2� 1 ��5532
<br /> DEE� �F TRLJST
<br /> � ���ntinued} � Pa�e �'
<br /> T�me is vf the Essence. Time is of the essence in the perFarmance af this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Wai�e Jury. All parties tv this Deed of Trust hereb�waive�he right to any jury frial in any activn, proceeding, ar
<br /> coun#erclaim br�ugh#by any party against any ather par�y.
<br /> Wairrer v� H�mestead Exemp#�on. Trustor hereby re[eases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s o� the homestead
<br /> exemption laws of the Sta#e of Nebraska a�to al� fn�ebtedness secured by th�s Deed af Trust.
<br /> aEFINfTl�NS, The�ollvwing cap��a�ized words and terms shall have the follawing meanings vrlhen used in this Deed v�
<br /> Trust. Unless sp��ifically stated to the confrary, all re�erences to dv��a�-amounts shall mean amoun�s in lawful money
<br /> of �he Unit�d 5�a�es of Amer3ca. Words and t�rms us�d in the singular shall in�lude �he plural, and the plural shall
<br /> � includ� the singu�ar, as the can�ex� may require. Vllords and #erms nvt otheE-w�se defned in this Deed ❑�Trust shall
<br /> have the meanings a�tributed ta such ferms in the �lniform Commercial Cade:
<br /> Benef�iary. The wvrd "BenefiGiary"means First Nafional Bank af amaha,and its su�cessors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The wvrd "Borrower" means Gregvey L �eis and Sandie S Geis and 'rncfud�s alf �o-signers and
<br /> co-makers sign�ng th� Nofe and all their successars and ass€gns.
<br /> ❑eed vf Trust. The wards "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed o�Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and .
<br /> includes without limitat�on all assignment and secu�ity interes� pro�isions relating to the Personal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Defaul�. The ward "De�ault"means the De�aul�set fvrth in this Deed of Trus�in the section titled "Defaul�".
<br /> En�irvnmental La►rvs. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and alf sta�e, federal and Ioca� sta�utes,
<br /> regulativns and ordinances relating �o the prv�ection �f human health or the environm�nt, including withou�
<br /> lim ita�ion the Gvmprehensive En��ronmen�al Respanse, �amp�nsativn, and Liability A ct a� '�9 S D, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Sectivn 96�'I, et seq, �"�ERCLA"}, the Supe�fund Amendmen�s and Reauthorizat€on Act of �986, Puh. L.
<br /> No. 99--499 �"�ARA"},the Ha�ardous Ma�erials Transpvrtation Act,49 U.S.C. Sectian �l 8��, et s�q.,the R��aurce
<br /> �onservation and Recvvery A�t, 4� U.S.C. Section 59�1, et seq., or ofher app�i�ab�e s�a�e or�edera� �aws, rules,
<br /> ar regulations adapted pursuant thereto.
<br /> � E�en�vf De�au�fi. The wards"Event o�De�au��"mean any of the e�ents of de�aul�set for�h in this Deed vf Trus�in
<br /> �he e�ents of de�ault sectivn o�this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> Guaraniy, The ward "Guaran#y" means the guaranty fram guarantar, endorser, surety, or accomm�dation par#y�o
<br /> Lender, includ�ng wi�hvu#�imi�ativn a guaranty of all or par�of�he Note.
<br /> Hazardaus Substances, The words "Haza�dous 5ubstances" mean materials �hat, because of �heir quant�ty,
<br /> concentratian vr physical, chemica� or in�ec�ious characteris��cs, may cause ar pase a p€-esen�or potential ha�ard
<br /> �o human health or the env€ronment when imprope��y used, trea�ed, stared, dispased of, generated,manufactured,
<br /> � ��-anspa�ted or �th�rwise hand�ed. The wo�ds "Hazardous Substances" are used in thei� �er}� broadest sense and
<br /> inGiude withou� limitation any and all hazardaus or tox�c substances, materia�s or wast� as d�frned hy or listed
<br /> under the En�ironmentaE Laws. The term "Ha�a�dous 5ubstan�es"als� includes,wi�hout �imitat�on, pet�vleum and
<br /> pe�€�oleum by-products ar any fraction�hereof and asbestos.
