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2� 1 ��5249 <br /> con�inue to pay t� Lender�he amoun�af the s�para�ely designated paym�n�s that were due when�he <br /> insurar�ee coverage ceased ta be in effec�. Lender wi�l acc�p�, use and retain�he��paymen�s as a <br /> non-refundabie ioss reser�e in�ieu af M�r�gage�nsurance. Such loss reser�e sha11 be non-refundabie, <br /> riotv�r�ths�anding the fac�that the Loan is ultimat�l}�paid in fui�, and Lender sha11 nat be requ�red�o pay <br /> B�rrav�rer any �n�eres�or�arnings on such�ass reserve. Lend�r can no �onger require�oss reserve payments <br /> if M�rtgage Insurance�av�rage��n the amount and �or the peri�d�hat Lender requires�prov�ded b� an <br /> insur�r selec�ed by Lender aga�n become� available, is obta�n��., and Lend�r requires separately des�gnated <br /> paymen�s toward the�rem�ums f�r Mor�ga�e �nsurance. �f Lender requ�red Mortgage�nsuranc�as a <br /> cond����n of making the Laan and B�rrower�va�required to make separately des�gnated payme�.ts toward the <br /> premiums f�r Mortgage �nsuranc�, Borrower sha11 pay�he premiums requir��.to main�ain Mor�gage <br /> �nsuran�e�n effe��, or�o pro�id�a non-�refunda��e loss reser�e, unt�l L.ender's requ�remen�for Mortgage <br /> �nsurance ends �n ac�ardance wi�h any v�rritten agreemen�betwe�n Borrawer ar�d L.�nder pr�v�d�ng for such <br /> t�rnuna�ion or un�il�ermination is requ�red by Applicabl� Law. Nothing �n�hxs S�c��on 10 affec�s <br /> Borr��er's ob�igat�on�o pay�nterest a��he rate pro�ided in the Note. <br /> Mortgag��nsurance reimburs�s Lender�or any en�i��that purchas�s the No�e� for c�r�a�n�osses i�may incur <br /> �f Borrawer daes not repay th�L.�an as agreed. Borrower is not a par���a�he Mor�gage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers e�aluate their tota� r�sk on all such �nsurance in force from t�me�o���me, and may ente� <br /> �n�o agreements v�i��a�h�r part�es that share�r modify �heir ris�, or reduce losses. Th�se agreeme��s a�re on <br /> �erm.s and cQnditi�ns tha�are satisfac�ary�o the mor�gage insurer and the o�her par�� �or parties}�a�hese <br /> agre�men��. T�ese agreements ma�requ�re the mortgage insurer�o make paymen�s usxn� any source�f fu.nds <br /> that the mortgage insurer may have available �v�hich may inciude funds obtained fram Mor��a�e�nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a resu�t of these agreements, Lender, any pur�haser of the Note, ano�her�nsurer, any reinsurer, an.y o�her <br /> ent��y, or any affil�ate�f any of the foregoing, may recei�e�direct�y ar indirec�ly} amoun�s that deri�e from <br /> �or might be characterized as� a portion of Borr�wer's paymen�s far Mar��age�nsurance, in exchange for <br /> sharing�r modifying the mor�gage insurer's risk, �r redu�ing losses. If such agreement prav�des thax an <br /> affiiiate af Lender takes a share of the�nsurer's r�sk in exchange for a share of�he premiums paid�o the <br /> �nsurer, �he arrangemen��s of��n�ermed "capt�ve re�nsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a f Any such agreements will not affect#he amaunts that Borrawer has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her terms of�he Loan. 5uch agreem�nts will no��ncrea�e the amount <br /> �iarrower w��l owe for�Viortgage Tnsurance, and they wil�not e�tit��B���rovve��o �tny r�fund. <br /> �b� Any such agreemen�s will not affect the r�gh�s Borrower has -if any- with respect to the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under�he Homeawners Pr��ect�ori Act vf 1998 or any other�aw. These rights <br /> may�nclude the rxght to re�eive certa�n d�sclosures, �o request and ob�ain cance�lat�an of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, �o have�he Martgage Insurance term�na�ed automaticallys andlor t�re��i�e <br /> a refund af any Mortgage Insurance prem�ums that were u�earned at the txme of such <br /> cance�lation or termination. <br /> 'I�. A�s�gnment of Nlisce#laneous Proceeds: Farfeiture. A11 Miscel�aneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> and sha�I b�paid to I.�nder. <br /> �f�h�Proper�y is damaged, such Mis�e�laneous Proceeds shall be applied ta res�ara�ion or r�pair of�he <br /> Property, if the res�oration or repa�r is economica��y feasib�e and L.ender's s�curity is not�essened. During <br /> such repair and restorat�on per�od, Lender shali ha�e the right to hald such M�scellaneous Pro��eds un�il <br /> Lender�ias had an oppor�un��y to inspect�uch Property to ensure the work has been�omple�ed�o Ilender's <br /> NESRASKA-Singte�amity-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 30�$�10'E <br /> VMP Q VMP6ZNEy{13�2} <br /> Wo[ters Kl�rw�r Fir�anciaf Ser�i�es Page 9 v#17 <br />