2� 1 ��534�
<br /> D��D C]F TRU�T
<br /> {Co�lt�nued� Pa�e 4
<br /> participativn.
<br /> Applicatifln a�Net Procseds. If al1 vr any part❑�the Pr�perty is candemned hy eminen�dvmain prv�eedings or by
<br /> any pro�eeding or pur�hase in fieu vf condemnat�on, Lender may at its electian require that all or any portion ofi the
<br /> net proceeds �f the award C�� applied to �the Inde�tedness or the repair ❑r r�storatian vf �he Praperty. The ne�t
<br /> pra��eds a�the award shail mean th� a►nrard a�t�r payment of all �easonable costs, expenses, and attarneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee vr Lend�r in conn�ctian with�he condemnation.
<br /> IMP�SlT��N ❑F TAJ�ES� FEES AND �HARGES BY G�VERNi111ENTAL AUTH�R�T1E5. The �ollow�ng pro�isions refating
<br /> �o gavernm�ntal taxes, fe�s and charges are a part a�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Curr�n�Taxes. Fees �nd Chargese Upan request by Lender, Trus�or shall execute such documents in addit�an �v
<br /> this Deed o�Trust and take wha�e�er afiher action is requeste� �y Lendsr�v perfec�and cantinue Lend�r's �ien on
<br /> the Rea! Praperty. Trustor shall reimburse Lender far all taxes, as descri�ed bel�w, tv�ether with ai1 �xp�nses
<br /> �ncurred in reeording, per�ecting ar continuing th�s �eed of Trus�, including withou� limitation al! taxes, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and other�harges�or re�ording or ragistering this Deed��Trust.
<br /> - Taxes. The �ollowing sha�l cons�itute �axes tv which this sec�ivn applie�: {1 f a specific tax upon �his type of
<br /> Deed a�r Trust ar upan al[ or any part o�the �ndebtedness se�ured by th�s Deed of Trust; ��} a spe�ifiic tax on
<br /> Trustor whiGh Trustor is autharized ❑r required t❑ dedu��frvm paymen�s on fihe Indeb�tedness secured hy this type
<br /> of D�ed a�Trus�; �3� a tax on th�s type af Deed of Trust chargeabl� against the Lender or�he hofder of the Note;
<br /> and t4� a spe�ific tax on afl ❑r any par�kian of�he Ind�btedness vr on payments o�principal and interes� made by
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> Subsgquenfi Taxes. 1� as�y tax to which this section applies is ena��ed subsequent tv the da�te �f this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, this e��nt shall ha�e the same ef�ecfi as an Euent vf Default, and Lender ma� exercise any or all of its
<br /> a�ailabie rem�dies fo� an E�ent o� D�faul� as pro�ided belvw unl�ss Trustor ��ther t�� pays the tax before it
<br /> beca�nes de��nquen�, or ��y contests the �ax as pro�ided abo�e in �the Taxes and Liens se�fiion and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a suf���ient�arpora�e su��ty bQnd or other security satisfacfio�y to Lender.
<br /> SEGURITI� p►GREEMENT; FINAN�ING STATEMENTS. The following pro�isions relating �o this Deed vf Trust as a
<br /> securi�y agreem�nt are a part vfi�his Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Secu�rity Agreem�nt. This instrument shaf� constitu#� a S�curi�y Agr�ement to the ex��nt any of the Property
<br /> cons�i�u�es €ixtures, and Lender sha�i ha�e all o�the rights of a se�u�red party under�he �n��a�m Commercial Code
<br /> as ar�ended�ram tim��o�'rme,
<br /> S�curity lnterest. Upan re�uest �y Lend�r, Trustor shall take whate�er actian is requested by Lende� to perfeGt
<br /> and cantinue Lend�r's security in�er�st in the Rents and Persvnal Prope�ty. In additivn ta ��cvrding this ❑eed o�f
<br /> Trust in the rea! prap�rty records, Lender may, at any �ime and without �urther au�horizat�on from Trus�or, fiile
<br /> executed caun�erpa�ts, copies or reproductinns of this ❑eed af Trust as a finan�ing stafiement. Trustor sha[f
<br /> reimlaurse Lender�or all expenses in�urred in perfecting or cvntinuing this seGurity in�erest. Upon default, Trustor
<br /> shall nat remo�e, �e�er or detach the Persona� Prape�ty �rom the Prope�ty. �pon default, Trustor sha1� assemb[e
<br /> any Persana� Property not af�ixed to the Praperty in a manner and at a p�ace reasvnably canW�nier���❑Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�a�lab[e to Lender within three �3y days after r�ceipt Q� writt�n demand fror�-� Lender t❑ �he
<br /> exfi�n�p�rmitted by app�icable law.
