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� 2� 1 ��5832 <br /> ❑EED �F TRUST <br /> ���ntinued� Pag� a <br /> the Property; and, wi�h �r without taking pvssess�vn of �he Prap�rty, sue for or a�herwise callect th� <br /> rents, issues and p�ofi�s of the Prvperty, inc[uding thvse pa�t due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and exp�nses vf operation and col�ectivn attvrneys' fees,to any indebt�dness secured by this Deed <br /> o� Trust, all in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The entering upvn and taking possession af the <br /> Property, the callection of such rents. issues and pro�its, and �he application �thsreof shalf nat cur� or <br /> waiWe any defaul�or no�ice o�defau�t under this ❑�ed afi Trust or�nvalidate any act done �n respanse to <br /> such d��ault or pursuan#tv such nvt�ce of de�ault; and, na�withstanding the cantinuance in pvssession�f <br /> the Praperty vr �khe co[�ection, receip� and applicatian v� rents, issues or pr��its, Trustee or Lend�� shal� <br /> be entitied to exercise e�ery right pro�ided �or �� the Credit Agreement o� the Rela�ed Do�uments ar by <br /> law upon�he oc�urr�nce a�any e�ent a�de�ault, inc[uding the right ta exerc�se�he powe�af sale; <br /> �b� �ommence an action tv foreclase�his Deed af Trust as a mortgage. appoin�a receiv�r ar specifically <br /> enforce any o�the co�enants hereof, and <br /> 4cy De�i��r to Trus�ee a wri��en declara�ivn vfi defaul�and demand for sale and a written no�i�e o�de�ault <br /> and ele�tion to cause Trus�vr's �nterest in the Praper�y to �e sold, which nvtice Trustee shal[ cause ta be <br /> duly�i�ed fo�-record in the apprnpriate affices a�th� Caun�y in which�the Property�s loca�ed; and <br /> �d� Wi�h respect ta a�f or any part��the Persona[ Prap�rty, Lender shal� ha�� all �he righ�s and remedies <br /> a�a secured party under the Ne�raska Uniform Cammercial �ode. <br /> , <br /> Foreclnsure by Power vf Sa�e. if Lender el�cts to�are�lose by�xercise❑f th� Power af 5a�e herein�ontained. <br /> Lender shall not��y Trustee and shall deposit w�th Trus�ee this De�d o� Trus� and �he Credit Agreem�nt and <br /> su�h receip�ts and evidencs o#expendi�ures made and se�ured by�his Deed of Trust as Trustee may requ�re. <br /> 4a� upon receipt ofi su�h notice�rvm Lender,Trus�ee shall cause to he recorded, published and�e�i�ered <br /> to Trus�v�r such No�ice of fle�ault and Notice vf Sale as then required by law and by this Deed ��Trus�. <br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, after such time as may �hen be requ�red by !aw and af�er <br /> recordation of such Nvtice fl� De�aui�and a�#er Noti�� of Sa�e haWin� been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> �h� Praperty at �h� �ime and place o# sale f�xed by it in such N�fiice af Sale, eithe� as a whole, or in <br /> . separate 1�ts ar pa�-cefs v�items as Trus�ee sha�l deem expedient, and in such ord�r as it may de�ermine, <br /> at publ€c auction to the highest bidder�vr cash in lawful money �f the Uni�ed S�tates payable at�he time <br /> v� sale. Trustee shall deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers �herevf �ts gvod and su#ficient deed or <br /> deeds conveying the prop�rty so soid, but without any c�venant or warranty, expr�ss or imp�i�d. The <br /> re�itaCs in su�h deed a� any matters �r �acts shal� be conc�usi�e p�o�� vf the truthfuiness the�eof. Any <br /> person, including wi�hout limi�ativn Trustar,Trustee, �r Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b� As may be permitted by law. a#ter deducting a�� C�StS� fees and expenses of Trust�e and vf this <br /> Trust, including casts o�e�idencs a��i��e in connecti�n with sa�e� Trustee shall appiy the pr�ceeds o�safe <br /> to payment of �i} a11 sums expended under the terms of this Deed of Trus� vr under the terms vf the <br /> Gredit Agreement nvt then repaid, includin� but not limited to aGcrued interest and la�g charges, ���� all <br /> other sums then secured he��hy, and �ii�� the remaind�r, i�any, t❑the pers�n ❑�- persons legal�y entitled <br /> thereto. <br /> �c� Trus�tee may in the mann�r pr��ided by law pvs�pone sale vf a��vr any pvrtion o�the Property. <br /> Remedies Nat Exclus�ve. T�-ustee and Lender, and each of them, shail be enti�led t❑ �n��rc� payment and <br /> performance ��any indebtedness or ob�igations secured by this Deed of Trus�and to exercise ail rights and p�wers <br /> under �his Deed o� Trust, unde� �he Gred�� Agreement, under any o# �h� Re�ate� Documents, or under any other <br /> agreement v� any laws no�rv ar hereafter in farce; nv�wi�hstanding, same ar all of such indeb�edness and <br /> obligativns secured by�his Deed a�Trust may naw �r hereafter b�atherv��se