<br /> .. � �
<br /> . t'�,rr����t iv�� p.���d �,t fr�i�;t h��in�; i•�•1 i 1�•�1 t�+ r�hu�a r�,�-r�•.•t n+wu• �,� I'riir;t��v .ni�l It��n��t t�•larv
<br /> •OIIROMIRlIt�BAO THi!�EF011!�I�MINO: �lL�•R���E�3�
<br /> Nr•�owr�e t►*uetoroi urtd:ratand tnat!ho dacurnani in.3 tna C.anu..a�a aw�riout N a�ecuie ia e Oued ul Ti 4�a1 end no)a moripnpa�nd U��1 i��e yutier ot i�te pruvl�3na
<br /> _ 1��In Ihe�l�aA M tr.»I nrnr�Ara�uGitr.nt�euy Q�Ilerert r�Qnif e�A oe�ipauane�0 tn�8o►r�wer�Inrn e martpege In rhe evenl ol�de�aull o�b�e+�ch of obUg�Hnn und�r the
<br /> QelA e1 Ttufl.�n[�ud�nq.i+ul nol hmded ta.ihe LenQef�Npht lo��ve 1fia ReAI ProDarty�O�d Sfk)e trustee without eny�udiclal p�oceeding o�foroc�osuro 8otrower!
<br /> � rep�efem�nA ar�rr�nllne�Ihia�chnowteCyeme�t wae eaecuteC�v tnem�etoro the erecutl of fha paed of Trua1
<br /> ,X _'c?��� �/�-� ''
<br /> 89�-. 10698U . �� /� '
<br /> � Borr wer
<br /> �� l� � "/�-L 1 G/L. L
<br /> � ' Borro er
<br /> COM►LETE Mi�poMlon ONLY II M�nsl prop�rfy daerl0�d eonsi�b ot INOIYIDUALLY pWNED Afl111CULTUIIAL LAND.
<br /> H�pplkabl�,eomphN ONIY ONF NtM�A,S,or C:
<br /> 7ne Borrower(�)acknowtsdge that they are eb�u1 to exec ute the fotlowing Deod ol Trust upon the real estate describe0 there�n.T he Borrower(�),and eacA o1 them it
<br /> more iha�o�e,do he�eby discla�m their�ignt to desig�ate a homestead purauant tnereto No part o1 the home�tead of either p11hs 8e�r�;;�r(�)�s presently!+•will in Ihe
<br /> futurebesituateduponsaidreale�tate TheBorrower(e)underatandthatdenhereatatUSheeahomeeteadonanypartol�aid�ealeatateduNnglhetlmetheDeedalTruaf
<br /> romaine umatisti�ed snd a lien u pon said real eetate,lhero�ha110e no nghllo make a des�gnation of homeetead in t�e event p1 a torectosuro or trustee'a sste with roSpeet t0
<br /> eaid Oeed of Tru�1
<br /> • TheBorrawe�ia)ack�owtetlgelhettheyereaDOU�loexecutetnetouow�ngOee0�lTrustupontnerea�aefatedescr�bedthere�n TheDorrower(a),endesehofthemii
<br /> more Ih��one,do he�eby waive thev riqht to eesiqnate a nornestead DursuanT thPrpto Th0 BOrrOw¢rl�)u�CEr�ir�d thal Ihey hdv@ ihp►�g�t t0 make�CESiAnaliO�OI
<br /> hOmlStlad and tAtt Cy expcUt��g thi�wa�v0►.they ere waw�ng rlght5 othe�w�3e avd�lab�e 10�the putpoSe G181ford�ng them the opp0►tunity t0 rltein 1hElr�pmlatead in lhe
<br /> event oi a delault upon the Deed o1 T iust.
<br /> Pursuant to ihe Ferm Homestead Protect�o�Aet(Saction 78-/901 e:seq Rev�sed Statute�01 the State o1 Nebiaska).The 8or�owe�(!),do hereby de�ignate the real
<br /> property described in the"Des�gnaNOn ot Homestea0"a��ached hereto and�ncorpprated here�n by Ihia relerence
<br /> ,i.
<br /> ;,�.
