2� 1 ��534�
<br /> �]EED �F TRLJST
<br /> - �Continu�d} Page 5
<br /> Defe�ti►re Callateraliza�ian. This Deed ❑f T�ust ar any of the Refated Dacuments ceases to b� in full force and
<br /> effect �including faiiure of any collatera� dvcument tv crea�e a �alid and perfec��d security in�eres� or lien� a� any
<br /> time and far any reasan.
<br /> !]eath or lnsol�en�y. The death of Trustar, the inso{�ency of Trustor, �the appointment of a recei�er�ar any part of
<br /> Trustvr's property, any assignment �vr the benefit o� creditors, any type of creditor workout, or the
<br /> cammenc�ment❑f any proceeding under any bankruptcy ar insol�en�y laws by or against Trustor.
<br /> Cred�tor or Farfe�tur� Proceedings. Commencement o� fareclasur� vr �arfeiture proce�dings. whether by judic�al
<br /> praceeding, sef�-he�p, r�possession or any other me�hod, �y any cr�ditor af Trustor or by any go�ernmenta� agen�y
<br /> against any praperty securing �he lnde�tedness, This includes a garnishment of any o� Tru�t�r's accounts,
<br /> �ncluding deposit accaunts, wi�h Lender. Hvwe�er, this Event af De�ault shall not apply i# there �s a govd faith
<br /> dispu�e by Trustar as t❑ the �alid�ty or reasonableness ❑f the claim which is the basis of the credita�or f�rfei�ure
<br /> pro�eeding and if T�usto� g��es Lender written nati�e o� the �redi�or ❑r farfei�ure proceeding and d�pvsits with
<br /> Lender manies�r a surety bond for the credit�r o�for�eiture prviceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, �n its
<br /> sofe discretion, as being an adequate reser�e or f�vnd#�r the dispute.
<br /> Br�ach of Uthe�Ag�eement. Any breach by Trustor under the terms a�any other agreement between Trustor and
<br /> Lender �hat is no� remedied within any grace period pra�ided therein, including without fimitativn any agreement
<br /> canc�rning any indeb�edness or other vhligation o#Trustvr t❑ Lender, wh�ther exis�ing now ar�ater,
<br /> Even#s Affecting Guarantvr. Any of�he preceding e�ents accurs with respect�o any guarantor, endvrser, sur�ty,
<br /> or acc�mmadat�an party �f any a� the Inde���dness ar any gua�antar, endarser, surety, ar accammada�ion party
<br /> dies o� becom�s incompetent, ar r��akes or disputes �he �afidity v#, or liability under, any �uaranty o# �he
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change vccurs in Trustar's finanGial �vndi�ion, o� Lender helie�es the
<br /> prospe��vf payment vr pe��ormance vf the lndeb�edness is impaired.
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in gvod fiaith belie�es its�tf insecure.
<br /> R�ght to Cure. If any default, other than a default in paymen�, is cura�l� and i�Trustor has nat b�en gi�en a no�ice
<br /> of a breach vf the same pravisivn o�this Deed of Trust within the pre�eding tv+relve ��2� months, it may f�e cured if
<br /> Trustor, after L�nder sends written natice tv Trustor demanding cure ot su�h de�auit: �1} cures the de�ault within
<br /> fiwenty �2�f days; or �2} i� the cure requires more than twenty ��D� days, immediate�y initiates steps ►rvhich
<br /> Lende� deems �n Lender's s�le discreti�n to he su�ficient to cure the default and thereafter continues and
<br /> campletes al1 reasonab�� and necessary steps suf�icient to pr�duc� �vmplianc�as soan as reasonably�pra�tical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMED�ES C]N DEFAULT. If an Event ❑� De�aul� accurs under this Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trust�e or Lender may exerGis�any one or more❑f�he�Follav+r�ng r�ghts and remedies:
<br /> Acceie�a#�vn Upon Default; Additivna! Remedies. If any E�ent af De�au�t oc�urs as per�he terms of the Not�
<br /> secured hereby, L�nd�r may dec[are ail lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and payabie and
<br /> the same sha[I thereupan became due and payable without any presentment, demand, pro�est❑r nvtice o�any
<br /> kind. Therea�ter, Lender may:
<br /> �af Either in persan ar hy agent, with or withaut bringing any activn ar proceed�ng, ar �y a r�cei�s�r
<br /> appointed hy a cvur�and withaut regard to th� adequacy v#its securi�y, en�er upon and �ake passession
<br /> vfi the Property, o�-any par��hereof, in its awn name or in the nam�a#Trustee, and do any ac�s which i�
<br /> deems necessary or desirable t❑ pr�s�r�e the �alue, marketability ar rentabili�y af the Prapertyr or par�ofi
<br /> the Praperty �r inter�st in the Property; increase the incame fram �he Praperty ar protect the security of
<br /> �h� Property; and, wi�h or wi�hout taking pvssession vf the Property, su� f�r ❑r o�herwise colkect �he
<br /> rents, �ssues and profits o�the Property, in�luding those past due and unpaid, and app[y the same, less
<br /> �osts and exp�nses of operatian and callectian attorneys' tees, fio any indebtedness se�ured �y this ❑��d
<br /> �f Trus�, ai! in such order as Lender may determin�. The entering upon and taking passession o� the
<br /> Property, the colf�ction ❑� such rents, issues and prv��ts, and the application ther�o� sha[I nat cure or
<br /> wai�e any default or notic� ❑#de�ault under this ❑eed of Trus�or in�alidat� any act done in response to
<br /> such de#ault ot�pursuant to such noti�e of de�auLt; and, nvtwithstanding�he cont�nuan�e in p�ssessi�n�f
<br /> the Property or the callec�tion, reGeipt and appiicafiion o# ren�s, issues ar prafits, Trustee or Lender sha!!
