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2� 1 ��5249 <br /> sa�i�faction, prflvided that su�h �nspe�t��n sha�� be und�rtaken promptly. Lenc�er rnay pay far the repairs <br /> and res�orat�on�n a sing�e d�s�burs�m�nt�r�n a�eries af progress payments as the work is coxnpleted. <br /> Un�ess an agreement �s made�n wr�t�ng�r App��cable Law r�quir�s �nterest ta be pai�an such <br /> Mi�ce��an.�ous Proceeds, Lender sha��not be required to pay Borrower an� int�res�or earnings on such <br /> Misce�laneous Prflc�eds. If the r�storati�n�r repair�s not ecanorn.icaliy feasib�e�r Lender's s��urity w�u�d <br /> be lessened, the Mzscellane�us Proc�eds sha��be applied to the sums secured b��h�� Securi�y Ins�rument, <br /> wheth�r�r not th�n du�, with�he e�cess, if any, paid�o Borrower. Su�h Mzs�ellaneaus Pra�eed� sha�Z b� <br /> a�plied�n the order provided far in Section Z. <br /> �n�he��ent af a�ota� ta.�zng, des�ruct�on, or�oss in�ra�ue of the Praper��r, the M�scel�aneous Proceeds sha�� <br /> be appl�ed ta�he sums s��ur�d b�this�ecuritx Ins�rumen�, whe�her or nflt�hen du�, wz�h the excess, if any, <br /> pazd to Borrower. <br /> �n the even�of a pa�tial�ak�ng, destruc��on, ar loss in vaiue�f the Praper�y in which�he fair mark�t v�1ue of <br /> �he Proper�y imme�ixat�ly befor��h�part�a� taking, des�ruc�ion, or lass in�a�u�is equa� ��or gr�ater than�he <br /> amount of th�sums s�cured b� thxs Securzty�ns�rumen� immediate�y before the partial�aking, destructz�n, �r <br /> l�ss in va�ue, unless Borrower and Lender o�herw�se agree in�r��ing, the sums secured by th�s Secur���r <br /> Ins�rumen�sha��be redu�ed b�r the amoun�of�he M�scellanenus Proceeds mu�tzp��ed by the fo��ow�ng <br /> frac��on: �a} the to�al anlQun�of�he sums secur�d �mmedia�ely before the part�al.tak�ng, destruc��on, or lass <br /> in va�ue d�vided by�b}the fa�r mark�t�alu�of the Prnper�y �mmed�a�e�y befor�the par��a��a.��ng, <br /> destruc��on, or�nss in value. Any balaaace sha.�I b�paid to Bflrrower. <br /> �n th��e�ent flf a partial tak�ng, destruct�on, or�nss in value�f the Pr�per�y�r�wh�ch�he fair mar�et�a�ue of <br /> the Pr�per�� �rnmed�atei�befor�the part�a� taking, des�ruction, or�ass �n�alue is �ess�han the amount af�he <br /> sums secured immed�ate�y�efore th�par�ial �akzng, des�ruCti�n, or loss in value, un�ess Barrovver and <br /> Lender other�v�se agree in wri�ing, �he Mi�c��ian�ous Prflceeds shal� be app��ed to th�sums se�ured by�his <br /> Securit�r �ns�rumen�whether or n�t the sums ar�th�n due. <br /> If the Property is aband�ned by Borra�ver, �r�f, after na�ic�by Lend�r ta Barrower�hat the�ppas�ng Par�y <br /> (as de�ned in�he next sen�ence} of��rs t�make an award �a settle a claim for dama�es, Borrower fai�s t� <br /> respond �o Lender vvi�h�n 3�days aft�r�he da�e th�not�ce �s��ven, Lender xs author�zed to co��ec�and appl� <br /> the M�sce��aneous Praceeds e�ther to restarati�n�r repair af the Proper�y or�a the sums secured by this <br /> Securi�y �ns�rumen�, �vhe�her or not then due. "�pposirig Party" means �he third par�y that�v�es B�rrawer <br /> M�sc�I�ane�us Proceeds or the party agains�whom Barr�v�er has a r�ght of act�an in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Pr��e�ds. <br /> Borr�wer sha��b�in defaul�if any act�nn or proceeding, whether civ�l or cr�minal, ts begun that, �n Lender's <br /> judgment, couid resu�t in farfeitur�of the Pr�per��or o�her material impairment nf Lender's �nt�rest zn the <br /> Property or rzghts under this Secur�ty Instrument. Borrower can cure such a defau�t and, �f acce�eration has <br /> occurred, r�ins�ate as pro��ded in Section 19, by causing �he a�rxon or praceeding to be dismissed with a <br /> ru�ing tha�, in L�nd�r's judgment, prec�udes forfe�ture af the Property or�ther ma�erial impairmen�of <br /> Lend�r's interest in�h�Property or r�ghts under�h�s Secur�ty Instrum�nt. The prnceeds of any award or <br /> c�aim for damages �hat are a�trzbu�ab��to the�mpairmen�af Lender's interest in the Property are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lend�r. <br /> Al� M�sc��laneous Proceeds�ha�ar�nat app�ied to res�ora�ion or repair af�he Prop�r�y shall be a�p��ed�n��ae <br /> or�ier pr�vi�ied f�r in 5ection 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingfe�amiiy-�annis MaelFreddie Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3n28 71�7 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�y{130Z� <br /> Wolters K[uwer Financial 5er�ic�s Page 1❑of�� <br />