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2� 1 ��5398 <br /> Borrow�r}under a11 insurance policies ca�ering the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the <br /> coverage of th�Property, Lender may use the insurance pro�eeds either�o repai.r or restore the Property <br /> or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument,�vhether or not th�n due. <br /> S. �ccupancy.Borrower shall o�cupy, estab�i�h, and use the Proper�y as$orrower's principal r�sid�nce <br /> �ith�n 6�days after the execution of this Security instrument and sha11 continue t�occupy the Property <br /> as�orro�ver's pr�ncipal residence for at least one year af�er the date of accupancy,unless Lender <br /> determine�that this requ�rem�nt sha11 cause undue hardship for the Borro�er ar unless extenuating <br /> circumstances exist which are beyand Borro�er's con�ral. <br /> �. Pr�e�ervat�on,Allaint�nanceand Pra#ectianaf the Pr��erty;�nspections,Borro�er 5ha1�not <br /> destroy,damage or impair the Property,a11ow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the <br /> Property. Borrow�r sha1�maintain the Property in order to pre�ent the Property fr�m deteriorating or <br /> decreasing in�alue due to its condition. Un�ess it is determined pursuant to Sectian S that repair or <br /> restoration is not econ�mica�iy feasible, Borro�uer shal�pr�mptly repair the Property if damaged to <br /> avoid further deterioration ar damage. If insurance or condemnation proc�eds are paid in co�nectian <br /> vvith damage to the Property,Borrower�ball be responsible for repairing or restaring the Property only <br /> if Lend�r has reieased proeeeds for such�urposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and <br /> restorati�n in a sing�e payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. If the <br /> insurance or condemnation proceeds are aot suff�cient to repair ar restare the Property,Borr�vver is not <br /> re�ieved of Borrower's obligat�on for�he completion.of such repair or rest�ratian, <br /> If co�dernnat�on proceeds are paid in�onnection�i�h the taking of the prop�rt}r,Le�t��er sh.�11 apply such <br /> praceeds ta the reductian of the indebt�dness under�h�Note and�his Security Instrument, fir�t to any <br /> delinquent arnounts, and then to payment of principal. Any application of the proceeds to the principal <br /> sha11 not extend or postpone the du�date of the monthly payments or change the amount of such <br /> payments. <br /> Lender or its agent may�rnake reasonable en�ries upon and inspe�ti�ns af the Property, If it ha� <br /> reasonabl�cause, L�nder may inspec�the interior of the impro�ements on the Property. Lender sha11 give <br /> Borrovver notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspectian spec�fy�ng such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. 8vrrower's Lvan Ap�lieation.Borrower sha11 be�n default if, during the Loan application process, <br /> Borro�er�r any persons or entities aeting a�the direction�f Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or <br /> c�nsent�a�e materia��y false, m�s�eading,or inaccurate informat�on or statements to Lender(or failed�o <br /> provide Lender with material informatian)in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, <br /> but are nat Iim�t�d to,repres�nta.tions conGeming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as Bvrrower's <br /> principal residenGe. <br /> 9. Pro#ectionof Len�ler's Interest�n the Proper#yand Rights Under th�s Secu�ity Inst�ument.If <br /> (a}Barrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Security instrument, (b} <br /> there is a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's xnterest in the I'roperty an�ilor rights <br /> under this Security Instrument(such as a proeeedin�in bar�kruptcy,probate, for condemnation or <br /> forfeiture, for enforc�ment of a�ien which may attain priarity o�er this Securxty Instrument or to enforce <br /> laws or regulations},or(c)B�rrower has abandaned the Property,then Lender may do and pay for <br /> whatever is reasonable or appropriate to protec�Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this <br /> Security Instrumen�, �ncluding protec�ing andlor assessing the va�ue of the Property,and securing andlor <br /> repairing the Property. Lender's actions can include,but are nat limited to; �a}paying any sums secured <br /> F HA Deed of T�ust With M E RS-N E 9/34/2414 <br /> Bankers Syst�mSTM VMP C� VMP4N(NE}(15�fi}A4 <br /> Vllolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 8 of 17 <br /> q�3359fl�31�3 4�33 419 �817 <br />