<br /> be en�itled t❑ exer�ise every right pra��ded f�r in the Note or the Related �acumen�s ❑r by la►rv upon the
<br /> oc�urrence of any even�of default, including the �ight to exercise�he power vfi sale; �
<br /> �b} Commence an ac�tion tv fvrec�vse this �]eed o�Trus�as a mortgage, appoint a recei�er�r specifically
<br /> enforce any af the�ovenants hereaf; and
<br /> �c� D��i�er�o Trustee a written d�claration af default and d�mand for sale and a written natice of d��ault
<br /> and ele�tion�o cause Trustor's in�er�st in the Property ta �e svid, which natic�Truste� shall cause�a b�
<br /> duly��led f�r r�card in the appropriate offices vf the County �n which the Prop�rty is located; and
<br /> �d� Vllith respect to al! �r any part❑f the Personal Prvperty, L�nder sha�l ha�e ail the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secu�ed party under�he N�braska Unifiorm Cvmmercial Code.
<br /> Foreclosure by Power of 5ale. If Lender elects to foreclvse by exercise v#the Power��Sale herein can�ained,
<br /> Lender shall notifiy Trustee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee this Deed fl#Trust and �he No�e and such receipts
<br /> and e�iden�e of expendi�ures made and secured �y this CJeed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� �pvn receipt af such notice from Lend�r, Trustee shall cause�o be recarded, pub[ished and deli�ered
<br /> . to Trus�vr such Notice of Defiauit and Notice o# Sale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trus�e� shall, without demand on Trustor, a��er su�h time as may then he r�qu�red by law and af�ter
<br /> rec�rdatian o� such Notice of De#ault and after Notice af 5afe ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> � the Prop�r�y a� the time and place af sale fixed by it in such N�tice a� Sale, either as a ►nrhol�, fl� in
<br /> separate lats or parce�s or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as i� may determine,
<br /> a� public au�tivn to �he highest bidder for cash in law�ul man�y of the United 5tates payable at the t3me
<br /> of sale. Trus��e shall deli�er to su�h pur�haser �r purchasers thereof i�s good and su�Fficient deed ar
<br /> deeds con�eying the praper�y sa so�d, but without any covenan� ar warranty, express or implied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed af any matters or facts sha�� be conclusi�e proof ofi �he truthfulness therevf. Any
<br /> persan, including without�imitation TrusfiQr, Trus�ee, or Lender, may purchase at su�h sale.
<br /> 4bf As may be permitted by lauv, af�er dedu�ting all cos�s, fees and expenses af Trustee and ofi this
<br /> Trust, inc�uding costs af e�idence a�title in connection with sal�, Trustee sha�!apply the pr�ceeds af sale
<br /> to payment❑f �i� all sums expended under the terms afi this Deed af Trust or under the'�erms o�the Note
<br /> not then repaid, including �ut not lim�ted ta accrued interest and late charg�s, ��ij a[[ �ther sums then
<br /> secur�d her�by, and tiii� the rema�nder, if any, to the person or persans lega��y en#itled th�retv.
<br /> ��� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law pos�pone sale ofi a��ar any pvr�ion��the Praperty.
<br /> Remedies Nvt Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shal� he entitled to en�Qrce payment and
<br /> performance of any ind�b�edness or v�ligations secur�d by this ❑eed vf Trus�and�ta exerc�se al� rights and powers
<br /> under this Deed af Trust, under �he Note, under any of�he Relat�d ❑fl�umen�s, ar und�r any other ag�eement vr
<br /> any iaws now ar herea��er in fo�ce; notwithsfiand�n�, svme or all of such indebtedness and ohiiga�ivns secured by
<br />