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2� 1 ��5�7� <br /> DEED �F TF�UST <br /> Lvan No; 1 Q7�97'I g� {Continued� Page 3 <br /> Property or to comp[y wEth any ob[igation to main�ain Exist�ng fndsb�edness in good s�anding as required below. �hen <br /> Lender may dv so. If any actian or p�-oceeding is commen�ed that would ma�eriaE[y affect Lender's interests in the <br /> Proper�y, then Lender on Trustvr's behaifi may, but is not required tv, �ake any a�tion �ha� Lende� beli�ves ta be <br /> appr�priate ta protect Lender's interests. AI! expenses En�urred or paid by Lend�r for such purpvses wiEl then bear <br /> inte�es� at the ra�e charged under �he Credit Agre�men�t from the date �ncurred or paid by Lender �a the date o� <br /> repayment by Tru$�or. Aif such expenses will become a part af�he ]ndebtedness and, a� Lende�'s ap�ion, will �A} be <br /> payabie on demand� �B} be add�d ta the balan�e ❑#the Credi�Agreem�nt and be appartianed amang and b� payab�e <br /> wi�h any�nsta��men�t payments tfl bscome due du��ng et�th�r t�3 the te�m of an�applicab�e insurance po�icy;o� t�} �he <br /> remaining term of the Credit Ag�eemen�; or 4C} be�reated as a ba[ioan payment which will be due and payab[e at the <br /> Credit Agreement's maturi�y. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE�F T�TLE. The fv[[owing proWisions refafiing to own�rship o�the Property are a par�of�his De�d <br /> ❑f Trust: <br /> Titie. Trustor warran�s that: {ay Trustvr holds good and marketabie titie o� re�vrd �o the Prvperty in fee simpE�� <br /> �ree and clear �� a[i iiens and enGumbrances ather than �hose set farth in the ReaE Praperty desc��ption ❑r in the <br /> Existing lndeb�edness section belvw or in any title insuran�e pvlicy, title repvrt, ❑r final t�tle opin�vn issued in�a�or <br /> o�, and accep�ed by, Lender in connectian wifih this Deed of Trus�, and {b} Trustor has the �ull righ�, power, and <br /> au�hority to execu�e and deliWer this I]eed of Trust to Lender. <br /> De�ense o�Ti#le. Subject to the e�€ceptian in the paragraph abo�e, Trustar warrants and wiii #ore�er de�end the <br /> ���le�❑the Prope�ty againsfi�he [aw�ul ciaims of afi persons. <br /> E�CISTING INDEBTE�NESS. The fo[[vwing pro�isians concerning Exist�ng Indebtedness are a part o��his Deed o�Trust: <br /> Fxisting Lien. `�he 3�en o� �his Deed o'F Trust securing �he Indeb�edness may be se�ondary and inferior to an <br /> ex�sting lien. Trus�ar expressiy ca�enants and agrees to pay, or see�o the payment o�, the Existing Indeb�edness <br /> and ta prE�ent any defau[t vn such Endebtedness, any defaul�under the instruments e�idencing such indehtedness, <br /> or any de�ault under any security documents�vr such indebtedness. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trus�v�wi!! be in defauEt under�his Deed flf Trust if any a��he f�llowing happen: �A} Trustvr <br /> eommits ��aud ar makes a material m�srepresentation a� any tim� in c�nnec�ion wi�h �he Credit Agreement. This can <br /> include, for examp[e� a �alse statement about Trus�or's incvme, assets, iiabili�ies, or any a�her aspects o� Trus�or's <br /> ��nanc3al condition. tB� Trustnr does no�meet the repayment�erms a��he �redit Agreement. {C} Trustar's acfiion ar <br /> inaction adversely aftects the �v11a��ra[ ❑r Lender's rights in �he cv��ateral. This �an inc�ude, �or exampfe, �ailure tv <br /> main�ain requ�red insurance, waste vr dest�uc�i�e use��F the dv►reliing,�ailure tv pay taxes, d�a�h v�all persons liable on <br /> �he account, �ransfer o� �i�ie v�' sa�e of �he dwefling, �reatian of a senivr fien on �he dwefling wi�hflu� Lender's <br /> permission,�oreclosure by the ho�der a�another Iien, or the use❑f-�unds flr�he dwelling�or prohibited purposes. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N ❑EFAULT. Upvn the o�currence of any E�ent flf De�ault under any indeb�edness, ❑r <br /> shouId Trustar�ail ta �ompiy with any of Trus�ar's obiigat�ans under�his Deed vf Trust, Trus�ee ❑r Lender may exercEse <br /> any one ar ma��of�he#vRlowing rtghts and remedies: <br /> Ac�eleration Upon De�auIt;Additional Remedies. If any E�sn�❑f De�ault accurs as per�he terms❑t�he Credit <br /> Agreemen�secured hereby, Lender may declare a[� �ndebtedness secured by thEs Deed v�Trust to be due and <br /> payabie and the same shall thereupon become due and payable ►nrithvu�any presentment, demand. protest or <br /> no�ice v�any [�ind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Ei�her in person ar by agen�, with ❑r withou� bringing any ac�ivn or pr�ceeding, ar by a re�eiver <br /> appainted hy a cvur�and withaut�egard�o the adequacy❑f��s security, enter upon and take pa�sessian <br /> of the Property, or any part�hereof, in its own name❑�in the name v�Trustse, and dv any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable�v preserWe�he �alue, marketabi�i�y vr rentab�li�y of the Prvperty, vr part of <br /> �he Property or interest in the Proper�y; increase the income �rvm �he Proper�y or prvtect the security ❑� <br /> �he Proper�y; and, with o� withvut tak�ng pvssession o� the Property, sue fior o� o�herwise caifect the <br /> rents, issu�s and p�o�its a��he Property, including thase past due and unpaid, and appiy�he same, iess <br /> costs and expenses af operatifln and Gollectian atto�neys' �ees,�o any indebtedness se�ured by�his Deed <br /> a� Trust, a[f in such ❑rder as Lender may determine. The entering upon and �aking passession �� the <br /> Proper�y, the callectian vf such ren�ts. issues and pra�i�s, and fihe app�ication thereaf shall not �ure or <br /> wai�� any default or no�ice ❑�defau[t under this Deed ❑f Trust or in�alidate any ac�done in response tv <br /> such de�aul�or pursuan�to such notice vf defau[t; and, nv�withstanding�he cvntinuance in possession�f <br /> the Property or the caflection, receipt and app�ica�ion of rents, issues vr pro�its� Trus�ee or Lender shall <br /> be entit�ed to exerc�se e�ery righ� pra�ided �or in �he �redit Agreement vr the Re�ated Documents vr �y <br /> �aw upon the o�cur�ence of any event❑f defau�t. inc�uding the righ�to exercis�the power o�sale; <br /> tb} Commence an actian�o�vreclase this Deed o�Trust as a mortgage, appvin�a receiver or speci�ically <br /> enfar�e any af-�he co�enan�s herev�; and <br /> tc} Deli�er ta Trustee a wri�ten dec[aration o�defauft and demand-�or sale and a►nrrit�en notice❑�d�#ault <br /> and eiection tv cause Trus�or's in�erest in-�he Prvperty t❑ be sv�d, which not�ce Trustee shal! cause tv be <br /> duly�iied�or record in�he apprapria�e vf�ices vf the Cvunty in which the Prflper�y is [acated; and <br /> �d} Wi�h respect�o a1� or any part vf the Personai Property, Lender shafi ha�e al[�he ri�hts and remedies <br /> a�a secured party under the Nebraska L]ni�orm Commer��ai Cvde. <br />