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2� 1 ��5�7� <br /> vE�� oF T�usT <br /> L�an No: '!D'�2�7'!�� �Cor7tinued� Page � <br /> Foreciosure by Pca►rver of 5a�e. If Lender e�ec�s to fvr�ctose by�xercise o�the Pvwer of 5ale her�in�antained, <br /> Lender sha]1 no�i�y Trus�e� and shall dep�si� wi�h Trustee �his ❑�ed ��Trust and �he Cr�d�t Agreement and <br /> such reGeipts and e�idenGe ot�xp�nditures made and secured by this Deed af Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �a} Upvn re�eipt❑f such nv�ice fram Lender, Trust�e shal! cause ta be recorded, published and defi�er�d <br /> to Trus�vr such Nnti�e o� Qetaul� and No��ce vf 5ale as �hen required by !aw and �y th�s Deed v�Trust. <br /> Trus��e shail, wi�hou� demand an Trus�ar, after such time as may then be required by law and a#�er <br /> re�ardatEon v�sueh Na�i�e o�De�auit and after Na�ice of �a[e ha�ing been gi�en as r�quired by law, sell <br /> �h� Proper�y a� �he �ime and p�ace v�F sale �ixed ay i� in such Na�ice o� �ale, either as a v�h��er or in <br /> separa�e Io�Cs or parcels or i�ems as Trus�ee shal[deem expedien�, and in such vrd�r as it may det�rmine, <br /> a�publi� auctivn tv�he highest b�dder tar cash En �awful m�ney of the Uni�ed Sta�es payab�e at�he time <br /> af sale. Trustee sha�1 deli�er to such purchaser ar pu��hasers thereaf i�s good and sufFi�ien'� deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the prvper�y s� svld, but v►rithc�ut any cv�en�nr or warranty, �xpr�ss or implied. The <br /> reGi�als in such de�d o� any ma�ters �r �ac�s shall be cvnclusiWe proo'�fl� �he truth�u�ness �h���:v�. Any <br /> person, �nG�udsng wi�h�ut�im����ian Trusxvr,Trus�ee, ar Lender, may purchas�a'�such�a[e. <br /> �b� As m�y be �ermit�ed by law, after ded�c�ir�g all �osts, f��s and expenses a� Truste� �nd of �Chis <br /> Trus�, incEuding c�sts a�e�idenc�❑�title in c�nnec'�i�n with saie�Trus�ee sh��� ap}���'the praceeds of sale <br /> to paymen� of �i} all sums e�pended under the terms of�his D�ed ❑f Trust or under the terms ofi �he <br /> �redit Agreemen� not then repaid, inciuding bu� nvt �imi�ed �o a�Grued in�eres� and �ate cha��es, {ii� all <br /> ❑#her sums �hen secur�d herehy, and �ii�} tMe rem�inder, i�any, to �he persvn or p�rsons �ega�ly en�i�led <br /> thereta. <br /> {c} Trust�e may in the manner pro�ided by Iaw pastpan�sa�e of all or any por�i�n❑�the Prope��y. <br /> Remedies l�v� Exc�usiv�. Tru��ee and Lender, and each of them, sha�� be entitled tv �nfarce paym�nt and <br /> performance v�any indeb�edness ar abligati�ns se�ured by this De�d af Trust�nd ta sxe�-GiS�a�� �ights and pvvvers <br /> under �his Deed ❑f Trust, under #he Cr�di� Ag�reemen�, und�r any v��he ReEated Documents, vr under an� o�her <br /> ag�eement or any law� nc�w or' hereafter in ��r�e; no�withs�and�ng, som� ❑r aE! a� such indeE�tedness and <br /> �bliga�i�n�secur�d by�his De�d of Trus�may naw or he�e�fter be o�therv+ri�e s�cu�edr whe�her by m�rtgage, de�d <br /> ����rust, p��dge. l�en� assignment❑r��herwise. Nei�he��he accep�ance v��his Deed ❑�Trust nor sts en�vrcementf <br /> wh�ther by court acti�n or pursuanfi to �he pawe� ❑f sa�e o� ❑�her powers contained in this ❑eed v�Trust� sha[I <br /> prejudice or in any manner afFec�Trustee's ❑r Lender's right tv reali�e upon o� en�orce any other seGurity nvw ❑r <br /> hereafter held by Trustee vr Lender, i�being agreed that T�ust�e and Lender, and each o-�th�m, sha�f be en�i�led to <br /> en�orce this Deed ❑#Trus� and any Q�her security nvw ar hereafter held by �.end�r or Trustee