<br /> t� BorrOwer �
<br /> i'
<br /> _i –_
<br /> tforroaer t •�
<br /> 1
<br /> ����ec.iive ueea o�''Trus e ng re le to s ow correct name of Trustee and Beneficisry � �
<br /> THISDEED OF TRUST �S mar]�a5 0l thP 8thuay o� DeCeI4U8ZtgS9._ _by a�d ama�,g Ihe Trustor. G1s�e E Met.��nk '
<br /> and LaDonna K Met tenbrink, Husband a.nd Wif e, �tfincn�i��.nq prid•�a5,� 535 E Capital 9�re��xand_Island, � �
<br /> Nebr�ska __. �nere�n eorrowe. i �no T,�s��e Bank, of Qoniph:�n_._-� '� �
<br /> ---� ---�..- -- -- - •� �:
<br /> wnosemaitr�gaddress�s _,P O BoX B, Doniphat�, NE 68832 u'�''
<br /> (herein"Trustee'),
<br /> •ndthesenet�e�ary. Lester L._Bowden & Cheryl S,_.Bowdeni_Husba��i_and W�f�i__. �
<br /> .Ynoseme,��o9aaares��s ___�2408 Arrowhead Drive, Grand Island�.NE___ 68801_ _______ �nere��°�e�ca:�� `
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,mciudmg the mdebtPdness�denbhea nPre��and trust nere��created the rece�D10�wh�ch�s he�eby acknowletlged.Borrower �
<br /> herebylrrevotablygrants.transfers.conveysanqass�gnstotrustee iNiqUST_W�THPpWEhOFSALE.torthebenet�landsecur�tyofLender,underandsub�ectlOthe d
<br /> term!and cond�NOns heremalte.set�orin.Ine real property.Cescnbed as louows Y,
<br /> � Lots Eight (8), �Tine (9), Ten (10) , Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) '�y
<br /> Fifteen (15) , Sixteen (16) , Seventeen (17) , Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), in Lake Davis �
<br /> Acres Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, and a tract of land comprising a part of �''r
<br /> the Southeast Quarter of the Vortheast Quarter (SE}NE}) of Section Twenty Four (24) Township � °
<br /> Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more
<br /> particularly described as attached. �
<br /> TogCtlsCe wtth it!buitCmgs.�m�.rOve�.�enis.i��iures.se�c�ts.0trpys.passageways eaSemgnts.ngnls.pnv�teges a�d appurlen,�n�es located ihereon or�n 8nyw�se
<br /> perlai�mp thereto,and the renis.�ssue�anrl prol�ts.revers�o�s ana rema�naers thereal,�nclutl�ng.bul no1 hm�ted to.heat�ng and coohng eqwpment and such peisonal
<br /> property Ihat i�attached to the�mprovements so as lo const��uie a f�:ture.and together w�th the homestead or mar�tal�nterests.�I any.wh�ch�nte+esls are hereby reteased
<br /> ind wa�ved:atl 01 whic h,mciud�ng rep�aceme�ts e nd adO�UOns Ihereto.�s heieby dec�a red to be a part ot the rea�estate secured by tne i�en o1 ih�s Oeed of T�ust and all of Ihe
<br /> (o�eqo�ng p�+ng relerred to here�n es Ihe"property"
<br />- ThiS DEEd OI?rU3t Shall Seture(a)the paym8nt ol Ihe pr,nc�pal 9um antl intere5l ev�denc@tl by�o�rower's nofrt anAior cred�t aq.een,ent dated
<br /> December 8:_ 1989.na���9 a m„�„�Y aa�e o� June 6, 1990 �n thP onq�na�pnnc�pa�an,o�mt pl S�iOL��O�OO_,_p�d any an0 ail
<br /> moCihcabonl.extensions and renewaU thereo�or Ihe•eto antl any�nif au�ui�,ro ad�a��ces arg,�advanc�s n�rrunhe�p�nsuanl to o�c�or more promi55ory noles Or CredA
