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� -., _ _ <br /> � <br /> � � . <br /> ftE•AEGORDEn �L� " �OOf.e�� ' s�--� ,.OG98Q <br /> . b Emtnant Aam�m �enJer�s nar�by ass��nE1J a�t,.umpensai�un AwdrQn Qnm.�;�us dnJ��Ih�•� pnynqmis,+r�i'hpl Iho�i•�n,�hCr �'�����pi15 1���IW��C�lum�v�lh <br /> rondmm�ahunu�alhOrlah�nqollhoPtoporiYOtpdrlihurool urfOrCpnvOYOnCO�nhauutc.�ndOmnal�un londurshallbounl��lsoplwnlo«�mmoncu.y���v��inanJ <br /> pwneculu m�n own n�me any�c��un or pwcaoum{�� �nU anau Ml�p U�pnldi00 to m�wa�ny Compri�m�ao or eetuoman�m connu��wn w��h���cn�ewmp or qamay�e in�nu <br /> ' erenl�ny po�Uun ot Ina P�opurty�z ao takon or d.lmaf]Od 10�d0�Sh�ll hlve In0 Op1i0O in�119JI0 dnd AbSOlu�O d�6C�OliUn �u app�y an auch P�ocuod9 81I01 QOdufl�nu <br /> IIIOt�11pT�1!COlIt an0 9�p0nS091nCU1re0 Oy d�n COnnOCliAn:v�lh 1uC11proCaBd�upOO U��y�nOObiQdnU9a�OC��rVd hOtOby 0nd�n tiu�h adar d!10��d6i mpy d0t0�m�n0 Jt 10 <br /> —: eDD�Y���!UCh P�6t00d9 ali9l�Vfn dPa��Cbdi�4 Io 1110�981prdLon JI ih0 P�Ppo�ly up..n euCh ro�id.liona .ra 1�+nV�r mqy Aei..�nnnn Any p�ipHralu�n OI P11�fPAdf IU <br /> mdoGtadnefs sha0�ot e�tentl or postponp tho ci��o tlato�t any VaY�noMS unclur tho Nuto ur cu�o a�y dolaidi thoraundei or hn�eundor <br /> 1 P�ttorm�nt�Eyl�nd�r.Inlneovenlo�8orrower'a�auurotoporlormanyot�hecaao�omsno�umorma�pan�paymomsroquuutlhero0� O�dOny0C1iS1dApnp� <br /> � �OQA�piOGY�GfnaGOmm�neYdwtuChmatenollyalf8etslendae'a�MareSlintheP�opeelr lnndde�riayuufauwna�aeeplwn �ul.r��nu�dpbi�flat�onludoiw antlNr4npulnoUCe <br /> (O�tGBmindupOn60�fOW81indw�IhOu118teA3i�g80rrOaeibUmonyobl�ea6un�uanyaclwluchlhnBanuwn�l�t�e�greedbulld�illuAuendmayAlaudodn�qlherpCld <br /> deems aecessa�Y to protecl ths seturdy nerool 8orrowor snaU �mma0wto�y upon tlamand Ihorolor by►ondor pay to lCnUo�all coe�s.�nd o�pensos incuiwA anA lume <br /> eapentledbyl�nde�mCOnn¢CbOnwAhth00x8rt�s8bylonclurott�eloregoing�ighls Iogolhcrw�thintera5llhurcon0llho�8lop�oviQa0inlAONulo wh�c�s�allp�addodto <br /> .-..._. ��p I�IRPNIPRO64�6BGUf@tl IIAfe�y 18�1(1PI 6hA11 n01 m���e any p.nsnnal hab�b�y bucause nl nnylh�n��1 may do ut umd to du hu�t�undo� _. <br /> B Ev�nt�ol O�tauit•Tho loliowmg snaU coosl�tulo an euent ol Cetaull unACr lnis poed ol Trust <br /> !a) Fa�lure to payany mstanmem ot pnnc�pai or u�toresl oi any olhei sum secwed nerepy wnen due.or iaeuro w pay when dueany olhor mdobtodnoss ot <br /> Borrowe�lo londer. <br /> � (b) A breac�pt or dafaull undet any prov�sion conlained i�1ha Nuta. I�is Dootl ot T�ust any dotumunt whicA gttcuce3 Ihp NOtB.dnd 8ny Oth¢r <br /> encumOrance upon ine Propeny, <br /> (c) Awnlolgxeculio�oraltachme�loranys�m�larDrotoss5hallbaento�eCdga�nel8o�rowerwhic�slallbrcomoalienon�hePropar;yoranyport�on <br /> 111ete0)Or�ntOrest therein, <br /> (A► There s�ail bo liied Dy or aga��sl 8orrower an action untler any pre5enl or tuture fedora�.slata or olhe� or ragulatian rel,�ting to <br /> Dink�uptcy.in3olvencyorot�errelielfordebtoro.orthereshallDeappointr.da�iylrustee recaweroiliqu�tlatorotBorw�ve�orofalloranypar1u11heP�operly,ot <br /> - ihe fOnts.