with a nati�nally recognized o�ernight cau�ier, or, �f
<br /> maifed, when depvsited �n the Un�t�d Sta�es mail, as �irst class, certified or register�d mail pas�age prepaid, directe� to
<br /> the�addresses shovrrn near��e heginning ���his Dee�! of Trust. A{� c�pies of nv�tices a��ar�c�osure from the ho[der of
<br /> any lien which has priority o�er this Deed a�Trust shafl be sent tv Lender's address, as shown near the beginn�ng of
<br /> th�s De�d o� Trust. Any p�rsQn may change hEs or h�r address for notices under fihis Deed a� Trus� by gi�ing formal
<br /> written nvtice t❑ the �ther p�rson ar persons, speci�ying fihat the purpvse v�F �the notice is �o change the person's
<br /> address. For notice purpos�s, Trus�vr agr�es to keep Lender�nformed at a!�times❑f Trustvr's curren�address. Un��ss
<br /> otherw'rse p�o�ided ❑�- required by law, if there is more t�an one Trustar, any nvt�ce given by Lender to any Trustor is
<br /> deemed�❑ be na�ice gi�en tv aE!Trustnrs. It wifl be Trust�r's respvnsibifity�o te(�the vth�rs of the nvtice�Frvm Lender.
<br /> MISCELLANEDUS PRaVIS1�NS. The�a��ow�ng miscelianeous prv�isions are a part of this �eed of Trus�:
<br /> ►4mendmen�s. VVha� is written in this Deed flf Trust and in the Related D�cuments is Trustor's entire agreemen�
<br /> with Lender concern�ng the matters co�e�ed by this Deed o�Trust. To be effec�i�e, any change or amendment to
<br /> �his Deed of Trus� mus�he in writing and must be signed by whoe�er wi�I be bound vr vbligated by the change or
<br /> amendment. �
<br /> Gaptian Headings. �aptian headings in this deed of Trust are far can�enience purpos�s fln�y and are not to be
<br /> used to interpret t�r c�efine the pra�isivns of this D��d o�Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall be no m�rge�-o�the interes��r estate created by this Deed �f T�ust wi�h any ather interest or
<br /> estate in the Proper�y a� any time held by �r�or th� benefi�of Lender in any capacity, without�the written �vnsent
<br /> o�Lender. .
<br /> Go�erning Law. This aeed o�F Trust wi[! be garrerned by �ederal law applicabls ta Lender and, to the extent nofi
<br /> preemp#ed by�Qdgraf law,�he taws o�#he State vf Nebraska vrrithaut regard to i�s canflicts of law provisivns. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in�he 5tate a#Nebraska.
<br /> Cho�ce of Venue. ��F there is a �awsuit, Trust�r agrees upvn Lender's request ta submit to the jurisdi�-�i�n of the
<br /> c�urts o�Hall �vunty, 5�ate ofi Nebraska.
<br /> Jvint and Se��ral Liabil��y. A11 obfigations a� Borrawer and Trustvr under this Deed ❑f Trust shalf be jvin� and
<br /> se�eral, and a!! r���ren�as�a Trustor shafl mean each and e�ery Trus�vr, and a�� re�erences to Barrawer sha[� mean
<br /> each and evsry Borraw��. This means that each Trustor signing b�l�w is respansible�Fvr a!I abligatians in�his De�d
<br /> of T�us�.
<br /> Na Vllaiver by Lender. Trustor understands L�nder will not gi��; up any�f Lender's r�ghts under this Deed af Trust
<br /> un��ss Lender does sv in writing. The fact that Lender de�ays or omits to exercise any right wilf not mean tha�t
<br /> Lend�r has gi�en up �hat righ�, i� Lender does agree in writing �o gi�� up ons ofi Lender's righ�s, that does nat
<br /> mean Trustor wi11 not ha�e to comp�y with the other pro��sions of this Deed o� Trus�. Trustor also unders�ands
<br /> tha� if Lender da�s cansent to a �equest, �hat does not mean that Trustor wiff nvt ha�e to get L�ndsr's consent
<br /> again if the si�uat�vn happens again. Trustor#urther understands that�ust hecause Lender cnnsents t�ane vr mare
<br /> vf Trus�ar's requssts, �hat dves no� mean Lender wi1� be required to �onsent�o any of Trustor's �uture requ�sts.