<br />. agresmeM!(hEtl�nCa11C0�N018').�blthepaymentolothersUmSaOvtntedbyLendCrlopro'etllhpseturdynithpNotr (ClthppprfbrmAnCBe11C7v0nant5dnd8f)�C@mfnt
<br /> of Borrower set iorth here�n.and 4d1 a����tleDledncs4 and ob��gaUO❑s o�Borrower to Lende�wnetner d��eci �nd��ect.afisoiute or conungent and whelher an9i�g by note. -
<br /> guaanty.ove�drall or olnerw�se • -—
<br /> Borrower.to Oroted the sewr��y ol tn�s Deod o� r�usr cove�anls ana ag�ees w�tn Le�zer as�oiiowc
<br /> 1 P�y�IN11tO1Prkletp�I�nAllft�tlst.Ro�rc�wprShai�C��'fmptlypyywhendu0lhpDr�nu0Il�0�end�nlB�eston_andany•ee50rC1iarqeSprOVided�n,fhONoleOtinih�g
<br /> OeeA of Trust
<br />, 2 TIlN.80�rOWC�i9Th00wnBroll�ePrOperly,haSlhEngh�Bn�]eulhontytOCOnveyth@PrOper�y �ndwarr�nlSlhalthpiient«i110dhB�eby�Sal�rS�dnApriO�lienon
<br /> Ihe P�operly.eRCepl�s may olnerw�so�e set lo�th he�e�n a�d the e�ecut�on and dei�very�I lh�s Oeed o�T��sf Ooes�ot v�oiate any co�tract or olher obt� AI�On t0 whiCh
<br /> Borrower��sub�ect 9
<br /> 3 T�ats,A�t�ssm�ntt.To oay wnen due an tnRes.speua�assPSSments end an otner cnarges agamst tne Proaertv antl upon wnUf�demantl by L2nCC�.fo pay tn _r
<br /> � L�nCa�uCh�mount��mry b��vil�aenl to enebie Ino lendor to pay�ucn��,���,��sp„nenH o�othsr chupoy a��ner Dncome due �
<br /> 1 MtupnC�.TO IOCOtnC PrOPOrty�nlurod agnlns�AemAge by hro_ha[rrtl!indudUtl wdhin Ihg IDrm"o■�Bndod covernge endlut�Olhe�helD�t1S E!LCt�GE�msy tij'
<br />. ��QWt�.In�TOU�t!�nd hqh tOmpenqS�CC001lptp IO lwnAr7t,11nQ wilR�O�!peyAble f0 the Lenryer in eeee o�ioes unae.eveh nouua� me Le�ee��f e�tno.itea to etl�uu (�r,
<br /> [O��ldeOOtOTp�Om�SC EIICId�ttiSthBrlunOC�OndSha1lhBrc�I�PnpUOnpfqpPly�nqallMpArloflhQ�nSUrenCPpfUtr`Pd5f�11eAnyin.fpryfCdnp9B7@CUtCdh@rFGYd+"��nSUGh �
<br /> .�Otf1T`G}8 PCQQII r*lay dP1C/minH (��)1n�hP f��)��(iNt�r 17 hP�I:nf)tl�r Ihs+�P[;.l�t(>r r..qlC.rlllipr�O�Ih[l'Ir�f�nrl�rir{���)I��r nny nlhn�
<br /> f/ b E��ul[Iii7CIf�fS()ITt1�51�tilf�•pl�lf<Trt.�.��ntSPCU�n;11�rrCti/[N�Ipf(�G�.rh n��ro-(`(�rChiff};at�cfaGtnryl0lt�r��1t•r . �
<br />- no!p�tCn�dr p�stponr P�n Au0�fale ol an n!nn19 u�+drr u�n Nn��• p�r u�n p8ympnt prn�tq•�k p1aCn nny BUDI�[�t�on r�1 pr�c�rr7q lo indnhtetln�.ss sr�au . �
<br /> v i'a� any drfm�n mr�eu��dPr pr hrrr•i�nr7rr ��
<br /> 5 MtlnUn�nt� R�psu� and Comptlsnes wllA l�w• n.�,�r,�,�,�r ei�an wero inr P,opo�ly �„ q�,,,��r r.�,ti.�.-,. „�ti ,�.�•,,, �n�n �.,,�,�pu„ .��•:��. �, ,�di�o a.,y .. .
<br /> �n.O�U+OmM�I Khq h rr.N V��n rJnn,;���n,�rv rtrc•royC�i t��A�t.,n �n.m�l hr pnrmd Any wq4tn n..lptnr�n, -
<br /> V Prn.nr.�..�,• n^�t 5 ��n„� .�,nn nr..�..n�n,n f��,.;...��, ._� .� ..•,..n,,...n �tr r..�.�...����,a.�ho�m�b,inv n�ts,.
<br />• n.� M�nrt.m q,.n�n�i•.� � ..:� r,,��.r•���..- r.dpnrm�tNrly:lffl•�hr�t��r�r�r�.�.,.��,...��.�t�... , -:
<br /> qr,q�ipa���r1L'�nVUy•��V r t�qn n�ftn�,�,«..S•��A 7•.•1 nrp�ntn AnP(�e�0(��i u n���ar i o9nn.tr r .< � � . . ��. i .r�ir�:��., .�i...,i.,� ,.. nqu�af�n.. A• 1
<br /> •'LeQ^ti' .•1 r.�� . . �•. ....�..�� c ..1��.,t� . �.'1• r{�����r��. ,t
<br /> ��•
<br /> �� .�-J
<br />