�48ue9 ot protds tAereol,o�Borro�vBr shdll m8koany ganerdl assignmenl lor Ih�ben,�id ol c�eA�tors <br /> - (e) Th0,a59i�11fnf01.CO(1v0y8nt9 Ot 1u�1�0t�nCUmbr2nC0 0�all or any pd�t OI O�dny miMpS�m Ihe Property,e�ther�oluntanly or <br /> �nvoluntanly,w�ihoul the express wr�tten cunsem pl Lendei <br /> (i) II BorrowOr�s no1 an�ndwidual,the saie,ltansfer,ass�gnm0nl.conveyente or encumbrance ol moia than _.___ poicent ot(d a corporaUOn)its <br /> �S�uEC a�d outStand��g stock or(il a parinersA�p) __.- . pe�cant ot pa�tnersh�p inte�esis <br /> 9 R�nNdl�s;AceN�qibo UpOn O�tault.�n the erenl 01 any E�ent o1 Delault 4entler mdy Geclare atl intldbteAness secured hereby to be duo antl payable and tAe <br /> sime s�all lhareupon Oecom9 due and payable w�thput any presenlment.tlemanQ,protesl ur notica ot any h�ntl Thereatlor lende�may. <br /> (a} DemanOt�atTrualeee�e�c�aelhePOWEROFSAIEgrantotlhere�n anOTrustees�allthoreallercause8orruwe�'smleres��nthgPrpperlyloDesoltl <br /> and Ihe plOCeeds to Ge C�stt�0uted,ail�n the manner provided�n►ho Nebraska T�usl Deetls Act. <br /> (b) Hther m pe�son or by agent.wrth or wdhout bnn��ng any au�on or praceeA�n4.o�by a�ecerver appo�nted by a court and wdhoul reg3td t0 the <br /> atl8qudcy 01�19 SecurAy,ente�upon 8nd take possass�on o11he Nr�pai ty,or any par I I nereol.�n ds own name o��n Ihe name of the T�uslee.antl do any acts wh�ch <br /> d dfems n8tessary Or Qesira0le to preserve t�e value,maiketabibly or�enlabJdy ol Ihe Proprrty o� pdrt thereut�>r mte�e9t Ihere�n mcraase ihe income <br /> it18t81rom or prOtecllh@ sBCUri1y hBr6ot and.w�ih Or w�thOUl lahing pOS5055�On Ot tn0 P�Op@r1y.sue fu�o�ot�erwiSQ collect the ren15,iSSUeS And pi01�tS th8reol. <br /> —�_ rncluAmgtfiosepaeldueandartpaid,artdapplythesamc tcsscosisaada,pa�.sasotope�aironar,OCOtteci�or�.�ut.,��nc}atsu�nrya'tnns.�,yunany�udeUtedaess <br /> 58CU(bd h8t0Ay.811�O 9uC�oftlet 3!LenABt mdy detP�m�ne The entPnng upon and takmg po55e55�on ot�ne PropOrty th@ COIICCtiOn 01 SuCA�en14.ISSU@S and <br /> proht9 a�d tha apphcatwn thereo)as atoresa�a.shau no1 cure or wawe any delaun o�nouce oi Ae1auN horeuntler or mvahaate any aa Gone m response to sueh <br /> tlalault Or purBUaM to suCh nOUce oi tl91auN and notwrthslandmg Ihe conlinuance in possesSion ot Ine Property or the colleeUOn,reeeipi and appbCaUOn o) <br /> rBn15.�sSUea or profds.TruSteO or lentler Shall be enntled t0e�.ert�50 0ve�y n�M prov�APd tor m any ol the Loan Insl�umen:s or hy law upon occurence ol any _ <br /> event ol delault.�nttud�ng the nyhl to exerc�se the power ul saln.and <br /> (e) Commenee an aebon lo foreclose ih�s DeoO ot Trust as a mortgage.appom�a recerver v�speal�cauy eutorce any o1 Ihe covenants hereof. <br /> No remetly herem CoofO►te0 upon or reservetl to T�uslee or Lender�s�ntontled to be e•c�us�re o1 any utne�rrn�eoy here�n or Gy iaw prov�ded o�permnte0.Dul eaCh 5�80 de <br /> eumulaUva.shau Oe m adC�UOn to every other remetly gwen nereunder o�now or nere,tlte�C+iSUnq ai lew ur m eq�uiy ot by Slaiule and may be eaerc�sed cancurrenlly, <br /> �nCEpendenily or suctess�vely <br /> 10 Truatq_The T�ustee may resion at any umo w�tnn�.t ca�.se anA 1 wnAe�m.