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DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />201605410 <br />I, ILENE RUTH JELINEK, also known as I. RUTH JELINEK, of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, consti- <br />tute and appoint my spouse, ARNOLD A. JELINEK, as my true and lawful attorney -in -fact <br />( "agent ") for the purposes herein expressed. If my spouse is unable or unwilling to act in that <br />capacity or cannot be contacted within a reasonable time, I appoint my daughter, LINDA C. <br />WINKLER, of 82783 464th Avenue, Burwell, Nebraska, whose telephone number is (308) <br />346 -4634, to act as my successor attorney in fact. In the event neither nominee is available, I <br />nominate my daughter, Kristi M. Hendrick", Menahga, Minnesota to serve in that capacity. <br />1. EFFECTIVE DA' Z'E, This power of attorney for financial and business affairs shall <br />take effect with respect to my spouse immediately upon execution of this document. As to <br />successor agents, my agent shall be empowered to act on my behalf when a licensed physician <br />who is familiar with my condition has diagnosed and noted in my medical records that I am <br />incapacitated (incapable of understanding and appreciating the consequences of financial and <br />business decisions, or incapable of communicating informed consent to such decisions. <br />2. AUTHORITY TO ACT, If I have appointed more than one agents or successor <br />agents, each shall confer with the other concerning actions to be taken pursuant to this agreement <br />where possible; however, each of my agents shall have full power to act separately on my behalf. <br />The powers conferred on my agent by this instrument may be exercised by my agent alone, with <br />the same force and effect as if I were personally present, competent and acting on by own behalf. <br />No person who relies in good faith upon the authority of my agent under this document shall <br />incur any liability to me, my estate, my heirs, successors or assigns. <br />3. GOVERNING LAW. This instrument shall be governed by the laws of the state of <br />my residence in all respects, including its validity, construction, interpretation and termination. I <br />intend for this durable power of attorney to be honored in any jurisdiction where it may be <br />presented. If any provision of this instrument is held to be invalid or unenforceable under <br />applicable law, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. My agent is <br />authorized to make photocopies of this instrument as needed to carry out its purposes. <br />Photocopies shall have the same force and effect as the original. <br />4. DURABILITY. The authority granted herein shall continue during any period while <br />I am disabled or incapacitated. All such authority shall continue after my death, until such time <br />as my attorney -in -fact has actual knowledge of the fact that I have died. Any action taken in <br />good faith by my attorney -in -fact shall be as valid as if I were alive, competent, and not disabled. <br />5. APPOINTMENT OF CONSERVATOR OR GUARDIAN, In the event it becomes <br />necessary or desirable to appoint a guardian or conservator, my attorney -in -fact shall be entitled <br />to priority for appointment. If unable or unwilling to serve personally in that capacity, my <br />attorney -in -fact may nominate a successor guardian/ conservator, and the nominee named by my <br />attorney -in -fact shall have priority for appointment. <br />