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2� 1 ��5748 <br /> residentra�uses and to rnain��nance af�he Property(in�luding,but no��xmited to,ha�ardous substances <br /> in consum�r products}. <br /> Barrower sha�l prom��Iy give L�nd�r�vrit��n not�c�of�a}a�y inves�iga��on, claim, demand,�awsui��r <br /> o�her ac�i�n by any�a�ernm��.�ai or r�gu�atory ag�n�y or�rivate�ar�y znvfll��ng the Proper�y and any <br /> Hazardous �ubstance or Environmental Law of vvhich �orr��ver has actua� know�edge, �b� any <br /> En�ironmenta� C�nditian, including but no� ��mited to, any spi��ing, Ieaking, disCharge, releas� �r <br /> �hreat of re�eas� of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance, and �c} any c�ndit�on caused by �he presence, use or <br /> re�ease af a Hazardaus Subs�ance which ad�erse�y affects �he value of �h� Property. �f Barro�nrer <br /> learns, ar is notified �y any governmental or regulatory authority, or any pri�ate party, that any <br /> rem.o�a� or other remed�a�ion af any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting the Praper�y is necessar�, <br /> Borro�ver sha�l prompt�y take a�I necessary remedia� actions in accordance vv��h En�ironmen�al La�r. <br /> Noth�n�here�n shal�crea�e any ab��gation on Lender far an Env�ro�m�ntal Gleanup. <br /> NUN-U�I�(]RM��VENA�T�.Borr�wer and Lender fur�her covc�nan�and a�ree as fol�aws: <br /> 2�. Acceleration; �.emedies. Le�der �hall g��e not��� t� B�rraw�r prior to acceieration fal�awing <br /> Borrowerts hrea�h of any cv�emant �r agr�emen� �n th�� Secu�ity Instruxr�ent �but not prror to <br /> accelerat�on under ��ct�an 1 S un��ss App��cab�Q La�v pro��de� othe�rwise}, The noti�e sha�� <br /> s�ec�fy; �a� the default; (b) th.e action requ�red to cur� the defautt; �c) a date, not less than 3� <br /> days from the date the n�t�ce is g��en ta Borr�we�r, by wh�ch the default �nust be cur�d; and [d} <br /> that fai�ure to cure the defau�t ❑r� ar before the date sp�cif�ed �n th� not�ce may result �n <br /> ac�eleratian of the sums se�ured by tl�is��cur�ty Instrument a��sa���f the Property.The not�ce <br /> shal� further�nfarm �Borrower�f th�right t� re�nsta�e�.fter accelerat��n and the right to bring a <br /> court actian to as��rt t�e nan�exi�ten�e of a def�u�t or any ot�er defense of �orrower tn <br /> a�c�lerati�n and sa�ee If the d.efau�� �� not �ured on ar ��fore the d�.te speci�ed in th� noti�e, <br /> Le�.der at rt� o�tion may r��uir� �mn�a�d.ia����ym�x�t�n fu��of a�i sum� �e�ure� b�t�i5 Security <br /> I�strumen� dvithout fur�her �ex��.r��l a�� �nay �n��k� �he p��re�r �f sa�� and any other remed�es <br /> p�rm�tted by AppffY�abl� Lawe Lender sh��� �� entitled �a �ollect a�l �xpenses �n�urred in <br /> pu�rsuing th� rex�edE�es pro�v�d�d �n this Sectio� ��, ��c�uding, �ut not lim�ted tv, �-�asona��e <br /> a�t3�'n��5 r f�e5 a.nd�v5t5 vf title��id��ce. <br /> If the pawer �f�a�� i� �n���ed, Trust�� �ha�� r�c�rd a not��� of�lefau�t a� �a�h �ount�in which <br /> any�art of tlhe Pr���rty i� �mcated an� s�a�� ma���o���s �f such r�otice im�he m�.an�e��r�s�ribed <br /> by A��pl���b�e Law �o �orx�ower anc� �u the other per�ans pres�r�bet� �y Appl�cab�e IL�wQ Afte� <br /> �he time requ�red by A�pl�cab�e Law, Trustee sha�� �iv�pulb��c notace of sale to th��ersons and <br /> �n the max�ner prescribed hy App�ica��� Law. Truste�� withaut de�mand �n Barrower, shal� sel� <br /> the Praperty at publ�c auct�on �o the h�ghest bidde�r at the t�me and p�a�e and under the ter�s <br /> designated in the not��� vf s��� �� �r�� �r rr�vre par�e�s anci �n an� arder '�rustee determ�nes, <br /> 7[`rustee may po�tpone sale of al� or any �arcel of the Property by pu��ic announ�ement at the <br /> t�m� and p�ace �f ar�y pre�i�usly s�hed.u�e� �a�e. Ler�d��r or �ts design�e may purchase the <br /> �'r�perty a�any sa�eQ <br /> IJp�n r��e��� �f pa�xn��t �f�lh� �r��� ��d, �`�-u���� �h��� �eli�v�r t� th� �ur�ha�er Trustee's dQed <br /> co�av���ng �h� l�r�per�a �`he r�c�tal� in th� 'I`ru�t���s de��l sha�� b� pr�ma fac�e ���der�c� of�he <br /> �r�th Qf the st�t�r��nts r��.de th�r��ntl'T`rus���s�i���a���y�he�ro��eds�f th��a�e�n the follow��g <br /> �rdero (a� ta a�� ��st� a�� ex��n�e� �f���r�i��ng th� p�vver �f�a��, ��c� th� �al�, �r���ud�ng th� <br /> �aymex�t of�h� �'ru�t��'� fee� a�tuall� �ncurre� ane� r��sonab�e att�rney�p fee� �� �errniitQd by <br /> A�p�ical�le Law; (�) �� a�� sunls se�u�ed by th�� ��curi� Inst�r�xrne�t; an� (�� any e�cess �o the <br /> �erson a�r perso�s Iegaliy en$it��d t���. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fann�e M�e1Ft'edd#e iNac UNITQFt,'��INSTRUMEti'l` Tnrm 3�2811U1 <br /> fl 2�04�241 G Compliance.Systems,Inc,d6�3bafc-db571 c36-2Q]G.18�i.�.� <br /> Single Far�-fily Rcal Esiate-SeGucify InstF-ume��t DL2Q47 Page 13 af 14 <br /> II�j ;;E�{;i ��;''' €41I�;;� �;�; i i'�; ��;�11i�':. ��li.:� i I�if� lij1 f t�i;��;i, i,.. jj��i�f� <br /> I I��!�������€������{�������������������'���i 1�!�E����Iff�����������������f��E������j�3!���������,��������€�����.���! �f� 1 f�����;l �;��i,�,� �,� � <br /> � ���l��3��11���,����1�,��.��,��.,�,����,�����f,�l��l <br /> * � � � 0 G 7-8 $ D 1 $ 9 k 5 2 9 -i} 8 2 4 7 6 - 1 1 3 5 - R 8 U S 5 � * <br />