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, 2� 1 ��572� <br /> des�gnated a subs��tute n�t���address�y no�ice to Lender. Borrower shall promptly notify Len�er af <br /> Bnrrower's�han��of addres�. �f Lender sp�cifi�s a pracedur� for rep�rting B�rrower's Ghange af address, <br /> then Borrower shall only repor� a change of addr�ss through that spec�fied pr�cedure, <br /> Ther�may be anly one de�ignated natice address under this Securit� �ns�rument at any one time. An�r na��ce <br /> to Lender�ha�i be giWen by delivering it or by mail�ng it by firs�class mai� �o Lender's address stat�d here�n <br /> un�ess Lender has de�ignated anath�r address by noti�e to Borrower. Any not�c�in connec��on w�th this <br /> S�curi�y Ins�rument shail nn�be deemed to have b�en g�ven to Lender until actually r��eive�i by Lender, If <br /> any no��ce required�y this 5ecur�ty �nstrument is als� re�uired under Appli�able Law, �he Appiicabie Law <br /> requ�rement w��l sat�sfy the carrespanding requirement under this S�curity �nstrum�nt. <br />� '1�i. G���rning Lav►r; SeWerability; Rules of Constructi�n. This Securi�y �nstrument sha�l be g�verned by <br /> federa� law and the�a�u of the jur�sd�c��on �n which the Propert�r is located, All right� and abligat�ons <br /> can�ained �n�h�s Se�ur��y �nstrum�n�are subje���o any requirem�nts and �im��at�ons af App��cab�e Law. <br /> App�icabl�Law might expiicit�y or implic�tly aliov� th�par�ies�o agre�by contract flr�t�nzght be silent, but <br /> su�h sil�nce sha�i not be��ns�rued a� a prah�b�tion a�a�nst a�reement by can�ract. In the even�tha�any <br /> pr��isxan ar clause of�h�s Security �nstrument or�he N'�te conflic�s w�th Appl�cable Law, �uch confl�ct shal� <br /> na�affect other pro�isians af this S�curity Instrument or the Nat�which can be given effect v���hout the <br /> conflic�ing provisian. <br /> A� used in th�s Securi�y �nstrument: �a} w�rds of the mascu�ine gender sha�i mean and include corresponding <br /> neuter war�s or v�ard�of the feminine gender; �b} wards in th�sinDular shai� m�an and include�he plural <br /> and vice versa; and �c} �h�word "may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to take an� ac���n. <br /> �7. Bo�rower's C�py. B�rrower sha�� be g���n one��py of the No�e and of�his S�curit� �nstrument. <br /> ��. Transfer of t�e Property or a Beneficial �nterest in Bvrrower. As used in thi� Secti�n 1�, "�nt�r�st�n <br /> the Prop�r��" means any legal or beneficial int�res� in�he Pr�perty, inc�uding, but nn� �imi��d ta, thns� <br /> b�ne��c�al interests transferred in a bond far de�d, co�n�ract for de�d, �nsta�iment sales con�ract or escrow <br /> a�reement, the intent�f which �s th�transf�r nf��t�e by Borro�er at a future dat�ta a purcha�er. <br /> �f al� ar any par�af the Praperty or an�r �nterest �n �he Praperty �s �old or transferred �or i f Borrawer is na�a <br /> natura� person and a ben���c�al interes� in Barrtiwe�r is s��d or�ransferr��} w�thout Lend�r's pr�ar wr�tten <br /> cansent, L�nder may require immediate payment in fuli af all sums se�ured�y th�s Security �nstrument. <br /> �a�ever, this aption sha�� n�t b�exerc�se�by L�nder if such exercise is prohibited by Applicabi�Law. <br /> �f Lender exercises this option, Lender sha�l g�ve Borrotiver not�ce of acc�ieratian. The notic�sha�� pr�v�de a <br /> perzod of not�ess than 3�days from the da�e�he nat�ce is g�ven in ac;Cordance w�th Sectian �5 w�thin�h�ch <br /> Barr�wer must pay all surns secured by this Security Ins�rument. �f Borrower fa��s to pay t�aese sums pri�r to <br /> the expira��on of this per��d, Lender may �nvoke any rem�di�s permitted�y th�s Se�uri�y Ins�rument withou� <br /> furth�r natice nr��mand�n Borrower. <br /> l 9, B�rr�v�i��'� Rig�t to Re�nstat� Aft�� Acc���rat�vn. If�arrower meet��er�a�n cand���ans, F��rrower <br /> shall ha�e the righ� to ha�e enfar��m�nt af this S�curit� Ins�rum�nt d�scontinued at any tirne prior to the <br /> earli��t of: �a} f�v�days�efare sa�e�f th�Praperty pursuan� t�any po�ver af sale contained in this 5ecur�ty <br /> �nstrument; �b} such a�her peri�d as App�icab�e Law rnight specify for the term�nation of Barrower's r�ght to <br /> reinstate; �r�c} entry of�judgment enforcing this Security Ins�rument. Those�and�t�ons are tha�Borr�wer: <br /> �a}pays Lender a�l sums�hich th�n would be due und�r this�ecuri�y �nstrument and the Irtot�as �f na <br /> accel�ra��on had oGcurred; �b} Cur�s any defaul�af any n�her co�enants or agre�m�nts; ��}pa�s all exp�ns�s <br /> incurred in enforcin��h�s S��ur��y �ns�rument, includ�ng, �ut no� i�mited to, reas�nab�e attarneys' fees, <br /> propert� �nspect�on and valuat�an f��s, and�ther fe�s incurred for the purpose of pra�ec��ng Lender's interest <br /> NE6RA5KA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�redc{ie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3D28�101 <br /> VMP Q VMP�{NE1 t�3�2} <br /> Waiters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 12 nf 17 <br />
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