sacured, whether by mortgage, deed <br /> o�trust, pledge, l�en, assignment ar a�herwise. Nei�h�r#he acceptance afi this Deed of Trust nor i�s enforcement, <br /> whe�her by cvu�t ac�ian or pursuant tv the pawer of sale or ��her pnwers can�ained in �his Dee� �f Trust, shall <br /> prejudice or in any manner a�F��ct T�ust�e's or Lender's righ#to rea�iz� upon or en�orce any o�her security now or <br /> herea�ter held by Trust�e or L�nder, �t b�ing agreed that Trustes and Lender, and ea�h�f them, sha�� be enti�[ed�o <br /> enforce this Deed vf Trust and any o�her sec�rity nvw or hereafter held by Lender ❑r Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they or ei�her o� �hem may in �he�� absolute discretion determine. N� �emedy cvnferred upon or <br /> res�rved to Trus�ee o� Lender, is �nt�nd�d tfl tae exciusi�e �f any �ther remedy in this Deed �� Trust or by �aw <br /> provided or perm�tted, but each shall be cumula�i�e and shall be in addition �v e�ery ather remedy gi�en in this <br /> Deed of Trust or now or hereafter existing at law or in equ�ty flr by statut�. E��ry p�w�r vr remedy gi�en by the <br /> Cred�t Agreemen� vr any a� �he �iefated Documsnts fia T�ustee o� Lender or ta which eith�r o� them may be <br /> vtherwise enti�led, may b� exer�ised, concurrently or independently, #rvm time tv time and as often as may be <br /> deemed exped�en� by Trus��e or Lende�, and eithe� of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. Noth�ng in �his <br /> Deed ❑�Trust shall h� construed as prohibiting Lender fram seek�ng a d�ficiency judgment against the Trus�or �❑ <br /> �he ex�ent such action is permi�ted by law. <br /> Electivn o# R�med�es. A�� of Lender`s rights and remedies w��i be eumulati�e and may he exe���sed alone v� <br /> t�geth�r. (� Lender decides to spend money vr �v p�rfvrm any �f Trustor's obfigativns under this Deed a�T�us�, <br /> af�er Trustor's �ailure t� dv so. that dec�sian by L�nder wi!( no� a��ect Lende�'s r�gh�t❑ declare Trustvr in defauft <br /> and to exercise L�nder's remsdies. <br /> Request for Natice. Trus�or, on behalf��Trustar and Lender, hereby reques�ts�hat a capy v�any Notice a�Default <br /> and a copy o�any No�ice af 5a�e unde�this Deed a�Trust be maiied ta them at the addresses set farth in the firs� <br /> paragraph vf this �eed❑�Trust. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. 1f Lender institutes any su�t �r a�tian to en�orce any of �he �erms v� this Deed ❑� <br /> Trust, Lender sr�al[ be ent�t�ed to reco�er such sum as�h�: �vurt may ad�udg� rsasonable as attorneys' �Fees at trial <br /> and upon any a�peal. Whether or not any caurt activn is in�al�ed, and to the extent not p�'oh�bi�ed by law, all <br /> reasonabfe expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's vpin�on are nec�ssary at any #ime fvr th� protectivn o� i#s <br /> interest ar the enfarcement af its righ�s shall become a par�of the lndeb�edness payable on demand and sha�f bear <br /> in�erest at the Credi� Agreement rate from �he date a� the exp�nd�ture until repa�d. Expenses ca�ered hy this <br /> pa�agraph include, v►�ithout limitation, hawe�er sub�ec�'ta any limits under applicable law, Lender's at�orneys' fees <br /> and Lender's �ega� expenses, whether or n�t �her� is a lawsui�, including att�rneys' �ees and expenses �ar <br /> bankruptcy praceedings �inc�uding e#forts tio madi�y ❑� �acate any automatic stay ❑r in�unc�ivn�, appeals, and any <br /> anticipated post-judgment callsction ser�ices, the �as� of searching recards, abtain�ng tit�e repor�s �inc�ud�ng <br /> fore�lasure repv�ts�, su�-�eyvrs' rep�rts, and appraisa� fees, ti�le insurance, and #ees fvr the Trus�ee, tv �he exten� <br /> permi�t�d by applicable law. Trustor a�so w��� pay any court cos�s, in addition to ai�other sums pro�ided �y�aw, <br /> R�ghts o�Trus�ee. Trustee sha�i ha�e all of the righ�s and duties of Lender as set for�h in this s��t3an. <br /> P�WERS ANfl QBLIGATCaNS flF TRUSTEE. Th� �o��aw�ng pro��sEons refating to the powers and a�ligations a#Trus�ee <br /> are part o�th�s Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers a�Trustee. �n addi�ion ta all pvwers��Trus�ee arising as a matter o�1aw, Trustee shall hav�the power to <br /> ta�e the �€o�lawing a�tions with respect to the Property up�n the written request of Lend�r and Trustar: �a� join in <br /> preparing and ��f�ng a map or plat of the Real Prop�rty, including the dedi�ation a� stre�ts or a�her rights ta the <br /> public; �b� jvin �n gran�ing any easement ar"creat�ng any res�rictian on �he Real Prnper�y; and ��3 jvin in any <br /> subord�na�ion❑r other ag�eement affecting�his Deed af Trust or the interest❑f Lender und�r this Deed of T�ust. <br /> � <br /> � <br />