<br /> Trustor wai�es presentment, d�mand for payment, pratest, and no�tice o�f dishanor.
<br /> Severabi�ity. lf a court f�nds that any prv�ision of this De�d of Trust is not �a�id ar shvufd nat be �n�arced, that
<br /> fact by �tself wil� not m�an that th� rest af this Deed o�T�-ust wi11 not be�alid vr en�orced. Therefore, a caurt will
<br /> en�For�e the r�st o�the�rv�isi�ns af this Deed of Trus�e�en i�a pro�ision o��his De�d❑�Trust may be faund to be
<br /> �n�aiid ar unen�orceable.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations stat�d in this Deed of Trust on t�-ans�er of Trustor's in�erest,
<br /> this �eed o� Trust sha�l be bind'€ng upan and inure to the bene�it a� the parties, their successors and assigns. I�
<br /> ownership of th� Prope�y b�cvmes ��sted in a persan ather than Trustar, Lender, wi�haut notice ta Trustor, may
<br /> d�a� with Trustor`s suc�esso�s with reference to th�s Deed��Trus�and the �ndebtedness by way o�-�orbearance or
<br /> ex�ension withvut rel�asing Trusta�-�ram the ab(igations v�this ❑eed of Trust ar liabi[ity under�he lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is o�the Essence. Time is o�th�essence in the performance o�th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> INa�Wer v� Homestead E�cemptian. Trustar herehy reieases and wai�es af� rights and benefits vf �he homes�ead
<br /> exemptian laws❑f�he State�f Nebraska as�❑aI[ �ndebtedness secured �ay this Deed��Trus�.
<br /> DEFiNlT��NS. The fv�lvwing wards sha�� ha�e the following meanings when used in�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Benefi�iary. The word "Beneficiary" means Exchange Bank, and its su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> Bvrrower. The word "B�rrvwer" means 5ean Patrick Q'Cvnnv� and includes all cv-signers and �v-make�-s signing
<br /> the Cred�t Agreement an�i af f�heir successors and assigns.
<br /> Cr�dit Agreement. The w�rds "Credit Agr�ement" mean �he �redit agreemen�t �ated August 3Q, �0�6. with
<br /> cr�dit iimit of $�4�,D��.Q❑ �rom Borrow�r �❑ L�nde�, tage�her wi�h a�� ren�wals af, extensions o�f,
<br /> modi�Fications ❑�, r�finanGings ��, consofidations v�, and substitut�ons fvr �he promissary note or agreement.
<br /> Deed o# Trust. The ►nro�ds "Deed a� Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustar, Lende�, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes withou� limitati�n all assignment and security �n�eres� pro�isians reiating t� the Persona� Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�iranmenta� Laws. �he words "Environmenta€ Laws" mean any and alf state, fiede�al and local s�a�utes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances relat�ng to the pro�te�t�an o� human h�alth vr �he en�ironment, including withoufi
<br /> fimitati�n �he Comp�ehensi�e En�iranmen�a� Response, Camp�nsa�ion, and Liabiiity Act �� 198�, as amen�led, 42
<br /> U.S.�. Sec��an 95��, e� seq. 4"CERCLAfT�, the 5uperfund Amendments and Reau�horizati�n Act of �9$6, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 t"SARA"y, �he Hazardaus Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.�. Sec�ion �84�, �t seq., the Resvurce
<br /> Conse��ation and Recov�ry Act, 42 U.S.C. 5ectian 69��, et s�q., ar ather applicable state �r federal laws, rules,
<br /> or regulatians adopted pursuan�thereto.
<br />