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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> ��. Barro►►ver Not Re�eased; Fartaearance E3y Lender Not a VIlai�er. ��tensian�f the�ime far paymen�or <br /> modi�ica�ion of amortxza�ion of the sums secured by this Secur�ty�nstrumen�granted by Lend�r�o B�rrow�r <br /> or any Successor in�nter�s�of Borrower sha�� not operate to release the Iia�i�i�y of Barrower or any <br /> Successors in �nteres��f B�rrower. Lender shall not�e required�o commence pro�eedings against an� <br /> Successor�n�nterest of Borrower ar�a refuse to extend time for paymen�ar otherv�ise modify amort�za�ifln <br /> of the sums secur�d by�his Securit� �nstrument by reason of an�demand mad�by the orig�nal Bflrravwer or <br /> any Succes�ors �n In�erest of Borrawer. Any forbearance�y Lender in exercising any right�r remedy <br /> in�luding, wi�hout I�mita�ion, Lender's acceptan�e of payments from th�rd persons, en�i�ies or Successors �n <br /> In�erest�f Barrower or in amounts less�han the am�unt then due, sha�I not be a waiver af�r pre��ude the <br /> �xercise o�any right ar remedy. <br /> �3. Jo�nt and Se�era� Liahility; Co-s�gners; Successors and Assigns Bound, Borrawer c��enants and <br /> agrees that Borrflwer's obl�gat�ons and �iabiiit�sha�l be jo�n�and sev�era�. Howev�r, any Borrower who <br /> co-s�gns�h�s Securit� Instrument bu�daes no�ex�cute the Nate�a '�CQ-51�I7�r'i}: �a} is co-s�gn�ng �his <br /> S�cur��� �ns�rumen�onl�to mortgage, grant and con�ey�he co-signer's interest �n the Propert�under the <br /> ��rms of this Security Ins�rument; �b} is no�p�rsonai�y ob�i�a�ed ta pa�th� su�ns secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rum�n�; and ��} a�rees �hat Lend�r and any other�orrov�rer can agree�o ex�end, m�dif�, forb�ar or make <br /> any accommoda�ions with regard�o the terms of this S�curity Ins�rument or the �o�e w�thou�the co�si�ner's <br /> �onsen�. <br /> 5u�jec� to�he pr�v�s�ons of Secti�n 18, any Succ�ssor�n �n�er�s�of Borrov�er v�ho assumes Borrow�r's <br /> ob�i�ations under�h�s Securi�y Instrument in vvrit�n�, and is appro�ed by L.�nder, sha11 ob�a�n all flf <br /> Barrower's rights and b�ne#�i�s under this 5�cur�ty Ins�rumen�. Borrower sha�� not be r�ieased fram <br /> Barrower's ohligati�ns and l�abil�ty under�h�s S�curi�y Instrumen�un�ess L,end�r a�r��s to su�h release�n <br /> wr�t�ng. Th�co��nants and abreements of�his Security �ns�rumen� sha�l bind �e�.cept as pr��ided �n S�ct��n <br /> 2�� �nd�ene�it�he su�cessors�nd ass�gns c�f Lender. <br /> �4. Loan Charges. Lender ma�charge Barr�w�r fees f�r ser��ices performed in conne���on with Borrov�rer's <br /> defau�t, for the purpose of protec�in� Lender's inter�st in�he Propert� and r�gh�s under th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument, �nc�udin�, bu�not �imi�ed t�, a�tarneys' fees, prnperty inspectzon and valua�ion fees. �n regard to <br /> any ather fe�s, the absence of express au�hor�t� in this Se�ur�ty �nstrument to char�e a specific fe�to <br /> Barr�wer sha�� not be construed as a proh�bit�fln an the�harging o�su�h fee. Lend�r�na�not�harge fees <br /> that are expressl�pr�hib��ed t�y�his Secur��y Instrumen�or by App��eab�e La�. <br /> If the L.flan�s sub�ect �o a law v�hich sets max�mum loan�harges, a�nd�hat law is finall� interpreted sa tha� <br /> the interes�or o�h�r loan char�es cfl��e��ed or to be co�lec�ed in connec�i�n with�he Loan exe�ed the <br /> p�rnzitted �imits, then: �a} an�r su�h iflan charge sha�I Y�e r�duced by �he arx�ount necessary to reduce the <br /> charge�o t�e permit�ed �imi�; and �b} any sums already co�Iected from Borr�wer v�hich exceeded permitted <br /> �i�mits wil�be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose�o make�his refund by r�ducing the princ�pai owed <br /> under�he Note or b� mak�ng a direct paymen��o Borrov�er. If a r�fund reduces pr�ncipal, the reduction will <br /> be treat�d as a par�ial prepayment v��thout an�pr�pa�ment charge�v�hether or not a prepaymen��har�e�s <br /> provided for under the Nate}. Barrower's acceptance af an� such refund mad�by dire�t paym�n��o <br /> Borrower w�ll consti�ute a v�raiver of any r�gh��f ac�ion Borrower�rnight ha�e ar�s�ng au�of such overcharge. <br /> �5. Natices. A1� notices��ven�b�Borrav�er or I.�nder�n c�nne��ion with th�s Secur�ty �nstrument must be�n <br /> writ�ng. Any no�x�e to B�rrower in cQnnec�i�n wi�h this Se�uri�y �nstrument shall be deemed to hav�be�n <br /> gi�en t� Borrov�rer vvhen mailed by �rst class maii or when ac�ua�Iy deli�ered to B�rr�wer's no��c�address if <br /> �ent by other means. Not�ce t� any�n�Borrav�rer shali can��itut�n�tice to ai� B�rro�rers unless Applicable <br /> Lavv�xpressly requires otherv�ise. The notice address shall be�he Property Address unless Borr�w�r has <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRUMENT �arm 34�8'�l01 <br /> VMP(Q VMP6fN�1[i 3D2� <br /> 1lVolters Kluwer�ir�ancial 5er�ices Page 1 1 c�f 17 <br />