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2� 1 ��572� <br />� <br /> BC]R.R4'WER ��VENAI�ITS that B�rrou�er is lawfully seised�f�h�es�ate her�by c�nveyed and has�he right to <br /> _ grant and convey the Proper��and�hat the Property �S unencumb�red, except f�r�ncumbrances o f record. <br /> Barrawer warrants and wi��def�r�d g�nexa��y �he ti���to the Frop�r�y a�a�ns� a�� C�a�ms and den�ands, subject to <br /> an�encum�rances af recflrd. <br /> THIS SE�UR�TY�NSTRUIV�ENT�ombines un�form c�venan�s f�r nat�onat use and non-unifarm covenants w��h <br />.� �zmite��ar�a��on�by jurisdictian to canstitute a unifarm secur��y �nstrument co�er�ng reai prop�r�y. <br /> vniform �v�enants. Barrower and Lend�r covenant and agree as fa�laws: <br /> �. Paym�nt of Pr�ncipal, Interest, Esc�vw Ite�ms, Prepayment Charges, artd Late Charges. Borrawer <br /> shall pa�wh�n due the pr�ncipal of, and interest on, �he debt evzdenced b� �he N�te and any prepaymen� <br /> char�,es and �ate charges due under�he Nate. B�rr�wer sha�l alsfl pay funds for Escr�w I�ems pursuan�to <br /> Sec�ian 3. Payments due under the Note and this Security �nstrument shall be made in U.S. curren�y. <br /> Hawev�r, if any�h�ck or ather xnstrument recei�ed by L�nder as payrnen�under the Nflte or�his Security <br /> Instrument �s return�d t� L�nder unpaid, L�nder may require that any or a�l subs�quent payments due under <br /> �he Note and this Security In,�trument be made in one or m�re of�he fo��owing forms, a� sel�cted by Lender: <br /> �a}�ash; �b} maney ord�r; �c} cer�ified che�k, bank ch�ck, treasur�r`s check or cashier'��he�k, pro�ided any <br /> su�h ch�ck is drawn upon an ins�i�u�ion whflse deposits are insure�by a federal agency, �nstrumen�al�ty, or <br />� en�i��; or�d} Electroni� Funds Transfer. <br /> � Paym�n�� are de�nn�d received by Lender when received a�the�ocat�on.designated �n the Note or a� su�h <br /> ather�oca�ion a� may be designated by Lender in acc�rdance�vith th�nat�ce provisions in Sect��n �5. <br />� Lender may return an�paym�nt or partia� paym�n� if th�payment�r partial paym�nts ar��nsuff��ient to <br /> bring the Loan current, Lender may accep�an.y paymen�or partial paymen� �nsuffic�ent to br�ng the Loan <br /> current, u�i�hout waiver of any r�gh�s herec�nder or prejudi��t� its r��h�s�a r�fuse su�h payment�r partial <br /> pa�men�s in the futur�, but Lender is nflt abl�ga�e� ta app�y such pa�ments at�h�tim�such payments are <br /> accep��d. �f each Perio�.�c Payment is app�ied as of�ts scheduled due da�e, �hen Lender need nfl�pay �n�erest <br /> on unappl�ed �unds. Lendex may ha�d such unapp�ied funds un�i� Borrawer makes paymen�s to br�n� the <br /> Loan�urren�, �f Borr�w�r does n�t do so ti�i�hin a reasonabie perioc�of t�me, Lender sha�� eith�r apply such <br /> funds or r�turn them�Q Borrow�r. If not appl ied earl i�r, such funds �v�ll be app��ed to the outstan�in� <br /> principal ba�an�e u.nder th� Note immediateiy prior�o foreciosure. N� offset or cla�m which Barraw�r m�ght <br /> have n�w �r in the futur�a�ainst Lender shall re��e�e Borrower from making payments due under�h� Note <br /> and this S�curit� �nstrum�n�or perform�n� the ca�enants and agreement� secure�.by th�s Secur�t� <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �. Application af Paym�nts �r Prn�eeds. Excegt as atherw�se descr�bed �n th�s Sec�ion 2, all payments <br />. acC�pted and appli�d by Lender shali be appl�ed in the fai�aw�n� order of prior�ty: �a} in��res�due und�r th� <br /> Note; �b}principal due under the Note; �c} amaunts due under Sect�on 3, Such payments sha�l be app�ied to <br /> each Period�� Payment in�Y�e order�n�vhich zt became due. Any r�ma�n�ng am�unts shali be appii�d firs�ta <br /> ��t�:rh�r��s, �Prnn� tn any nth�r�mnt�n�� ������n�Pr thi� ,��r���rity �n�tn�mPn�, �n,� �hPn �n r�ri��rP�h� <br /> principa� �aiance�f the Note, <br /> �f Lender recei�es a payment from Borrower for a d�linqu�n�Periadic Paym�nt which �ncludes a sufficient <br /> amoun�t�pay any�ate charge du�, the payment ma�be applied �a the de��n�u�nt paymen�and th��ate <br /> �harge. �f more P�riadic Paym�nt �s�utstan�.�ng, L�nd��m�ay apply an�payment received from. <br /> Borr�wer to th�repayment of the Per�ndic Pa�ments if, and t�the exten��ha�, �ach paymen�can be paid �n <br /> fu��. Ta the ex�ent that any exce�s exi��s after the payment is applied�o the fu�l payment of on�ar m�re <br /> Peri�dic Payments, su�h excess may b�applied to any la�e charg�s due. Vo�untary prepayments shal� b� <br /> app�i�d�rs��o any prepayrnent charges and�h�n as d�scr��ed in the Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ing[e Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF�RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3D28 i ID1 <br /> VMP� VMP6{N��413D2� <br /> Walters Kluwvr Finar�cial Ser�icas Pagc 4 of 17 <br />