2� 1 ��5244
<br /> satisfact�on, pro��d�d that�uch inspection shal�b�under�aken prflmp��y. Lender may pay for�he repairs
<br /> and restorat��n�n a s�ng�e d�sbursement ar in a s�ries�f pro�ress payments as th�work �s c�mp�eted.
<br /> CTnless an agreement is made �n writ�ng or Appii�ab�e Law requxr�s interest to b�pa�d on such
<br /> Miscei�aneaus Proce�ds, Lender shaii not be required to pay Borro�ver any inter�st ar earn�n�s on such
<br /> M�sc�llan�ous Praceeds. �f�he r�storation or r�pair is nat ec�nomzca��y feasi��e or Lender's security would
<br /> be�essene�, th�Misce��aneous Proc�eds shal�be appl��d to the sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrument,
<br /> wh�ther ar not then due, with�he e�c�ss, if any, paid�o Borrow�r. SuGh MisCellaneous Prace�ds sha�I �e
<br /> app��ed �n th��rd�r pra�ided far�n Section�,
<br /> In the e�ent o�a total ta�ing, destruct�on, ar�oss �n value of the Property, the M�s�ellaneous Pr�c�eds �ha�l
<br /> be�pp�ied tfl �he sums secured�� this Secur�ty �ns�rum�n�, whether ar not th�n due, with th�excess, if any,
<br /> paid t� B�rrower,
<br /> �n the event of a par�ial taking, d�struc��on, nr loss in�alu�of�he Property �n which the fair mark�t va�u��f
<br /> �he Pr�per�y immediately before�he part�al tak�ng, des�ru��i�n, or�oss in va�u��s equal to �r greater than the
<br /> amoun�of th�sums secur�d by this Securi�y �ns�rument immed�a�ely before�he par��al tak�ng, destruction, or
<br /> �oss in Walue, unless Borrflv�rer and L�nder ot�erwise agree �n writ�n�, the sums s�cur�d by�his S�cur�ty
<br /> �ns�rumen�shail be reduced by the amoun�of the Misce�laneous Pr���eds mu�tiplied by the fa���w�n�
<br /> fract�on: �a} �he tfltai amaunt af the sums se�ured immediate�y before the part�a� taking, des�ruct�on, or�oss
<br /> in�alue d���d�d by �b} the fair marke��alue of�he Property immediately b�f�re�he part�al taking,
<br /> destruc�ion, �r��s� �n�value. Any�alance sha�i be pa�d to Borrower.
<br /> In the ev�nt�f a par�ia� �a�ing, d�stru�:tion, or loss in va�ue of�he Property in which the fair marke��a�ue of
<br /> �he Pr�perty immediately befare the partia� taking, de��ructian, or�oss �n�alue is Ie�s than the amoun� of�he
<br /> sums se�ur��. �mm��iately before the par��a� tak�ng, des�ruction, or Ioss in va�ue, unless Borr�wer and
<br /> L�nder a�herv�r�se agr��in writing, the M�scellar�e�us Pro��eds shal�be applied�a ��e sum� s�cured by this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�wheth�r nr no� the sums are then due,
<br /> �f�he Propert�r �s abandoned b� Barr�ti�ver, or if, after nfl�ice b�r Lender to Borrawer that�he Dppos�ng Part�r
<br /> �as d�fined in th�nex�sen�enc�}offers ta make an award��s�ttle a c�a�m f�r damages, Borraw�r fa��s to
<br /> respand�o Lender wi�hin 3�days after the date the nati�e is giv�n, Len�i�r�s autharized�� co�i�ct and apply
<br /> �he M�sce��aneaus ProG�eds either to r�s�oration or repa�r of the Praper�y or�Q the sums secured by this
<br /> Se�urity �ns�rument, v�hether�r not then due. "�pposinb Party" means the th�rd par�y that awes Borro�ver
<br /> Misce�laneau� Pro�eed�or�he party against wh�m Borro�ver has a right af action in regard�o ��s�el�an��us
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower sha��be in defau�t if any actian ar proce�ding, tivhether ci�il or crim�na�, is begun tha�, in L�nder's
<br /> �udgn�en�, cou�d resu�t in far��i�ure of the Pr�per�y or�ther material �mpairment of Lender's in�erest in the
<br /> Fraperty�r right�under this S�curity �ns�rument. B�rrotiver�an cur�such a defaui�and, �f acce��ra��on has
<br /> accurred, rein��ate a�prnv�d�d �n�ection 1�, by caus�ng the actzon or proce�ding ta be d�snz�ssed w�th a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's�udgment, precludes forfeiture of the Proper�� or other materia� impairm�nt of
<br /> Lender's interest in�he Praperty ar r��h�s und�r this Secur�ty �nstrumen�. The proceeds af any award or
<br /> claim.f�r damages that are attributab�e to the�mpairmen�of L�nder's int�rest in the Proper�y are hereby
<br /> assigned and sha�� �e paid ta L�nder.
<br /> A�� Mis�ellaneous Praceeds that ar�not app�ied t� res�ora��on or r�pair of�h� Praper�y shall�e appiied �n th�
<br /> order pravided f�r�n Section 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingi�FamiEy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM IN5TRl1MENT Forr�3028 1101
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEj�13�21
<br /> Wolters Kluw�r�inancial 5er�ices Page��of 17
<br />