in such arder and <br /> manner as they o� ei�her of them may in th�ir �bso�u�e discretion determine. hla remedy con#�rred upan o� <br /> r�ser�ed tv Trustee ar Lender, is in�ended ta b� �xclusi�e a� any o�her r�medy in �his �eed ❑f Trus� or hy law <br /> prv�ided or permit�Ed, but each sha!! �e �umulativ� and shall be in addE�ivn �o e�ery v�h�r �emedy gi�en in �h�s <br /> Deed ❑f Trust or naw ar her�after e�tsting a� 1av►r ❑r in equity ❑r by sta�ut�. EW�ry pawer ar remedy gi�en by�he <br /> �redi� Agreemen� or any of �he R�lated Documen�s �❑ Trustee ar Lender ❑�- �fl ►nrhich ei�her of �hem may be <br /> otheruvise entitied, may be ��ercis�d, concu��en�ly �r ind�pendently, frvm �ime �v time and as aften as may be <br /> deemed ex��dient by Trustee or Lenderr and either of them may p�ursue inGDnsisten� remedi�s. Nvthing in this <br /> Deed of Trus�r shall b� construed as prohi�iting �.ender from seeking a de�ici�ncy jud�ment a��inst th� 'Trustvr�v <br /> �h�extent su�h activn is permi�ted by I�w. <br /> Elec�ion of �emedies. A!i v� Lender's rig�ts and remedies will be cumu�ati�e and may be �xercised alone or <br /> tvgether. l� Lender decid�� ta spend money vr to pe�-�o�m any ❑t Trustor's obligativns under �his Deed ❑f Trust, <br /> after Trustar's failure to do sa, that decision by Lender wiil nv� a##ect Lender's righ�to declare Trustvr in defaul� <br /> and�r�e�cercise Lender's remedi��. <br /> F�equ�st for Notice. Trustvr, vn behal#o�Trus�or and Lender, hereby reque5ts that a cvpy o�any Notice vf De�au1� <br /> and a copy❑�any Natice v��ale und�r�his D��d of Trust �e mail�d to them at the �ddresses se��vrth in the�irst <br /> paragraph of�his Deed❑f Trus�t. <br /> Attorneys' F��s, Expenses. lf Lender ins�itu�es any �uit r��- actian to �n€nr�e any o� the terms a�r this L�eed o� <br /> Trust� Lender shail be ent��led t� reco���-such sum as th� cour�may ad�udge reasonable as a��vrneys' fees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. 1lVhe�her vr no� any cour� ac�ion is in�a[�ed, and to �he extent nvt prdhEbited by law, a11 <br /> reasanahle expenses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's opinivn are ne�essary at any �ime �or �he pro�ec�ion v� i�s <br /> in�Ceres�or�he en#or'cerr-ien�Qf its righ�s sha!! hecome a p�r�af the Indebt�dness pay�h�e on demand and shail bear <br /> in�erest at �he Credit Agreement ra�e �rom the da�e o� the expendi�ure un�il repaid. E�epenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph include, with�ut �imi�a�ion, hvwe�er suhject�v any iimits under applicable law, Lend�r's attvrneys' �e�s <br /> and Lende�`s legal expens�s. whether �r nat �here is a �awsuit, including attorneys' fees and expenses �ar <br /> bankrup�cy proceedin�s �inc[uding efF�r�s tv modi�y ar Waca�e any au�amati� stay vr injuncti�n�, appeals, and any <br /> an�icipated post�udgment c�lle�tion ser�ices, �he cvst a� searching reccards, ❑btainin� title repvrts �includin� <br /> �or�clasur� repvrtsf, sur�eyors' reports, and appraisa� fees, ti�le in�uran�e, and fees for�he Trustee, to the ex��n� <br /> permitred by appiicable�aw, �"ru$�or also v►��14 p�y any court cos�s, in addEt�on to a!I ather sums prv�id�d by�aw. <br /> �I�I�SCFLLANE��S PR�V1Sj�NS. The following miscellanevus prv�isions are a part❑f this ❑eed flf Trus�t: <br /> �o�rerning Law. This Qeed a�f Trust will he governed by federaE 1aw appti�a��e to L�nder and, #o the extent not <br /> Rre�mpted by federaE�aw,th�[aws of th�State o�N�hra��.a withvufi regard to its conf[icts af law pro�isivn�. This <br />