�f.i�any 4m��.�nn wAhn�d rwucu a�pmn}w�.�<< gupsl�t�.fa 7n.etaa T(��{�PP <br /> — shaN�ol b!I�ab101or any loss or damage un�ess tlue to at t,onatrle negi�gence ur w�ul�d n��st c,nauc� and sha�l not I,e feymicU to faAe any acpon�n connectiOn wdh tRQ , � <br /> enloreemeM of this Oeed of Trust unless mtlemnA�ea m wrdmg.lo�au costs cOmpenna�wn u�eapnnSeS whiU�mey ba assut�ttCd IhOrCwdb In 3dtld�On T�u3�et7 OtAy <br /> bOCOmO�putth�fetetenysale0tthePtoperlypud�c�alorundertAOpowerolsalegiantrAnerc�n� pustponcu�rsa�cotauoranypo�UOnulthopaperty asprov�deabylaw. <br /> ot sell tAe Property�sa whole.or�n separate Darcois o�iufs <br /> 1/ iutunAdvante�.Upon requesl ol Boirowe� I ende�may al rts opl�nn tnaFr n�irf�Unnal nnA tulurr 3Av.�nces and rpaAvanCes tn Horrowrr Si�ch advances ana � <br /> readvantes,wQh�nfetCSl t�ereon.Shall Ce sewretl Oy Inis Oeed ul Tn�s� At no Ome ihalt�h�Vnnc�pa�amuunt ut�ne mdebtedness seture0 bv�h�s Ueed ot Trust.n01�n- <br /> clud�ngsumsadvaneetltoprotecllhpsoLUrdyOtlh�sOeetlolTruSLexceedtheonq�nalp�mc�palamounistatedheremo�S _ ,wh�therer�s "�. <br /> greater <br /> 12 Wilscdt�n�ou�Pro�islon�. <br /> Ia1 So�row��Nol Rtt��s�d.Extens�on o1 tne bme br payment or moc7d�cauoo ot amu�uaaLOn ol tne su,ns sea,red by�h�s Oeed of Trust granted by <br /> LenAer tp any suecessor m�nterest ol8orrower snail not operate to release �n any manner Ihe I�aGdAy ot ihe ongmai Bonpwe�and BOrrower's successois m ! <br /> interest Lendershall nol be requ�reG lo commence proceeAmgsagainst such successor or reluse to extend t�me to�payment or otherwise mod�ly amort�zation <br /> OI the Sum4 SeCUreO Dy this OB¢O of Trust by reason ol any Oemantls made Dy the o��g�nal Bu�iowCr a�tl Bo�rOwe��S SuCtessor5�n intfre5l j <br /> � (b) L�IId�►'�POWfll.WdhOWaflBdmgl�eliabddy0lanyotherpetson�idDtelorihepaymenlO�anyob��9auonneri•mmentaned.andwrtnoutatletdng � <br /> � ihe IiEn or Chatge ol lhis DeeA ol Trusl upon any poiUOn of ine Prope�ty not men or theretolure releasea as secunly lo�Ihe tun amuunt pt d�I unpa�0 obUgalwn5. <br /> Len08�may.1rom lim8 to lime 8nd wdhout noi�ce 10 release any person so i�aDte U�1 e■ten0 t�e maWr�ty o�a�te�any ol thu terrus ol any Such oDligahons.�m) � . <br /> , � ' grant otAenndulgences.Uv)release or reconvey ur cause lo De�etease0 0�reconveyed at a�y t�me at Lentler-s upLuns any pa+ceL porl�on or ait ol lne Properly. ; �� <br /> (v�18keOrr8lease8nyotherorqtldiUOnalsecuntylordnyobi�gat�Onh¢ie�nmenl�one0 orlvqn�akecompoaA�ansorotherarrangernenlswdhdebWrSmrelahon �j� <br /> ! � ther8t0 <br /> (C) Forb�ar�ne�by L�nd�r No1�Walr�r.any lo�beara�ce by i enaer�n e.erc�s�ng any r�gnt or remeay nere��n�er or otherw�se aftorGeC by appl�cable � <br /> . 