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2� 1 ��5532 <br /> DEED �F Tf�UST � <br /> ���t1ti�l��d} Page 6 <br /> reports, and appraisal '�ees, title insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, fv the extent permit�ed by applicable law. � <br /> Trustor a�so will pay any caurt casts, in additivn to all other sums prv�ided by law. <br /> Rights af Trustee. Truste�shall ha�e al�of�he rights and dutias vf Lender as set forth in this section. <br /> PQV1rERS AND �BLIGATIONS�F TRLISTEE. .The folfowing pra�isions re[a�ing to the pawers and obliga��ons�f T�ustee <br /> are part of this ❑eed o�Trus�: � � <br /> Pvwers o�Trustee. In addition�a all pawers of Trustee arising as a ma�te�af law, Truste�shall ha�e fhe pawer to <br /> take the�o��awing a�tions wi�h respec�t� �he Property up�n the written request vf Lender and Trus�or: (a}jvin in <br /> preparing and filing a map ❑r plat �f the Reaf Pr�perty, including �he dedication of s�ree�s or other ri�h�s �a the <br /> puhfic; �b} join in granting any easemen� or crea�ing any restriction on the Real Property; and �c} join in any <br /> subordinativn or oth�r agreement a�Fecting�his ❑eed vf Trust or the interest of Lender under�his fleed of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet al! qua�ifca��ons �equired fvr TruSte� under applicable larrv. In additivn to the rights <br /> . and remedies s���orth aba�e, with respec�tv al� vr any part v��he Prop�rty, the Trustee shal� haWe the right�o <br /> for�c�ase by no�ice and sale, and Lender shail ha�e the right�o �o�e�lase by judicia� fareclosure, in either case in <br /> accordance with and ta�he�u��ex�en�provided by applicable law. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender,at Lender's op�ion, may frvm time�o time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointed under this De�d af Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the <br /> oifice �of the recarder o� HaCI Cvunty, State of Nebraska. The instrument sha�� con#ain, �n add�tian ta a�l v�her <br /> matters r�quired by stat� law, fhe names of the original L�nd�r, Trustee, and Trus�or, the book and page �ar <br /> c�mpu�er system reference} where �his Deed ❑f Trust is recvrded, and the name and address of the successvr <br /> trustee,and the instrumen�shall be exe�uted and acknowledged by all the beneficEaries under this Deed of Trust or <br /> their successors in interest. The succes�or firus�ee, wi�hvut con�eyance o�the Pr�per�y, sha�� succeed ta al[ the <br /> titie, power, and duties�anferred upan the Trustee in this D�ed af Trust and by applicable law. This prac�dure�ar <br /> , substitution of Truste�shali go�ern�o�he exclusion v�al�ather pravisions fvr subs�itufiion. <br /> N�T10E5. Any na�ice required tv be gi�en under this Dee�i vf Trust, ir�clud�ng �rvithout limita�ian any nat�ce of de�ault <br /> and any notice of sale shail be given in wri�in�, and shall be effecti�e when actually deli�ered, when ac�ually recei�ed <br /> by telefacsimile�un[ess otherwise requir�d by law},when deposited with a natianally recagn��ed o�err�ight courier, �r, if <br /> maile�, when depasi�ed in the lJnited 5ta�es mail, as first class, certified vr regis�ered mail pos�age prepaid, direc�ed�a <br /> �he addresses shnwn near the beginning vf this Deed vf T�-us�. All cvpies v�notices of fore�losur��rom the hvlde�v�f <br /> any lien which has priority o�er�his Deed of Trust sha�� be s�nf ta Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of <br /> this �eed ❑f Trust. Any party may change �ts address for natices unde�-�his Deed of Trust by gi�ing forma! written <br /> noti�e �v �he other parties, specifying tha� the purpose o� the nvtice is to change the party's address. For notice <br /> purpr�ses, Trusto�agrees�o keep Lender infvrmed at all times af Trustor's cu�-r�nt address. Un[ess othen�vise provided <br /> ar required by Iaw, if there is mar�than one Trustor, any nfltice gi�en�by Lende��o any Trustor is deemed to be noti�e <br /> given to all Trustars. <br /> ELECTR�NIG �QPlES. Lender may copy, electronica�ly �r ❑the�-w�se, and thereafter des��oy, �he ❑riginals o� this <br /> Agreement andlor Rela�ed Documents� in the regular caurse o� Lender's business. AI� such copies produced frvm an <br /> elec�ronic�arm or by any o�her re�iable means �i.e., pho�ographic image or facsimile}shall in all respects be considered <br /> equivaIen�to an or�ginal,and B�r�awer hereby waives any�i�hts�r�b�e�tians�o�he use of such copies. � <br /> 1VIISCEL'LANE�US PR�VlS1DNS. Th��vllvwing misce�laneous pro�isions are a pa�o�fihis Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments,. This Deed of