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2� 1 ��5398 <br /> As used in this Security Instrument: �a�words of the masculine g�nder sha11 mean and include <br /> correspond�ng neuter words�r words of the feminine gender; �b)��rds in the singular shall mean and <br /> include the plural and vice�ersa;and(c}the word "may"gives sole discretion vvithout any abligation to <br /> any action. <br /> 1 fi. Borrow+�r's Copy.Borrower sha��be given one copy�f the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> �l. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficiallnterest in Borraw�r.As used in this Sect�on�7, "Interest <br /> in the Property"means any�ega1 ar beneficial int�rest in the Property, including,but not limited to, <br /> those beneficia�interests transferred in a bond for deed,contract for deed, instal�ment sales contract or <br /> escrow agreement,the int�nt af�vhi�h is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a pur�haser, <br /> If a11 or any part of the P`roperty or any Interest�n the Property is sold or transferred�or if Borrovver is <br /> not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Bflrrotiver is so�d or transferred}without Lend�r's prior <br /> v�rit�en consent,Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security <br /> Instr�.m�nt. Hovvever,th�s aption sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by <br /> Applicab�e Law. <br /> If Lender exercises this aption,Lender�hail give Borrower notice of acceleration. The no�ice sha11 <br /> provide a period of nat less than 3�days from the date the no�i�e is given in accordance with Se�t�on 14 <br /> tivithin which Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument. If�orrower fails ta pay <br /> these sums pr�or ta the expira��on af this period,Lender m�.y in�oke any remedies permitted by this <br /> Securit�Instrument�r�thaut further not�ce or demand on Borrow�r. <br /> 'I$. Barrower's Right to ReinstateAfter Acceleration,if Borro�ver meets certa�n canditions, Borrower <br /> sha11 have the right to reinsta.tement of a mortgage. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a}pays Lender <br /> al1 sums which then would be due under this Security In�trument and the Note as if no acceleration had <br /> occurred; �b}cure�any defau�t of any o�her covenants or agreements; (c}pays all expenses ix�curred in <br /> enfarcing this Security In.strument, including,but not i�mi�ed to,reasona�le attomeys'fees,property <br /> inspection and valuation fees,and�ther fees incurred for the purpos�of�rotecting Lender`s interest in <br /> the Property and rights under this Security Instru.ment;and�d}takes such a�tion as Lender may <br /> reas�nably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Praperty and rights under this Securi�y <br /> Instrument, and Borrower's ob��gation to pay the sums secured by this Securrty Instrument, sha�� <br /> ca�tinue unchanged. Haw�ver,Lender is not required to re�nstate if: �i)Lender has accepted <br /> reinsta.tement af�er the commencement of f�reclosure proceedin�s within two years immediately <br /> preceding the comme�cement of a current forecl�sure proceeding; (ii}reins�atement wi��preclude <br /> forec�osure on different grounds in the future;�r�iii}reinsta.tement wi11 adversely affect�he priority of <br /> the lien created b�this S�curity�nstrument. Lender may require tha���rrower pay such reinstatement <br /> sums and expenses in one or more of the following forms,as selected by Lender; �a}cash; (b}mone� <br /> arder; �c)certi�ed check,bank check,treasurer's check or Gashier's check,provided any such check is <br /> drawn upon an institution whose depasits are insured by a federal agency, instrumenta.�ity or entity;vr <br /> (d}El�ctranic Funds Transfer. Upan reinstatement by Borro�ver,this Security Instrument and abligations <br /> secured hereby shall rernain.fu11y effecti�e as if no acceler�tion had o�curred. However,this right to <br /> reinstate sha11 not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 17, <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 913012�14 <br /> Bankers SystemsTti+ VMP� VMP4N�NE}�154fi).44 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Services Page"E2 of 17 <br /> q�3359��31fl3 �233 419 1217 <br />