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201605466 <br />lifeguards present, the water is very deep in certain places, there is no guarantee that potentially <br />harmful substances are not present in the water, and there may be attacking predators in Jeff's <br />Lake. Each Owner of a Lot abutting Jeff's Lake agrees that the use of Jeffs Lake shall be the <br />sole risk and responsibility of such Owner and/or said Owner's permitted guests and invitees. <br />Each Owner further agrees, to the extent permitted under Nebraska law, to indemnify, save, and <br />hold harmless all other Owners and the Association for any accident, injury, loss, or damage <br />occurring to any person or persons in connection with the use of Jeff's Lake. <br />4. No motors of any nature, except for trolling motors, shall be permitted on any <br />watercraft placed upon Jeff's Lake. <br />5. Any person aged eighteen (18) years or younger who is swimming, boating, or <br />otherwise using Jeff's Lake in any manner in an area where water is deeper than six (6) feet shall <br />wear floatation devises approved by the U.S. Coast Guard while in such deeper area. <br />6. No person shall be permitted to use Jeffs Lake, including swimming, boating, or <br />diving, while consuming alcoholic beverages or immediately thereafter. <br />7. Each Owner of a Lot abutting Jeff's Lake shall keep the shoreline abutting said <br />Lot and any appurtenant docks in a good state of repair. Each Owner shall obtain the approval of <br />the Association before constructing or installing any new dock, expanding any existing dock, or <br />constructing or installing any fence or other object that would tend to obstruct the shoreline. <br />8. Each Owner of a Lot abutting Jeffs Lake shall comply with any additional rules, <br />regulations and standards which may be established by the Association from time to time. <br />IV. <br />RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />To effectuate the intent of these covenants, the Association may establish and publish <br />appropriate rules, regulations and standards, including a map defining common -use areas and <br />allowable land use. A full and correct copy of the rules, regulations and standard currently in <br />effect will be provided to every property owner. The Association may revise and amend such <br />rules, regulations and standards from time to time by sending a copy to the Owner of each Lot at <br />the last address of record. Wherever in these covenants the term "rules and regulations" appears <br />it shall mean the rules and regulations so established and currently in effect at the time of the <br />events to which they apply. <br />V. <br />ASSOCIATION PROVISIONS <br />1. If any Owner fails or refuses to comply with any of the Restrictive Covenants, <br />Restrictions and Conditions contained herein, the Association may, in addition to the remedies <br />provided herein, utilize any and all legal and equitable remedies available to it to enforce said <br />Restrictive Covenants, Restrictions and Conditions. <br />4 <br />
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