2� 1 ��572�
<br /> Any applica�ion of payments, insurance proc��ds, or Miscellan��us Pr��eeds �o pr�ncipal due under the N�te
<br /> shall not extend�r postpone�he due da�e, or chan�e the amoun�y �f�he Period��Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow I��ms. B�rrower sha�l pay �o Lender on the day Periodic Pa�ments are due under the
<br /> Note, unt�X the No�e is pa�d�n fu11, a sum�the "Funds"}�o pro�ide for paymen�af amounts due for: ��} taxes
<br /> and ass�ssznents and o�her items whi�h can at�ain prior�ty over this Secur��y Instrument as a lien or
<br /> en�umbrance on�he Proper�y; �b� leasehold paymen�s or ground rents on the Pr�perty, if an�; �c}premiums
<br /> for any and all insuranc�r�quired by Lender under Sec�ion 5; and�d} Mor�ga�e�nsurance premiums, if any,
<br /> or any sums paya�i��y Borrower to L�nder in�ieu of the pa�ment�f Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums �n
<br /> accordance w��h�h�pra��s�nns of Se�tion �0. These��ems are ca�led "Escrow Items." A�arig�na�i�n or at
<br /> any��me dur�ng�he term of the Loan, Lender may re�u�re tha��onnn�un�t� Associat�on Dues, F�es, and
<br /> Ass�ssments, if an�, �e escrow�d by �orr�wer, and s�x�h du�s, f��s and ass�s�m�nts sha��b�an�s�row
<br /> ��em. Barrovver sha�i promp�ly furnish�o Lender a�i not�ces af amounts to be paid under�his Sec�ion.
<br /> Borrov�er shal�pay Lender�he Funds for Escraw Iter�s un�ess Lend�r wa�ves Borrower's obl�ga�ion to pay
<br /> �h�Funds for any or all Escrov� ��ems. Lender may wa��e B�rr�v�er's ob�z�,a��on to pay�o Lender Funds fnr
<br /> an�or a�� Escr�w �tems a�any t�me. Any such waiver ma�only be�n writin�. In�he even�af�uch waz�er,
<br /> Borrower sha�l pay d�rect��, when and�here pa�abie, �he amounts due f�r an� Escrovv I�ems for which
<br /> pa�ment of Funds has been wai�ed b� Lender and, if Lender requ�res, sha�l furn�sh to Lender receipts
<br /> e�r�dencin� �uch paymen�w�thin such t�me period as L�nder may r�quire. Borr�v�er's obl��a��on to make
<br /> such paym�nts and to pr�vide r�ce�p�s shal� f�r a�l pu�-poses be deemed �o be a co�enan� and agr�ement
<br /> contained in th�s Security �nstrument, as �he phrase "co�enant and a�reement" �s used �n Sectian 9. If
<br /> Borrower is obligated��pay Escrov� �ten�s dir�ctl�r, pursuan�t�a wa�v�r, and Borrawer fails to pa� the
<br /> amoun�du� for an E�crov� �tem, Lender ma�ex�rcise �ts ri�hts under Sect�on 9 and pay such amoun�and
<br /> Bflrrav�rer sha�� �hen be ab���a�ed under Secti�n 9�o r�pay to L,�nder an� such arnoun�. Lender ma� reW�ke
<br /> the waiver as to an�o�r all �scrov� �tems at any time b� a no�ice given in acc�rdance vv�th Section I S and,
<br /> upon such re�oca��an, Borrower shall pay to L,�nder all Funds, and �n such amounts, that are then r�qu�red
<br /> und�r�his Section 3.
<br /> Lender ma}�, at an� �ime, ���lect and ho�d Funds in ar�amoun� �a} suf�i�xen�to p�rmi�Lender ta apply�h�
<br /> Funds a�the�ime sp�cified und�r RESPA, and �b} not t�exceed the max�xnum amoun� a�ender�an requ�r�
<br /> under R.ESPA. Lender sha�l estimate�he amount of Funds due on�he basis of curren�data and r�a�onable
<br /> e��imates of expendi�ures of future Escrow Items or otherv�is��n a�cordanc�vvith Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shal�be h�id in an �ns��tution whflse deposits are insured by a f�deral agenc�, �nstrumen�a��t}�, or
<br /> �ntity �inc�udin� Lender, if Lender is an ins��tution whose dep�si�s are so insured} or�n any Fed�ra� H�me
<br /> Loan Bank, L�nder shali apply the Funds ta pay�h�Escrow �tems n� �ater than�he t�me spec���d under
<br /> RESPA, Lend�r shall no�charge Borrflwer for ho�ding and app�y�n��he Funds, annually analyzing the
<br /> escrow acc�un�, or verif�ing the Es�rov� Items, unless Lender pa�s Barrower in�er�s�fln the Funds and
<br /> App��cable Law permits Lender�o make such a charge. Unl��s an agreemen� is made�n writing ar
<br /> Appiicable Lav� requir�� in��res�to be pa�d�n�he Funds, L�nder sha�� not be requ�red ta pay Borrow�r any
<br /> �nterest or�arnings on the Funds. Borrow�r and Lend�r can agr�e in vvriting, howe�er, that�nterest shall be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shai�giWe to Borrowe�r, v���hou�charge, an annual accaunt�ng of the Funds as
<br /> required b�RESPA.
<br /> �f there�s a surplus �f Fund�held in escro�r, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender sha�l a�cflun�to Borrovver for
<br /> th�exce�s funds �n accordance with RESPA, If there�s a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as defin�d under
<br /> RESPA, L�nder sha�i natify Borrower as required b�RESPA, and Borrovver sha�l pa��o Lender the am�un� .
<br /> necessar� ta mak�up�he s�or�age in accardan�e vvith RESPA, but�n no mare than �Z mon�hly pa�rmen�s. Xf
<br /> �her�is a de�ciency of Funds held in es�row, as def�ned under RESPA, I.ender shal�no�ify Borra�v�r as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Sing�e Far�ily-Far�ni�MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFORM INSTRUMENT �a���ozs��o�
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi{N�)�1302}
<br /> W�Iters Kfuwer Financial 5er�ic�s Page 5 a#i 7
<br />