2� 1 ��5515
<br /> Date of Nvte s or other Laan Da�ument s Principa�Amount
<br /> 081�512�'I� $7�D,���,��
<br /> Provided, ho�vever, #hat the�otal principal indebtedness ou�stand�ng and secure�l hereby at any one time
<br /> vvi11 not exceed the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED TH�IJSAND �$���,0��.��}, exclusive of interest and
<br /> protective advances authori�ed herein or in any Loan Docum�n�and su�h other amoun�s alivwed by law.
<br /> This frus�deed will be due January �. 2037.
<br /> Trustar hereby wa�ran�s that Trustor holds good and marke#able t�t�e in fee simple to the above described
<br /> Proper�y, that Trustv�has goad and lawfu! au�hori�y�o trust deed the same, �hat the Properky is free and
<br /> clear of al� liens and encumbrances, excep��hose se�f�rth �n a title policy or title opinion pu�chase�i by
<br /> Lender and deem�d acceptable by Lender, in its sole discretion, in relation �o th�s trust de�d and that
<br /> T�ustor will war�ant and defend the Property at T�ustor's expense against a�l claiman�s whoms�ever.
<br /> Trustor also hereby waives and relinqu�shes all �rights of dower, homestead, distributf�e sharey and
<br /> exempfion in and to the ahaWe descr�bed Reai Pr�perty.
<br /> �t is understood and agreed between Trustor and Lender thaf this trust deed is given ta secure the
<br /> repayment in full af the al� �bligatlans, rega�rdl�ss af wheth�r Trus�or js liable thereon, and al! future and
<br /> additionai foans or advances, protective or otherwise, wh�ch may be made by Lender, at its❑pti�n, at the
<br /> reques�vf, and to or fa��he account of Trustor, any vf the�arki�s liable under any of the L�an Documents,
<br /> for any purp�se, plus interes�ther�on, all payable acc�rding to the ferms of the Loan Documents. Any
<br /> ��ligations secured by this �rust deed shall be payable�vhen du�as set forth in the Loan Documents.
<br /> Thls�rusf deed may secure mare than ane Loan ❑�cumen#.
<br /> Trustor hereby assigns, transfers, and c�nveys �fl Lender all ren�s, �ssues, income, prafits, �oyalties,
<br /> banuses, and d�lay moneys nr other proceeds that may from time to time become due and payab�e under
<br /> any real estate iease ❑r under any ail, gas, gravel, rock, or ather minera� lease of any k�nd including
<br /> geothermal resources naw e�cisting or�hati may hereafter come into ex�stence, covering the Property or
<br /> any part�hereaf. a�l such sums so received by Lender will be applied �o the�bliga�ions secured h�reby;
<br /> or Lender, at i�s apt�on, may turn �ver and del�ve��o Trustor�s} �r their succ�ssors in �nt�rest, any or all
<br /> of such sums withaut �rejudice t� any of Lend�r's righfs �a take and r�tain future sums, and with�ut
<br /> prejudice to any af its �ther rights under this trust d�ed. This assignmen� will be construed t� be a
<br /> pr�vis�an for the paym�nt vr reductian �f the ��ligatians, subj�ct t�the Lende�'s option as hereinbefore
<br /> provided, independent❑f th�trust d�ed on the Prvperty.
<br /> Trustor and ea�h of them further cvvenants and agrees wtth,vr cer�tifies and represents ta Lender
<br /> as fallows:
<br /> '!. Tv pay a�l liens, judgments, or other assessments aga�nst the Pr�vper�y, and to pay �rhen due a!I
<br /> assessments,taxes, rents, u�ilities,fees, charges ar�ncurnbrances upon fh�Praperty or under any lease,
<br /> permit, license, �r privilege assigned��Lender as addi�ional security to th�s trust deed, including those in
<br /> or on public d�main.
<br /> 2. To insu�e and keep insured al� buildings and other improvemen�s, inc�uding fixtures and a�tachments
<br /> now on or hereaf�er placed an the Real Property�a#he sat�sfac�ion of Lender. Such insurance wil!cantain
<br /> an end�rs�m�nt sh�wEng Lender as Benefic�a�-y. �n demand, Trustvr vtiri[1 furnish said poiic�es vr praaf of
<br /> insurance�o Lender and the �nsurance carrier shafl be sa�isfactary to Lende�r. Trustor shall give written
<br /> no�ice to Lender immed�ately vf any clalrn nr loss. Any sums s� received hy Lender may be applied in
<br /> payment of any matur�ed or unmatu�ed �bliga�ians secu�ed by this trust deed, v�at th�vpfion of Lender
<br /> App#:54�E��7; CIF#:6878�7; Note#:3�470�'� 2�DKS Legai Da�.Date:Augus#25,�D�6
<br /> F�RM 5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 3 af 8
<br />