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2� 1 ��572� <br /> cont�nue�o pay�a Lender�h�am�oun�of the separa�el�d�signa�ed paymen�s that were due when the <br /> insurance c�verage ceased �o b�in effect. I.�nder v�ill accep�, use and reta�n thes�payments as a <br /> non-refundab�e�ass reser�e in lieu of Mor��age �nsurance. Such los� reserve sha���b�non-refundable, <br /> na�w�ths�anding the fact�ha�the I.oan�s u��ima�ely pa�d in fu.11, and Lender sha�l not be required�a pay <br /> B�rrov�er any inter�st or earnings on su�h loss res�rv�, Lender�an na longer require�oss reser��pa�men�s <br /> if Mortgag�Insurance co��rage �in�he amoun�and for�he period�hat Lender requ�res�prov�ded by an <br /> insurer selec��d�y Lender a�ain becomes avaiiable, zs�b�ain�d, and L�nder requir�s separatel�des�gna�ed <br /> paym.ents toward �he prem�ums for Mortgage�nsuranc�. �f Lender required Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> conditi�n of making the Loan and Barrower was required�o make separate��designated paymen�s tov�ard�he <br /> premiums for Mar�gage Insurance, Borrovver shal�pa�the pr�mium� r�qu�red�o maintain Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance in effect, ar�a pro�ide a non-refundable�oss re�er�e, unt�l Lender's re�uir�ment for Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance ends in accordan�e with any wri��en a�reement b�tween Borrower and Lender providing for su�h <br /> �ermina�ion or un�i�t�rmina�ion is required�y Appl�cabie Law. No�hing in�hi� S���ion ��affec�s <br /> Borro�er's abii�a�ion�o pay �n�erest a�the rate provid�d in the Note. <br /> Mart�a�e Insurance reimburses Lender�ar any enti��that purchases the Nate} f�r cer�ain Ioss�s it ma.y incur <br /> if Borrower does not r�pa��he Loan as agreed. Borrovver�s n�t a party to the Mor�ga�e�nsurance. <br /> N�ortgage insurers evalua�e their ta�a� risk on a�� such �nsuranc�in forc�from time to tirne, and may ent�r <br /> in�o agreemen�s�ith other parti�s that share or madify their risk, or redu�e losses. These agreemen�s are on <br /> �erms and condit�ons that ar�sat�sfactor�to the mor�gage�nsurer and the a�her par�y �ar par��es} ta�hese <br /> agreements. Th�s�a�r�emen�s may requir�fhe mort�ag��nsurer to make payments using any s�urce of funds <br /> tha��he m.ortgage insurer�may have a�ailab�e�vvhich may inc�ude funds ob�ained from Mor�ga��In�urance <br /> premiums3. <br /> As a resul�af�hese a�re�men�s, Lender, any purchaser of�he Nate, anoth�r�nsurer, any r�insurer, an�r other <br /> ent���, or any affilia�e��`any of�he faregoing, ma� re�ei�e�directly or�nd�re�ti�r} amounts tha�der��e from <br /> �ar rnigh�be Gharacterized as} a porti�n of Borro��ver's pa�rmen�s far Mor�gage Insurance, �n exchange for <br /> sharing ar modi�y�ng the mortga�e insurer's risk, or reducing iosses. �f such agre�ment pro�ides �ha� an <br /> af#il�ate of Lender�akes a share o��h�insur�r's risk ��.e�.chan�� for a share of�tl�e premiums paid t��hc <br /> insur�r, the arrangem�nt is of�en�ermed "cap�ive r��nsurance." Furth�r: <br /> �a} Any such agreemcn�s��v��l n�� aff�ct the amoun�s thafi Borro�c��er has agreed to pay f�r Nlartgage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her�erms of the Loan. Such agre�men�s ���I�not in�rease the amnunt <br /> Bnrrower wi�i awe far Mortgage Insurance, and�hey ���ill not�n����e I�orrower to any refund. <br /> ��} Any such agr�emen�s v�vill no�affec��he r�gh�s Borrovc�er has -if any -wi�h respe���.a th� <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under�he Ho�neawn�r�Pro��c��on Ac� af 1998 or any o�her�aw. Th�s�rights <br /> may inc�ude�he right�a receive cer�ain disciosures, �o request and obta�n cancei�ation of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, to hav�the 1Vlortgage Insurance termina�ed autama�ically� andlor to rece��e <br /> a refund of any �Vlor�gage Insurance prem�ums tha� were un�arned a�.the time of such <br /> cancel�a#ion or�erminat�an. <br /> '11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Farfeiture. A�l Miscellaneaus Proceeds are her�by assigned ta <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> �f the Praperty is damaged, such Misc�ilan�ous Proceeds shall �e applied�o restflrat�on or r�pair of�he <br /> Property, if�he restnra�ion or repair�s econ�mi�ally feasibie and Lender's secur��� is not lessened. Dur�ng <br /> such repair and res�ora�ion per�ad, Lender sha�l ha�re�he right to hold such M�scellaneous Proceeds unt�� <br /> Lender has had an opportun�ty�o inspect such Property�� ensure the work has been�ompleted to Lender's <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLJM�NT Form 3028 71�1 <br /> VMP� VMP54N�}{'�3Q2y <br /> Woiters Kluwer Financiat Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br /> s� <br /> t <br />