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2� 1 ��5515 <br /> f. In fhe event Lender is a party to any iif�gation affectFng the Pr�perty v�tihis�rus�deed, including any <br /> a��ion by Lender to enforce this trust d�ed �r any suif in whi�h Lender is named a defendant��ncluding <br /> eminent dvmain and bankruptcy pro��edings}, Lend�r may�ncur expenses and advance payments for <br /> abstract fees, attorney's fees�fo the extent allowed by law}� Cn5�5, expens�s, appraisal fees, and other <br /> charges and any amounts so advanced wil� became part of the principa� ��liga�ions secured hereby, <br /> be immediately du� and payable and �ear interes#at the defaul�rate provided in the LQan Dacurnen#s <br /> from the date of advance until paid. � <br /> 8.Delay by Lender in exer�ising its righ�s up�n default will nv�be c�nst�ued as a wai�er#herevf, and any <br /> ac� af Lender wa�ving any speci�ic defaul�will not �e cons��ued as a wai�er of any future default. If fhe <br /> pr�ce�ds under sa�e ar foreclasure as set forth above are insufficien�t� pay the total �bligaf�vns secured <br /> hereby, Lend�r�will be entitled t� a defic�ency judgment. <br /> 9. Any awa�ds made �o Trustor �r their successars by the exer�is� af eminent domain are h�reby <br /> assigned to Len�er; and Lender is hereby authori�ed ta c�lle�t and appiy the same in payment of any <br /> indebtedness, matured ❑r un-mafured, s�cured by this�rust deed.Trus�or shal�immedia�ely nof��y Lender <br /> of any action �n eminent dama�n. <br /> 'I�.This f�ust deed cvnstitutes a security agreemen�with respe�ti to all fhe Praperty described here�n. <br /> 'I'I. No remedy he�ein c�nferred upon o�reserved to Trustee�r B�neficiary is in�ended �o be exclusive of <br /> any ofher remedy herein �r by law pr�vided o� permttted, but each will be cumulafiive, will be in addit�vn <br /> to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter exisfing at law or in equity or by statute, and <br /> may be exe�c�sed concurrently, ind�pendently or successively. <br /> '12. Trustor ackn�wledges that the duties and obligations of Trus�ee will be determined solely by the <br /> expres�pro�isians of this trust deed vr the Nebraska Trus�aeeds Acf and Trustee will not be liab(e excepf <br /> f�r the perFormance af such dut�es and ahl�gations as are specifically s�t f�rth fhere�n, and no im�lied <br /> ca�enants or obligations will �e imposed upan Trustee; Trus�ee will not be IEabl� fvr any actian by it in <br /> gaod faith and reasanably believed by �t fo be au�hvrized or wtthin fhe dis�retion �r r-ighfs of powers <br /> conferred upQn i�hy this trusf deed or state law. <br /> '[3, The cvvenan�s conta�ned in this trust deed will be deemed to be severabie; in �he event th�at any <br /> portian af�his��us�deed is determined to b� void ar unenforc�able, tha�determination will not affect the <br /> �alidify of�he remaining por#ions of the trust deed. <br /> '�4. Trustor hereby requests a copy of any no�ice ❑f d�fault or n�tice of sale hereunde� to be mai�ed by <br /> cert��ied mail ta T�ustar at�he address set forth herein. <br /> '13�All no�ices, requests and demands t�or upan�he respecfi�e par#�es heret❑to be effective shaif be in <br /> wri��ng and, un�ess o�herwise expressly provided herein, shall he deemed fo ha�� been duly g��en v�- <br /> made when deii�ered by hand, or three days a�ter being deposi�ed in the mail, postage prepaid, �r, in the <br /> case of de�ivery by a na�i�nally r�cognized overnight caurier, when re�e��ed, addressed ta one or more <br /> ❑f the indi�idua�s executing this f�ust deed on behalf af such party at the address set farth above, ar ta <br /> such o�her address as such party may designa�e far itself by �ike notice. <br /> 1�. Trustor shal� promptly provide andlor exe�u�� an� deliver to Lender such further instruments, <br /> includ�ng, but not limi�ed to, mvrtgages, deeds of trust, security agreements, financing statemenfs, <br /> cantinuation sfatemen�s, assignments, c�rtificates, affida�its, addendums, amendmen�s�r resolutivns in <br /> form and substance satisfa�tory to Lender tha� Lender may require �o effectuate, complete, perFect, <br /> cantinue ar p�-eserv�this trus�deed vr�any v�her Loan Documen�s, �bligatiQns or liens rela�ed thereta. <br /> 'i7. This t�ust�eed and all of�he Laan D�cuments cons�itute the entire and camplete understanding of <br /> the par#ies hereta and supersede all prior agreements and understand�ngs rela�ive to the subject mat�er <br /> hereof. ThEs trust deed may not be effectively amended, changed, altered or modified, excep� in wr�t�ng <br /> executed by al� parties, Ta the exten� th� pro�isians contain�d in �his trust deed are �nconsistenf with <br /> those contained in any �fher L�an Documen�s, the �erms and prv�isions contain�d herein shall cvnt�ol. <br /> �the�rise, such p�ovisEvns shall be considered cumulatiWe. <br /> '�8. This trust deed may b� executed En any number af cvunt�rparts and by either parky on separate <br /> c�unterparts, each �f which shali h� deemed an a�-iginaE, but all of�ruhich tagether shall cons�itute ane <br /> and �he same instrurnen�. <br /> '�9.Time is of the essence in the perf�rmance�f this trus�deed. <br /> 20. The f�rms �f this trust deed shall b�nd and benefit the heirs, legal �epresentafives, successors, and <br /> assigns vf the parties; provided, however, �hat Trustor may no�assign this�rus�deed, �r any advanc�s <br /> made hereunde�, vr assign or deiegate any of its rights or obl�gativns, without the priar written cansen�vf <br /> Lender. <br /> z'i� Th� trust deed shall be gove�ned by, and construed in accardance with, the laws of the State of <br /> fVebraska, except to the ex�ent thaf the law af any other jurisdiction applies as to the perfectian or <br /> App#:54�5�127; C!F#:6878�7; Note#:3�470��1 2���5 Legal Doc.Da#e:August�5,2��� <br /> FDRM 5a�`f,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 6 of 8 <br />