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2� 1 ��5515 <br /> c,Any b�each or rnaterial m�srepresenta�Eon of any te�m, ag��ement, covenan�, c�ndition, certifica�i�n, <br /> representatian o�warranty as pr��ided �n�his�rust deed, �r any other Laan C�ocument. <br /> d. Sa�e, fransfer, vr conveyance of fhe Prap�rty described herein without priar �nrritt�n consent af <br /> Lender, <br /> e. Any use af laan proceeds for a purpose that�ri�l c�n��ibute f� exc�ssi�e erosion ��hlghfy erodible <br /> land or to the conv�rsion of�vetlands to praduce or to make possible fhe product�an of an agricultura� <br /> cnmmodity, as further e�pjained in 7 CFR Part �944, Subpart�, Exhibit M. <br /> f.The death, dissalution or�nsolvency❑f any T�-ustar; �he appo�ntment of a rece��er f�r any Trustor a� <br /> their Praperty; any assignment fvr�he benefit of creditors by the Trustv�; or appli�a�ivn af any debfo� <br /> relief lavv �� Trustor, includ�ng any type of workout ar commencement of proceed�ng under any <br /> bankruptcy �r insolvency �aws by or against any Trustor or Borrower on any Loan Docurnent or o�he� <br /> Qbligation secured by this t�ust deed, <br /> g. Any of the preceding e�rents occurs with �es�ect to any guaran�vr, endors�r, surety, or <br /> ac�ommodatEon party of any�f th� �bligatians�r any�uarantor, �nd�rser, surefy, ar accammodation <br /> party dies or��comes�ncompe�en�,�r rev�kes�r d�spu��s the valid�ty�f, or��ability under, any�ua�anty <br /> of the��ol iga�ions, <br /> 7. I n the event�f a default and a�any tim�thereafter, Lender, a�its opt�on, subject to any requiremen�s <br /> under �he Fa�m �redit Act or o�her applicab�e federal �r sta�e �aw, may exerc�s� ane or mare of the <br /> ��Ilawing r�gh�s and rem�dies, in additi�n �o any o�her rights or remedies permitted by�aw: <br /> a. Dec�are a�� �bligatians secured h�reby to �e immedia�ely due and pa�able and the whole will �ear <br /> interest at the defau�f ra�e as pro�ided in the Laan Dvcurnen�s. <br /> b. Lender may immediately au�harize Trustee to exer�ise the �awer �f sale gr�anted herein in th� <br /> manner pro�ided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Acf, �r, at the option of the Lender, ma�f�reclose the <br /> trust deed in �he manner pra�ided by �aw for the foreclvsure of mvrtgages �n rea� p�op�rty, inciuding <br /> the app�intmenf of a recei�er u�an ex parte app�ica�ion, notice being hereby express(y waived, withou� <br /> regard fo the value o�the property or fhe sufficiency thereo�t� discharge the indebtedness secured <br /> hereby ar in the Loan ❑acuments. <br /> Should Lender elect to exercise �he pvwer of sale grant�d here�n, Lender wijl nvtify Trustee who will <br /> r��ord, pub��sh, and deliWer to Trustor�s} such No�ice of Default and Natice of Sale as then required by <br /> iaw and wl�� in the manne� pro�ided by law, seli the property at the t�me and place af�ale fixed in the <br /> notice of sale, eith�r as a whole ar in separate �ofs, pa�cels, vr items and in such o�der as Trustee wil� <br /> deem expedient, Any person may bid at the sale inciuding Trustor, Trus�ee, or Lend�r. <br /> c. Lender, eifher in pers�n or by agent, with or without bringing any a��ion or prn�eeding an�1 wi�h or <br /> withvut regard fo the �alue vf the P�operty or the suffici�n�y �hereof to discharge the �bligatinns <br /> secured hereby, is au�horized and entit�ed to ente�-upan and�ake pvssession of the Property in i�s own <br /> name or� in the name �� the Trustee and do any acts or expend any sums i� deems necessary or <br /> destrable�o protect or preserve the value of the P�ape�ty or any�nterest therein, or inc�ease the incom� <br /> therefram; and with or v�rith�ut�aking pvssession of the Pr�per�y is authori�ed �a su�for or o�herwise <br /> co[le��the rents, issues, cr�ps, prafits, and income thereof, inc�uding those past due and unpaid, and <br /> apply the same upon any �b�igaf�ons se�ured hereby ar in �he Loan ❑ocuments. <br /> d. Lender wi�! be entitled to a receiver t� �ake immediate passesst�n vf th� Pr�perty and a�� rents, <br /> issues, crvps, prafit�, and incvme thereof,withaut regard�o the Walue af fhe Prop�rty, ar the sufficiency <br /> thereaf ta discharge the�rust deed debt and the forecEasure c�sts, fees, and expenses. Su�h receiver <br /> may be immediate�y appoint�d by any court of camp�tent ju�isd�ctian upon ex parte applicatEon, notice <br /> being hereby expressly waived and shal� serve �rithout bond Ef�he law allows. The receiver wil� app�y <br /> ail rents, issues, crops, prof�ts, and incvme �f the Praper�y �o keep the sam� fn gaod repai� and <br /> candit�on, pay atl�axes, rents,fees, charges, and ass�ssmen#s, pay insurance prem�ums necessary fa <br /> keep �he Property insured, pay the expens� of fhe �eceivership and attvrney's fees incurred by the <br /> receiver, and apply the ne�proceeds�o the payment af the �b�igafians secured h�reby, Such receiver <br /> will have aEl th�other usual powers of receivers authvrized by law and as the court may direct, <br /> e, ln the event Trust�r fails to pay any li�ns,judgments, assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges o� <br /> maintain any insu�ance on the Pr�per�y, buildings, fixtures, att��hments, or impr�vements as pro�ided <br /> herein or in th�L�an Dvcumen�s. L�nder,a�its option, may make such payrnen�s or pro�ide insurance, <br /> � maintenan�e, or repairs and any amoun�� pa�d theref�r wi�l become part of�he principal �bIigation� <br /> secured h�reby, be �mmedia�e�y du� and payable and bear intere��af the d�fault rate provided in the <br /> Laan Documents frvm the date of paym�nt un�il paid.The advancemen�by Lende��f any such amounfs <br /> w�ll in no manner lim�t the right of Lender to declare Trustor En defau�t ar exercise any of Lend�r's other <br /> r�gh�s and r�emedies. <br /> App#:54�6'l�7; ClF#:�8�807; Note#:3�4���� ���KS Legal❑oc.Date:August�5,�0�5 <br /> FaRM 5��1�,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Rage 5 of 8 <br />