Durable Power of Attorney
<br />20160541
<br />6. TO RECEIVE DEBTS, PAYMENTS AND PROPERTY. To demand, recover and
<br />receive any sums of money, debts, accounts or property of any kind which may belong to me, or
<br />become due or payable to me, and upon receipt thereof, to execute and deliver such receipts or
<br />releases as my attorney shall deem advisable.
<br />Paget
<br />My Agent shall have authority to act for me and in my name, place and stead, and
<br />on my behalf, to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and things:
<br />7. TO SETTLE OR ADJUST ACCOUNTS. To settle, compromise, or submit to
<br />arbitration any debt, account or other matter which may be or become due and payable to me, or
<br />by me, as my attorney shall think best; to pay or receive any balance as the case may require, and
<br />to give or receive releases or other discharges for such debts or demands.
<br />8. TO DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW AND INVEST. To deposit funds in banks or other
<br />financial institutions in my name, and to withdraw money to which I am entitled; to use such
<br />funds to pay accounts or debts, interest, taxes, assessments, insurance, and expenses payable by
<br />me; to invest or reinvest funds in my name, including income or dividends arising therefrom,
<br />stocks, shares, bonds, securities or other property, real or personal, for my use and benefit as
<br />he/she may think fit.
<br />9. TO PROSECUTE AND DEFEND. To prosecute or defend all legal actions or other
<br />proceedings touching my estate, or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be
<br />concerned.
<br />10. TO MANAGE OR LEASE REAL ESTATE. To manage and improve my real estate,
<br />or to contract with others for management; to insure, and to repair or otherwise improve, alter, or
<br />reconstruct any buildings or structures; to lease my property for any period, at such rents and
<br />upon such conditions as my attorney shall see fit, including periods longer than my life, without
<br />regard to the termination of this power of attorney, and to execute such leases and contracts as
<br />necessary; to receive rents, and on non - payment thereof to take all necessary steps for
<br />terminating the tenancy, ejecting the tenants and recovering possession thereof.
<br />11. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE REAL OR PERSONAL ESTATE. To sell at public or
<br />private sale any part of my real estate or personal property, including securities and intangible
<br />personal property, without petition or order of any court, for such consideration and upon such
<br />terms as my attorney shall think fit, and to execute and deliver good and sufficient deeds, bills of
<br />sale or other instruments for the conveyance or transfer of the same.
<br />OTHERWISE SUBSTITUTE FOR OWNER. To vote at the meetings of stockholders or other
<br />meetings of any corporation or company, or otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power
<br />of substitution, in respect to any stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, or other securities or
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