2� 1 ��572�
<br /> �n the Proper�� and righ�s und�r this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�; and�d} takes such ac�ion as L.�nder may
<br /> reasonabiy require�o assure tha� Lender's interes� in�he Property and rights under�h�s Se�uri�y Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obliga�ion�o pay�he sums secured�y this Securit�r Ins�rumen�, shall con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requ�r�tha�Borrovver pay su�h reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of th�follow�ng
<br /> forms, as se�ected�� L.end�r: �a} cash; �b3 maney order; �c} certif�ed check, ban�ch�ck, treasurer's ch�ck nr
<br /> cashier's ch�ck, prov�ded any such check is dravvn upon an�nstitution whose depasi�s are�nsured by a
<br /> federal agency, ins�rumentali�y or ent�ty; or�d} Electranic Funds Transfer. �[.Jpan rei�s�atemen��y Borrower,
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrument and a�I igati�ns se�ur�d hereby shall rema�n ful�y effe�t��re as if no accelera�ion had
<br /> �c�urred. �owever, this r�ght to reins�a�e sha�� not app�y in�he case of acceleration under Section 18.
<br /> ��. Sa�� of Nvt�: Change of Lvan Ser�icer; Natice nf G�r�e�ance. The Note or a part�al �nteres� zn th�
<br /> Note�together���h th�s S�curit� Instruxnent}can be�o�d ane or more�imes���i�hou�prior notice��
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e might resu��in a change in�he en�xty �known as the "Loa�� Serv�cer"} that�ollects Period�c
<br /> Pa�m�nts due under the No��and th�s S�curit� Ins�rument and performs o�her mor�gage loan ser�ic�ng
<br /> �bligatians under�he No�e, this Securi�y �nstrumen�, and Appiicable Law. There also might be one or mor�
<br /> cha�g�s�f�h���a��ervic�r u��r��a��d�a �s�l��f�he Note. If ther�is a chan��of�he Loan Servicert
<br /> Barr�v��r wil� be gi�en vvrit�en not�Ge of�he change which w�l� s�a�e the name and addr�ss tif�he nevv Loan
<br /> Ser�riCer, the address to which payrnents should b�made and any o�her�nformation RESPA requ�res in
<br /> conne�t�on w��h a not�ce�f transfer af ser�r�cin�. �f the Note is soid and ther�af�er the Laan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer o�her than�he purchaser of the I�Iot�, �he mortgage Ioan ser�icing ob�igatiflns to B�rr�w�r�����
<br /> remain w�th�he L.�an Ser��cer or�e transferred to a su�cessor Loan Seruicer and ar�na� assumed�y�he
<br /> Not�purchaser un��ss o��ervuise pro��ded b�the Note purchaser.
<br /> N'either Borrov�er nor Lender may commence,�oin, or�e joined to an��udicial ac��on �as e��her an .
<br /> indi�riduai I�tigan�or the member of a class}�hat arises fram the other par�y's actions pursuant to�h�s
<br /> Securi�� �ns�rumen��r�hat al�eges tha��h�oth�r part�has�reached any provis��n of, or any duty owed b�
<br /> reaso�.of, this 5ecurity �ns�rument, un�il such Borrower�r Lend�r has no�ified th�other part� ���i�h such
<br /> noti�e gi�en in c�nlp�iance v�i�h th�requiremen�s of Sec�ian �5} of such a�ie�ed breach and afforded�h�
<br /> oth�r party here�� a reasonab��period aft�r t�e gi�Tin� of such notice t�take c�rrect��re action. If App��ca�le
<br /> Lav�pro��des a�im�period wh�ch must e�apse b�fore certain ac�ian can b��ak�n, that t�me period will b�
<br /> deem�d to�e reasonab��for purposes of�his parag�-aph. The notice of a��e�eration and oppar�un���to cure
<br /> g�ven�o Borrower pursuant t� Section 2� and th�no�ice of accelerat��n given�o Borra�ver pursuan�to _
<br /> Sec�ion 18 shall be deemed�o sa�isf�the natiee and oppar�unit� to�ak�correcti�re ac�ion pro�isions of�h�s
<br /> Se���on 2�. �
<br /> �1. Hazardous Substances. As used in th�s Section 21: �a� "Hr��c�t d�r.�s Si��s�ar�ces"are�hose subs�ances �
<br /> de�n�d as toxic ar haz�rdous substance�, pollutants, or wastes by Environrnenta� Law and the fol�owing
<br /> subs�an�es: gaso�ine, kerosene, o�her�`Iammabl�ar�ox�c petraieun�products, tox�c pes�ic�des and herbic�des,
<br /> volati�e soivents, ma�eria�s can�a�n�n�asbestas or farmaldeh�de, and radioacti�e materia�s; �b}
<br /> ".�r��iro��mer�tal Law"means f�deral Iaws and laws of�he jurisdictian�rhere the Proper�y is lo�ated�hat
<br /> reta�e�o hea��h, safety or env�ronmen�al protection; �c} "�t�viro�z�raer�ta� Clea��u,�" includes an� resp�nse
<br /> ac�ion, remed�al action, or remova� action, as def�ned in Env�ronm�ntal La�; and �d} an "Ejzvira����z�r�tal
<br /> C�tzd��io�x"means a cond�t��n that can cause, con�r�bu�e to, or�th�rwise tr�gger an Environmenta� �leanup.
<br /> Barrawer shall no�cause or perm�t the presence, use, disposai, storage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substan�es, or�hreaten to release any �3azardous Subs�ances, on or in�he Property. Borrow�r shall no�do, �
<br /> nor ai��w anyone else to do, any�hing affec�ing the Praper�� �a} that is in�v�o�at��n of any Envir�nm�n�al
<br /> Law, �b} which creates an Enuironmental �ondition, �r�c} which, due��the presenc�, use, or reiease of a
<br /> �a�ardous Substance, creates a�ondition tha� adverse��affe�ts �he�a�ue�f the Proper�y. The preced�ng�wa
<br /> N�gRASKA-Single�ami(y-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFdRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 342$i 1�'f
<br /> VMP� VMP�(NEy ti 302�
<br /> Wofters Kluwer�inancia!5er�ices Page 13 vf i 7
<br />