2� 1 ��5515
<br /> �eferred �v in the evidence of debt, Inc�uding w�th�ut limitativn, f�es, c�sts, and �xpenses, togeth�r with
<br /> all rene�nra�s, e�ctensians, �r refinanctng vf same and any future and addi�i�nal loans ❑r advan�es made
<br /> at Lender's �ption t❑ ar �n behaEf of Borrvwer by Lender ❑r under any ��her Loan Dacument fnr any
<br /> purpose �uh�ther related ❑r unrela��d to the pu�pose of the �riginal credi�, �ncEuding advan�es fvr the
<br /> protection af the Property, all atto�ney fees� C�5t5 and expenses incurred �y Lender fo the extent
<br /> permitted �y law�n�he cvllection of any loan or in the enforcement ar preservation of the�ighfs of Lender
<br /> in and tv the Property, regardless of whether Trustor�s�bliga��d thereon as a maker vr co--maker, signer
<br /> ❑r Go�signer, vr as a gua�-ant�r, endorser, surefy or�tiher ac�vmmadativn party.
<br /> Persanal Prvper#y: All equipm�nt, fixtures and ofher personal property fhat are now or herea�te�
<br /> attached vr affixed to the Real Property; together with all accessionsy �3aCt5 and additians fv, all
<br /> replacemenfs af and all substitu�ions fvr any of such property.
<br /> Rea� Rraperty: Tageth�r wifh�he belaw lega��y described rea�esfate,a�l exis�ing or subsequently er�cted
<br /> ar affixed building�, s�ructures, improvements or fixtures; all crops, ��mber, timbe�-to b�cu�, trees,.�lants,
<br /> vines �r ❑ther plantings; a!i water, water rights, inc�uding riparian rights and surface water righ�s,
<br /> wa�ercvurses, irriga�ian, d�aEnage and di�ch rights; all �en�s, issues, uses, incame, p��fits and r�yal�ies;
<br /> all leas�s, permits, licenses, privileges, easemen#s, righ�s of�+vay, rights �a possessi�n; all rights in and
<br /> fa the lands ly�ng in streets, alleys and raads a�joir�ing the Real Property and appurtenances; all leases,
<br /> permi�s, li�enses, or privileges, appurtenant or non-appurtenant ta fhe property, now vr hereafter issued,
<br /> �xtended, vr renewed �y Trustor, any Sta�e, the United 5tates, ar any department, bur-eau,
<br /> instrumentality, ar agency �hereof; ali prviceeds in ern[nent damain, insu�ance payments, praceeds or
<br /> refunds af premiums or any other payment or seftlement relating fa the Prvperty; aRl o�l, gas, grave�, rack,
<br /> geathe�mal and similar resources or other mineral rightis af whatever na�ure; and any and all othe�righfs
<br /> rela�ed �o the real pr�perty.
<br /> Prvperty: Collec�ively �he Rea� Properky and fhe Persona� P�-operty, including withaut �imitation all
<br /> insuranc� proceeds and �-efunds of�nsurance premiums rela�ed to said PTaperty.
<br /> Trustee: As se�forth a�ov�.
<br /> Trustor: As set far�h ab���.
<br /> The abvve named Trustar for gavd and Wa�uable considera�ion, hereby i�rev�cably transfers, �onveys
<br /> and assigns ta Trustee, 1N TRU�T, VIIITH P�1NER �F SALE, far the benefit and securi�y o� the
<br /> Benefi�iary, its successors and assigns, an assignment and security �nteres�in all of Tru�tor's right, �i�l�
<br /> and interest whether currently existing a� he�einafter acquired in and to the following-desc�ibed Real
<br /> Property in Hall �ounty�ies�, Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Parcel A: The 5outhwest�uarter�SVV%4}of Se�tian Twenty--seven ��7},Township
<br /> E�even ���} North, Range Eleven ���} �111est of the ��h P.M,, Hall �ounty,
<br /> Nebraska, EXCEPT 5 and L Subdivisi�n and EX�EPT �he Sautheast Quarter of
<br /> the S�utheast Quarter of the Svuthwest Quarter �SE�/� 5E'/4 S1l1�'/} of Sec�ion
<br /> Twenty-sev�n ��7), Tawnship E���en ��1} N�r�h, Range Ele�en �'1'�} VIle�t of�he
<br /> 6th P.M., Hall �ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> Parcel B: The Narthwest Quarter �NVV�/4} �f 5ectian Thirty--four �34}, Township
<br /> Eleven ��1} North, Range Eleven ���} West vf �he �th P.M., Hall Caunty,
<br /> Nebras�ta.
<br /> ln addition, Trustv�hereby grants t� L�nder a Unifvrm Commerciai Cvde security interest in al! Personal
<br /> Praperty; and ali p�-�ceeds from any sale or ather dispasition of the Property. The �rust deed is also
<br /> effecft�e as a financing statement filed as a f�xture filing under the Uniform Commercial Co�e.
<br /> It is unders�ovd and agreed between Trus�or and Lender that fhis trust �leed is given to se�ure the
<br /> repayment in �uEl af�he �bfigativns as set forth in th�s ��us�deed and any Loan Document. Ali amvunts
<br /> shall b� paid when due as pr�vided for in the Loan Documen�s c�eatEn� tihe �bligations secured by this
<br /> ��ust deed.
<br /> This trust deed secures all �b�igatians, including, but not limit�d t�th�foll�wing:
<br /> App#:540���7; C I F#:6878�7; Note#:3D470�� �2�KS Legal Qoc.❑ate:Aug ust�5,�D�6
<br /> F�RM 5���,Trust❑eed and Assignment of Rents Page 2 of 8
<br />