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2� 1 ��5398 <br /> 19. Sa�e of Note; Change of Loan Servicer;Notice of Gr�evance.The Nate or a partial interest in the <br /> Note (toge�her tvith this Security Instrument}can be sold one or more times without prior notice to <br /> Borrower, A sale migh�result in a change in the entity(k�own as the "Loan Servicer"}that collects <br /> P�riodic Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgage loan <br /> ser�icing flbligations under the Nfl�e,this Security Instrument,and Applicable Lavv, There also might be <br /> one or more changes of the Laan Ser�icer unre�ated to a sale af the Note. If there is a change af the Loan <br /> Ser�icer,Borrower wi11 b�given written notice of the change which v�i11 state the name and address of <br /> th�new Laan Ser�icer,the address tn which payments shauld be made and any other information RE�PA <br /> require�in connectian vv�th a notice of transfer of ser�icing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan�s <br /> ��r�ic�d by a Loan Ser�iGer other than the purchaser�f th�No��,the mortgage�oan servicing obligations <br /> to Borrower vvill remain w�th the Loan Ser�icer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are <br /> not assumed by the NQte purchaser un�ess otherwise pro�ided by the Nate purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence,jain,or be j�ined to any judicial action�as ei�her an <br /> individuallitigant or the member of a class)that arises from the other party`s actions pursuant to this <br /> Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has breacbed any provision of,or any duty ovved <br /> by reason of,this Security Instrument,until such Borr�wer or Lender has notified the other party(with <br /> such notice given in compliance with the requirements af Section 14}of such al�eged l�reach and afforded <br /> the other par�y her�to a reasonable period ai�er the gi�ing of such notice to take�orrective acti�n. �f <br /> App�icable Law provides a��me period�hich must elapse before certain action can be taken,that t�me <br /> period�vi11 be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this Section. The natice Qf acceleratian and <br /> opportunity ta cure given ta Bonower pursuant to Sec�ion��and the notic�af acceleration given to <br /> Borrower pursuant to Section 17 shall be deemed tn satisfy the natice and opp�rtunity to corrective <br /> action provisions of this Section 19. <br /> �4. Bvrrawer Not Third-PartyBeneficiaryto Contract of Insurance.Martgage �nsurance re�mburses <br /> Lender(or any ent�ty that purchases the Note}for certain losses it may incur if Borrower does nat repay <br /> the Laan as agreed. Barro�ver ackno�vledges and agrees that the Borro�ver is not a third part�benefic�ary <br /> to the contract of insuranc�bet�veen the Secre�ary and Lender,nor�s Bor�-ower entitled to enforce any <br /> agreement between Lender and the Secretary,unless explici�Iy authorized to do sa by Applicable La�v. <br /> �'I. HazardousSubstanees.As used in this Section 21: (a} "Hazardous �ubstances"are�h�se sub�tances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substa.nces,pollutants,or wastes by Environmenta�Law and the fo��owing <br /> substa.nces: gasaline,kerasene,oth�r flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic pesticides and <br /> herbicides,vo�ati�e solven�s, materials con�a�n�ng asbestos or formaldehyde,an�radioactive materia�s; <br /> (b} "En�ironmental Law"means federal laws and�aws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located <br /> that relate to health, safety or environmenta.l protection; �c) "Environmental�leanup" includes any <br /> response action,remedial actian,or remo�al actian,as defined in Environmenta�Law;and(d}an <br /> "Environmenta.l Condition"means a condition that can cause,contri�ute to,�r othe�-�vise�rigger an <br /> En�u-onmenta.l Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sha�1 not cause or permi�the presence,use, disposal, storage,or release of any Ha�ardous <br /> Substances,or threaten�o release any Hazardous Substancess on or in th�Property. Barro�ver sha11 not <br /> do, nor a�Iow anyone else to do,anything affecting the Property�a�that is in violation of any <br /> Enviranmental Law, �b}which creat�s an Envira�mental Conditian,or(c}wh�ch, due to th�presence, <br /> use,or release of a Hazardous Substance,creates a condition that ad�ersely affects the value of the <br /> Property. The preceding twa sentences sha11 not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the Property af <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 9134l2414 <br /> Bankers SystemsT�+ VMP� VMP4N(NE}(1508}.44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 13 af 17 <br /> q43359��31Q3 �233 419 1317 <br />
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