<br /> lmprvrrements. The word "lmprv�rements" means afl existing and �uture impro�ements, buiEd�ngs, structures,
<br /> mobi�e homes a'�f�xed on the Raa� Prope�ty, �aci�ities, additians, rep�acements and o�her constru�tion ❑n the Real
<br /> Prvperty. �
<br /> lndeb#edn�ss. The w�rd "[ndebtedness" means all principal, int�res�, and ❑�her amvunts, costs and expenses
<br /> payab�e under the Nn�e or Re[ated Qacuments, together wi�h all renewals �f, extensions of, m�difiGations of,
<br /> consvlidations of and substi�utions�ar the Note�r Related Documents and any amounts expended ar ad�anced �y
<br /> Lender �o discha�-ge Trustor`s oblfgations ar expens�:s incurred by Trustee vr Lender t❑ enforce Trustar's
<br /> obliga��ons unde� this Deed �f Trus�, tagethe€-with interest an such amounts as provided in this �eed o�Trust.
<br /> 5peci�ica�ly, �ithou� limitativn, Indebtedness includes fhe future advances se� farth in the Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�ision ofi this l7eed of T�-ust,toge�her wi�h all inter�s�therean. �
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender"means First Nati�nal Bank af�maha, its successors and ass�gns.
<br /> Note. The v+rord "Nvte" means any and all a�Sor�owe€�'s �iabif�ties, obligations and debts ta Lender, naw existing
<br /> ❑r hereinafter in�urred or�reated, inc�uding, w�thout limitat�an, a�l Ioans, advances, in�eres�, cos�s debts, overdraft
<br /> indebtedness, �red3� card indebt�dness, lease o�liga�i�ns, [iabili�tes and obliga�ions under int��est rate prvtection
<br /> agreements or�vr�ign curren�y exchange agreements or commodi�y priG�protec�ion agreements,other vb�igafions,
<br /> and �iabilities o� Bvrrower �vgeth�r w�th al[ modifications, increases, renewals, and extensions� ofi the
<br /> afaremen�ioned. Additianally, hereby incarpora�ed as if fufly se� �vr�h herein are the terms and canditians af any
<br /> pram�ssory note, agreement or o�her dv�umen� ex�cuted by Barrvw�r andlor Lender indica��ng th�s �ecurity -
<br /> �nstrument or the praperty described herein sha![ be Gansidered "Collafera�" securing such pramissory note,
<br /> agreement, or othe�-�nstrumen�, ar any simiia�-reference. .
<br /> Persvna[ Properiy. The ►nrards "Persona� Property" mean all equipmen�, �ixtures, and other articles o� persona�
<br /> prvperty nvw or herea��er own�d by Trustor, and now ar hereaft�r a�tached or affixed to the Real Property;
<br /> tog��her with a�l accessions, parts, and additions to, al� �-eplacements of, and a�l substitutions for, any o� such
<br /> prop��ty; and tagether with a�l proceeds �inc�uding wit�aut limitation al[ insurance�praceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums}�rom any sal�or other dispositian ofi�he Praper�y.
<br /> Property. The word "Prvp��y"means coll�ctively fihe Real Proper�y and the P�rsanal Property.
<br /> Real Prvperty. The wvrds-"Rea� P�op�r�y"mean the rea� property, interests and rights, as�urther desc�-ibed in this
<br /> Deed o�Tru s�.
<br /> Rela�ed Documents. The words "'F�elated Documents" mean al! promissvry notes, cr�dit agreements, loan
<br /> agreem�nts, en��ronmental agreemen�s, guaranties, securfty agreements, mor�gages, d�eds of trust, securi�y
<br /> deeds, �ollateral mortgages, and a�l athe�- €ns�ruments, agr�ements and da�umen�s, wh�ther now o� h�reaf�er
<br /> exis�ing, ex�cuted in conne�tion wi�h the Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means al[ p�esen� and �uture rents, ravenues, in�ome, issues, royal�Ees, prof€ts, and
<br /> other�enef��s d�rived�rvm th� Proper�y.
<br /> Trust�e. The wQrd "Trust�e"means First Nat�onaf Bank of�maha , whase address is 8'�� AClen ❑r. , Grand fs�and
<br /> , }VE �$$�3 and any substitute ar successor trustees.
<br /> Trustor. The word "Trusfor" means Gregvry L Geis and Sandi�S Ceis.
<br /> �
<br />