<br /> ►4ddr�sses. The mailin� addresses v� Trustvr �del�torf and Lender �secured party� from whi�h in#armati�n
<br /> conc�rn�ng th� security int�rest granted by this Deed af Trus� may be abfiained tea�h as required hy th� �1ni��rm
<br /> �omme�-�ia! Cade� are as st�t�d an the f�rst page af�his Deed of Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER AaSURAN�ES; ATT�RNEY�INWFACT. The follvwing pro��sians r�lating to further assuran�es and
<br /> attorney-in-�act are a part o�th�s Deed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and fr�m time �� �ime, upvn request of Lender, Trustar vvill make, e�cecut� and
<br /> defi�er, or wi��cause to �e made, exe�uted or de�i�ered, to Lend�r ar�o Lend�r's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, �ause �� be �iled, recorded, refiil�d, or rerecarded, as the case may be, at such times and in such ❑��ices
<br /> and plaGes as Lender may deem apprapriate, any and all such mar�gag�s, deeds a� trus�, securi�y deeds, security
<br /> agreerx�ents, financing statements, c�ntinuatit�n statements, instruments vf �urther assurance, cert`rfica��s, and
<br /> ather documents as may, in the sol�opini�n a� Lend�r, be necessary or desirable �n arder to e��ectuate, camplete,
<br /> perfect, continue, flr preser�e {�� Trustor's o��igatians under the Note, �his Deed of Trust, and �he Related
<br /> Dacuments, and (2� the l��ns and security interests created by th�s Deed o�Trust as fiirs� and prior li�ns �n the
<br /> Praper�y, whether now owned or hereafter acqu�r�d by Trustor. �n�ess prohi�it�d hy lav�r ar Lender agrees to �he
<br /> �antrary in wr�t�ng, Trusto� shall reimburse Lender for all cvsts and �xpenses in�urred in cannectivn with �he
<br /> matters re�ferred to in�his paragraph.
<br /> Attarn�y-in-Fact. lf Trustor fails to da any a��he �nings referred to in the preced�ng paragraph, L�nder may do so
<br /> �or and in the name of Trustor and at Trustor's �xpense. For such purposes, Trust�r hereby irrevvcably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustar's attorney-in-fac�f�r th� purpose�f making, execu�ing, deli�ering, filing, recvrdfng, and daing a[I
<br /> other �hings as may be ne�essary or desirabi�, in L�nder's svle apinion, tv a��omplish the ma�ters referred to in
<br /> �h� preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFDRMAiVGE. lf Trustor pays all th� Indehtedness, including without limitatian all fu�ur� ad�an�es, when due,
<br /> and oth�rwise perfvrms all fhe �bligations impased upon Trustar ur�der this aeed of Trus�, Lender shall exeGute and
<br /> de�i�er to Truste� a request �or �ull reconveyance and shall execu�e and de���er t� Trus�ar suitabfe s�a�ements of
<br /> termination of any financing statement on �i�� ��idenc�ng Lender's security interest in the Rents and �he Pe�s�na[
<br /> Property. Any re��n�eyance fe� r�quired by�aw shaif be paid by Trustor, i�permitt�d by appli�ahie �aw.
<br /> EVENTS �3F DEFAULT. Each o��h� fallvwing, at Lender's option, �hall cvnst�tute an E��nt of [�e�fau�t under this Deed
<br /> v�Trust:
<br /> Payment�efault. Trustar�ails to mak� any payment vvhen due under�he Indeb�edness.
<br /> Dthe� Defaults. Trustor �ai[s to �omp�y with or ta p�rform any o�her term, obfiga�ion, �a�enan� ar cond'€tian
<br /> c�ntained in th�s ❑eed o� Trust or in any �� the Related DoGumen�s or ta �ompEy with o�- to perform any term,
<br /> obliga�ion, c��enant or candition can�ained ;n any ather agreement be�ween Lender and Trusto�.
<br /> �omplian�� De�ault. Fa��ure to �omply with any �ther t�rm, v�liga�ian, cv�enan� ar Gond�tian contained in th�s
<br /> Deed vf Trust, �he Note vr in any�f�he Relat�d Do�uments.
<br /> ❑e�aul�on D�her Payme�tts. Failure vfi Trustar within the time required by�th�s Deed o�Trust t� make any payment
<br /> �or taxes❑r insuran�e, or any other payment necessary tv pre�en��iling o�or to e�€�ct discharge o�any lien.
<br /> De�ault in Fa�or o�Third Parties. �hvuld �rantvr defaul� under �ny loan, ext�nsion of credit, security agreement,
<br /> purGhase ❑r sales agreement, vr any vth�r agr��ment, in fa�or of any other c�editar or persan that may materia��y
<br /> affect any �� Gran�ar's property or �rantvr's ability to repay the �ndebt�dn�ss or Cran�ar's abili�y t� per�arm
<br /> Gran�or's v�I�gations under this Deed v�r Trust or any of�h� Rela�ed Documents.
<br /> False Statements.- Any warran�y, representati�n or s�atement made ❑r furnished �v L�nde� by Trustar or on
<br /> Trust�r's b�half under this Deed af Trust or the Related ❑o�uments is �als� or mis[eading in any mater�a� respect,
<br /> ei�her now vr at the tim� made or furnished vr becomes false or misleadin� at any t'rme�he�e�fter,
<br />