2� 1 ��5748
<br /> �a pay the sums secured by �his Security Ins�rument, sha11 continue unchang�d. Lender may requir�
<br /> tha� Borrower pay such re�ns�atement sums and expenses in one or more of�he f��Io�v�ng forms, as
<br /> s�lected by Lender: �a� cash; (b} money �rder; �c} cer�ified ch�ck, bank check, treasur�r's check or
<br /> cash�er's check,pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an ins�itution v�has�depasi�s are�nsured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumen�ali�ty or entity; or (d} E�ectronic Funds Transfer. I.Ipon reinstatement by
<br /> Borro�er, thzs Security Ins�rument and abliga�ians secured hereby sha��r�mazn fully�ffec�i�e as if na
<br /> accelerat�on had occurred. Ho�nrever, �his right to reins�a�e sha�� n�� app�y in the case of accelera�xon
<br /> under Sectifln 18,
<br /> 2U. Sa�e of Nate; Change af Laan Ser��cer; Not�ce of�r��vance. The Note or a par�ia� in�erest in �h�
<br /> Na�e ��oge�her with �his Security Instrument} can be so�d one or mare times without prior nat�ce �a
<br /> Borr��ver. A sale m�gh� resul� in a change �n the entity �known as �he "Loan Ser�icer"� �hat cal�ects
<br /> Periodic Paymen�s due under�he Note and�his Security Instrument and performs o�her mor�gage �aan
<br /> serv�icing obi�ga��ons under�he Nate, this Security Ins�rument, and App�i�able La�. There also migh�
<br /> be c�n� ar more changes�f�he Loan Ser�vicer unre�a�ed to a sale�f the Nate. �f there is a change of th�
<br /> Laan Servicer, Barrower v�i11 �e gi�en wri���n no�ice of�he change which vvill sta�e the name and
<br /> address �f the ne�r Loan Sex-�vicer, the address t� which payments should �� made and any �ther
<br /> inf�rmation RESPA requires zn connec�ion �ith a n��ice of�ransfer af servicing. �f th� Nflt� is sold
<br /> and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Laan Servic�r ather than th� purchaser af the Note, �he
<br /> mor�ga�e loan servxcing obliga�ions to Barrower wil� remain�vi�h the Loan Ser�ic�r or be transferred
<br /> ta a successor Loan Servicer and are nat assumed by�he Note purchaser unless othe�-vvise pro�ided by
<br /> �he Note purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nor Lender m�ay commence,j�xn, or be joined tfl any judicial ac�ion �as either an
<br /> ind�vidual li�igant or the member af a class� that aris�s fram�he o�her party's ac��ons pursuan�to th�s
<br /> Security �nstrument or �hat a�leges that �he other part� has breached any provisinn of, or any duty
<br /> owed by reason of,this Securi�y Ins�rument,until such Borrov�rer or Lender has no�i�ed�he o�her par�y
<br /> �wr�h such notic��iven in camplian�e wi�h�he requiremen�s of Sect�on �5� of such a�leged breach and
<br /> afforded the ather party h�reto a reasonable per�od after�he giving of such r�o��ce to tak� c�rrec��ve
<br /> action. If App�icable Law provides a time per�od�hich must��apse before cer�a�n act�on can be�aken,
<br /> �ha� �ime period wi�� be d�emed to be reasonable for purposes of th�s paragraph. The no�ice of
<br /> acceleration and oppor�un�ty to �ure gi�en �o B�rrovcrer pursuant to Sectit�n 22 and �he notice of
<br /> acc�lera�ian giv�n to Borra�v�r pursuan� �a Sec�ian �8 sha11 be deemed �o sa�isfy the notice and
<br /> opp�r�un��,y�a�ake cflrrective ac��on provisiflns of th�s Sec�ian Z�.
<br /> 21. I�azardous �ubstance5. As used in�hi� Sec�ion 2�: (a� "Hazardous Substiances" are th�se subs�ances
<br /> defin�d as toxic flr hazardous substances, pollutan�s, ar vvastes by Environmental Law and �he
<br /> fol�o�ving subs�ances; gasoline, kerosene, other f�ammable ar �oxic pe�ro�eum products, �oxic
<br /> pes��c�des and herbicides, volatile so�vents, ma�erials con�aining asb�s�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�iv�materiaXs; (b} "EnW�ronmenta� Law" means federal la�s and laws of the jurisdic�ifln v�here
<br /> th� Prop�r�y is loca�ed that r��a�e to heai�h, safe�y or �nv�ronmenta� protect�on; �c} "Env�ranmen�al
<br /> Cleanup" includes any response action, rem�d�al ac�ion, �r remo�ral ac�ion, as def ned in
<br /> Enviranmen�al La�; and �d� an "En�ironmen�a� ��ndi�ion" means a candi�ion tha� can cause,
<br /> cantribute tfl,�r othervvise�rigger an Env�ronmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower sha1� not caus� or permit �he presence, use, d�sposal, storage, or r��ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�a.n�es, ar�hrea�en��rel�as� any Hazardous �ubstances,an or in the Property. Borrov�rer sha��not
<br /> do, nar allflw anyone else �o dfl, anything affec�ing �he Proper�y �a} �ha� �s �n violatian of any
<br /> Env�ronm�n�al Law, �b} which crea�es an Environmen�al Condi��on, or�c�which, due to�he presenc�,
<br /> use, �r release of a Hazardaus Substance, crea�es a eond��ion tha� ad�ersely affects �he �alue of�he
<br /> Proper�y. The preceding two sen�ence� sha�i n�t app�y�a the presence, use, or s�orage fln�he Property
<br /> �f sma�� quan�i�ies flf Hazardous �ubstances �hat are generally recogni�ed�o be apprapria�e�o normal
<br /> NEBRA�SKA-Sing9c Famiiy-�'aanie Ma�IFrer�die Mac UNIFQRM INSTRITMENT Form 3U2811U1
<br /> Cc�2��4-2d 16 Gompiiance Sys#ems,Inc.dG23�afc-db571 e36-2Q 1 d,186.Q.2
<br /> Single Famity Real Estate-Security Instrum�nf DL��47 Page I�af 14 www.campiiar��esystems.com
<br /> I '''riF €I�fI1I I�4!1i1kjiIII Ii[��l � 11�'�1f��illE iiI 11����j j I��€�I i I 11`i j�1Ii�{]j �Ii1 11€FI��� �€sIi��i ii��II� I IfE '�!li i��;;
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