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2� 1 ��572� <br /> for�he r�pairs and restoratian in a s�n��e payment or in a series af pr�gress paym�nts as �he tivork�s <br /> camp�e�ed. If the insurance or cflnd�mnat�on praceeds are not suffi��en� to r�pa�r or res�ore the Prflper�y, <br /> Borr�wer is not relieved af Borr�w�r's�b��ga��an far the conr�p��t�on af such repa�r or restora�ion. <br /> Lender�r i�s ag�nt may mak�r�asonab�e entr�es upon and �nspec�ions af�h�Property. �f��has reasona��� <br /> cause, L�nder ma� in�pec��he interior of the �mpro�ements on the Praper�y. Lender shall g�ve Borrower <br /> not��e at the�im�af ar priar�o such an��terior�nspect�nn specifying such reasonab�e cau�e. <br /> 8. Bv�rvwer's Loan App��catian. Barrower sha1�be in defau�t �f, dur�ng th�Laan appl�cation proc�ss, <br /> Borrower or any persons or�ntit�es ac�in�at the direct�on of Borrower�r w�th Barrower's kn�w��dge flr <br /> consent gav�materially fa�se, m�s�ead�ng, or�naccura�e infarmatian ar statement�to Lender�or faz��d�o <br /> pro�id�Lend�r with material infoz-�ma�ion} in connection with th� Loan. Material represen�at�ons include, but <br /> are n�t��m�t�d�o, representati�ns cancerning Borrovver's�ccupancy of�he Proper�y as Borra�ver's principa� <br /> residence. <br /> 9, Protect�vn of Lender's Interest in the Praperty and Rig�ts Under this �eGur�ty �nstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fails t�perfarm th�co�enants and agr�ements contained in th�s Security Instrument, ���ther� is a <br /> legal proceedzng that might�ignificantly affect L�n�.er's �nteres� in the Proper�y andlar rights und�r this <br />: Security �nstrum.ent �such as a proc��d�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, fflr c�ndemnat�on or farfeitur�, far <br /> enforcement flf a iien wh�ch may a�ta�n priar��y over this Security �nstrum.ent or�o enforc��aws or <br /> r�gulation�}, ar�c} Barrower has abandoned the P��perty, then L�nd�r may do and pay for tivhatev�r�s <br /> reasonable or appropriate to pro�ec� Lender's interest zn the Prop�rty and rights under th�� 5�cur��y <br /> �nstrumen�, inciud�ng protecting andlor assessing the�alu�of�he Prflperty, and securing andlar r�pairing <br /> the Property. Lender's act�ons can include, �u�are nat l�mit�d to: �a} pay�ng any sums secured by a��en <br /> which has pr�orit��ver th�s Secur��y �nstrument; �b� appearing in caurt; and ���paying r�asonab�e attorn�ys' <br /> f�es to pra�ect its interest �n�h� Pr�per�� andl�r rights under this S�eurity Instrum�nt, inc�ud�ng i�s se�ur�d <br /> pas�t�an in a bankruptcy praceeding. Securing the Property inc�udes, but is n��limited to, entering the <br /> Property to make r�pairs, Ghange�ocks, repiac�or board u�daors and windovvs, drain u�ater from pipes, <br /> elirnina�e bui�ding or�ther cade�iniatians or dang�rous cond���ans, and have utilities�urn�d�n�r flff. <br /> Al�haugh Lender may �ak�ac��on und�r th�s S���i�n 9, Len��r does not ha�e to do so and �s nat under any <br /> duty �r abligation ta do �o. It �s agreed tha�Lender�ncurs na liabiiity for no� taking any ar a�� ac�zons <br /> authorized under this 5e�:t�on 9. <br /> Any amaunts disbursed b� Lender under�his Se�ti�n 9 sha�l bec�me add�t��nai debt of Borrow�r Se�ured by <br /> th�s Security Instrumen�. These am�unts shal� bear interest a�the Note rate from the date�f disbursem�nt <br />. and shaii be payabl�, w�th such interest, upon nat�ce fr�m Lend�r ta Borrower requesting paym�n�. � <br /> ���h�s SeCur��y �nstrumen� is on a l�asehaid, B�rrow�r shali camply�vi�h a11 th�pro�isians of�h�leas�. �f <br /> Borrower acqu�res f�e t�t�e t� the Praper�y, the i�a��h��d and the fee t�t�e shal� n�t merge unless Lender <br /> agrees�o the rnerger�n wr�t�n�. <br /> �U, Mo�tgage insurance. If Lender r�quired Martgage�nsurance as a�ondition of making the Loan, Barraw�r <br /> shall pay the premiums r�qu�red�o maintain the Mortgag� �nsurance�n effe�t. �f, for any reason, the <br /> Martgage �nsurance c�v�rage required by Lender ceases to b�a�ailabie from t�ae mor�gag��n�urer that <br /> prev�ausly provi��d such �nsurance and Barrower was required to mak�separate�y designated pa�ments <br /> toward the premiums far Mor�gage Insurance, Borrflwer shali pay�he premiums required to abtain caverage <br /> �ubs�antial�y equ�val�n�tn the M�rtgag�Insurance pre���usly in effec�, at a c�st substantially equivalent ta <br /> the cast to Borra�ver af�he Martgag� �nsurance previously in eff�c�, fram an a�ternate mor�gage insurer <br /> selected�� Lender. If substant�a��y equ�valen� Mortgage Insurance co��rag�is n��ava�labie, Borrawer shai� <br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngfe Fami[y-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM ENSTRLJMENT Form 3028 1!Di <br /> VMP� VMP6[N��i1342} <br /> Wc�fters Kfuw�r Finan�ia�5er�ic�s Page 8 of 17 <br />