Trust, tvgether w�th any Rela�ed Documen�s, consti�utes th� entire understanding and <br /> agreemen�o�the parties as ta the matters set for�h in this Deed af Trus�. Na alteration of or amendmen�to this <br /> D�ed of Trust shall be effeGti�e unless gi�en in writ�ng and s�gned �y the par�y❑r parti�s sought ta be charged or <br /> hound by the af�eratian or amendment. <br /> Annual Reports. f� the Proper�y is used for purpases vfhe� fhan Trustor's residence, Trustor shall furnish tv <br /> Lender, up�n ��quest, a certified sfiatement vf ne� operating inQame recei�ed fram �he Prop�rty during Trustor's <br /> previous fiscal y�ar in such farm and detail as Lende�shall require. "Net opera�ing income" shal� mean al� cash <br /> receipts�ram the Pr�p�rty less all cash expenditures made in connec�ion wi�h the operation�f�he Prop�rty. <br /> Ca.ptivn Hleadings. Caption headings in #his Deed n�T�-us� are €or canvenienc� pu�-poses on�y and are n�t to be <br /> used tv interpre�o�define�he pro�isions af this Deed of T�ust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger vf�he interest❑r estate created by this Deed o�Trust�w�th any c�ther in�e�-est or <br /> estate in the Praper�y at any fime held hy vr far the benefit of Lender in any capaci�y, vvithou�the w�-itfen consent <br /> � af Lender. <br /> Governing Law, This Deed of Trust will be gv�erned by fed�ral law appi't�abie to Lender and, tv the extent nat <br /> . preempted �y federal law,the laws of�he State o�Nebraska without regard to its canflicts o�law pro�isians. This <br /> �eed of Trust has been accep�ed by Lender�n�he State of Nebraska, <br /> Choi�e o�Venue. f�ther� is a lawsui�, Trusfiar agrees upon Lende�� request�a subm���o the jurisdi�tion o�f th� <br /> . <br /> courts of Hall Gounty,5tate af Nebraska. � <br /> Join# and 5e�eral Liability. A�� oblfga�Eons of Trusfior under this Deed of Trust shall be joint and se�eral, and a[I <br /> referen�es �o Trustor shall mean each and e�ery Trus�vr. Th'rs means that each Trustor signing be�aw is <br /> respvnsi ble fra r al l�bl iga�ions i n th is Deed af Tru s#. <br /> Nv Wai�er by Lender. Lender shall n�t�e deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights und�r this Deed o�Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is given in writ�ng and signed by Lender. No defay or omission an the part o�Lender in exer�cising any righ� <br /> shall opera�e as a wai�er o�such right or any other ri�ht. A wai�er by Lender of a pra�ision o�fihFs Deed af Trust <br /> shall no� prejudice or cons�itute a wai��r o� Lender's right otherwise �a demand st�iGt compfiance with that <br /> prQvision or any other pro�ision of this Deed af Trus�. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course o� dea�ing <br /> hetween Lender and Trustar, sha�� consti�u�� a waiver ofi any of Lender's rights or af any vf Trustor's ohliga#ions <br /> as to any�u�ure �ransactivns. 1Nhenever the c�nsen�of Lend�r is required under this De�d of T�-ust, the granting <br /> o�such consent by Lender�n any instance�shafl not constitute continuing cansent�a subsequent instances where <br /> such consent is�equired and in all cas�s such consent may be gran�ed or withhe�d in th�sole d�s�retion af L�nder. � <br /> Se�erab�lifiy, lf a court vf�ompe�ent�urisdictian finds any pro�€sion a�this Deed of Trust ta be illegai, in�alid, nr <br /> unenforceable as�a any person or�i�cumstanGe,fhat frnding shaf[ not make the affendin�pro�isivn illega�, invalid, <br /> vr unenfar�eable as ta any vther person or circums#ance. If�easible, the vffending pro�ision shafl #�e cans€dered <br /> modified so that i� beaames lega�, valid and enforceabl�. �f the ofFending pro�ision cannofi be so modified, i'�shalf <br /> be �onsidered deleted frvm th�s Deed a� Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, �he illegality, in�alidity, or <br /> unenfvrGeabifity af any prv�isian a�this Deed�f Trus�shall no�affi�c��he lega�ity, �a�idity or en�Farceabi�ity vf any <br /> other prv�isivn of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Successars and Assigns. 5ubject tv any limitations s�ated �n this Deed a�Trust on transfer of Trus�flr's in�erest, <br /> th�s Deed of Trust shall be binding upan and inu�re ta �he benef� ofi the pa�ties, their successars and assigns. if <br /> �wnership of the Property becames�es�ed �n a p�rson other�han Trustvr, Lender,with�ut notice t❑ Trustor, may <br /> deal w�th Trustor`s successors wi�h reference to this Deed❑f Trust and the Indebtedness�y way of forbearance vr <br /> extension without releasing Trustor fram the obligativns of this De�d of Trust❑r I�ability under the lndebtedness. <br />