18w.5�811 n01 bea warver 01 or preCludn Ihe e�eruseol any such nght o��eme0y T Ae p�ocurCmeN ot�nsurance or the paymeM ol taxes pr other 6en50r Chdrge9 � � � <br /> by LenQer S�all nol be a wa�ver o1 Lentler's nght to acceterate Ine malunty ut tne mtleDteaness securea Dy tn�s Deetl ol Trust � <br /> (A� 9ueet�ton and Auiy��oound;Jolnl sod S�wr�l llabltlty;C�ptlons.Tne covenants and agreements nere�n conta�netl snall bind.antl tne nghis . <br /> , �ereuntlet sAall�nure to,the respectrve successors and assigns ul Lender antl Bor�ower.suD�ect to�ne prov�s�ons of paragrapn 81e)ne�eol All covenanl5 antl <br /> : iqreement�ol8orrowershallDe{O�ntandseveral Thetaptionsan4heaGingsott�eparagrapnsclt��sDeetlolirustarelo�conven�enceonlyanaarenotto6e <br /> usnd t0�nlerprel w anni�e y�d y�ov�>�uuS hi:�eu: <br /> (e) Rpw�110►NOtIC��.TheOartieShe�ebyreque511natacOpyotanynot�ceo�tlelauithereunderan0acopyolanynoLCeolsa�e�ereunGerbemadeAto <br /> eatbparlytothisDeedolTruslatiheaddressseiforthaboveinthemannerprescr�DetlDyapp��cablelaw E+�cep�loranyothernoucerequ�reduntlerappl�caDle <br /> law to be 9�ven in anoti�ei ma�ner,any not�cu providesd tor m�h�s Deed oi Trus�shal�be g�ven by ma�t�nq sucn notice by cert�tied mad addressed to the other <br /> pariml,at tNe aGtlresa se1 fonn above <br /> ; Any nOt�CA proviCeG lor m th�!OeeA o1 Trust shali De deemetl to have been g�ven lo Borrower or Leneer when gwen�n Ihe manner des�gnated here�n <br /> (1) Iesptctlon.LendermaymakeorcausetoCematlereasonaDleeMnesuponanOmspecUOnsoltneP�openy prov�0edtnalLentlershallgrve8orrowe� <br /> not�ce pr�or to any sucn inepecbon spealy�ny reasonaDie cause Ihe�elo�reiatea to Lender s�nteresl m tne Vrope��y <br /> (p) M�COnr�yane�.Upon paymont olall sums securea by th�s peea of Trust.lender shall request Truslee to reconvey Ihe ProDerty and shall surrender <br /> thi�Deed OI Ttust�nd all�ote!ev�tlanc�ng�nAeDtedness secured Gy th�s DeeA ol Trusl to 7rustee Trustee shau reconvey Ihe Property w�lhoul warranty an0 <br /> wtthOul chuge lo the pBrson or p9rson9legally ent�tle0 fhereto SucA person or pe�sons snall pay all costs ot recorCaLOn,il any. <br /> (h) PenoMlProputy,S�turltyApr��m�nt.ASaddil�onalsecuntyforthepaymenlolt�eNo�ea111� <br /> . in CO�n@CtlOn wi�A th9 fQ81 @51810 0►irtlptOvCm@M810G81@Cl I�0rA0f1.8f1tl n01 o�hBtw�Se tl0C1af0O Or deBm@0 to b8 8 p8rt OI Ih0 rg818S1At0 SEiCUtQO hQreby.Shdlt b0 <br /> subJecltoa5ecurdyintereft�nlaJOrotthaLenaerundprthgNebraskaUnrtormCommerc�alCode This�nstrumentsAallbeconslrueOasaSeGuntyAg�eement %_ _—=_- <br /> _,, under said CoGe.and the lenOer shaU�ave an the nghts anA remetl�es ot a securea pany unCer sa�tl Code m add�t�on to tne ngnts antl remetl�es created under • <br /> � and actorCed the LenGer pursuanl to t�is Deeo ol Trust <br /> (�) SfYlf�WNty.In 1h9 evBnl lhat iny prOV�S�on Ot thiSDee001 TruSt Con1��Ci Wi1h BppliC8blEt 18w Or er0 d8t�at6tl invelitl or p�ha�w�50 unpnforceable.5uch <br /> _ contl�C1 Or inval�d�ty ihall nof�tfett t�e othef prons�one o�tn�s Oeed ol T rust or the Note wh�cA can be g�ven eHect w�tnout 1ne conlhu�ng prov�s�on.and to�n�s <br /> end t�e F�onsionf 01 the Oeetl 01 Trul1�nd the N�e are dec�ared to oe se�eraDlo , <br /> Borrowor nas exocutctl M�a Oood o1 Trost Iho tlafo w�aton aDOVo � � <br /> _ � � � a� � 'y��t` �-� ///�� <br /> . BouoWOr j� y <br /> ::. ` r� �� �.j� 7, ' .� ��w�f.//c'%!•tLi�' �``� <br />_M� . . Po,r�•we, , ��� <br /> -- t' <br /> .rfi r <br /> i��� <br />�'g�.1: <br />;'s<< <br /> t, � <br /> .f�, L..... �,_� <br /> .'� <br /> .��, <br />