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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> sen�ences shall no� app�y ta�he presence, use, ar s��rage on the Property of sma�� quant�t�es of Hazardous <br /> Substanc�s that ar�g�nerally r��a�niz�d to be apprapriate to normal res�den��al uses and ta ma�n�enance of <br /> the Propert� (including, but not limited t�, hazardous substances in consumer products}. <br /> Borr�wer shall promptl� gi�e Lender wri��en notice�f�a} any �nvesti�at�on, c�aim, demand, lawsu�t or other <br /> action by an� g�vernmenta� �r regula�ory agency or pr�vate par�y �nvol��ng the Property and any Hazardous <br /> 5u�stance or En�v�ronmen�al Law of which Borrower has actua� know�edge, �b} any En��ronm�nta� <br /> Candi�ion, including but not limited to, any spii�ing, leakzng, dis�harge, release Qr thr�at of re�eas��f any <br /> �azardous Sub�tan�e, and �c} any candition caus�d by the presence, use ar release�f a Hazardous Substance <br /> which adverse�y affects the�alue of the Proper�y. �f Borrower�earns, or is natified by any gavernmental ar <br /> regu�atory au�hari�y, �r an�pri�a�e par�y, tha�any r�ma�ai �r�ther remediation of any Hazardaus Substan�e <br /> affe�ting the Prop�rty is nece�sary, Borr�wer shall prompt�y take all necessar�r rem�d�al actians in <br /> accordanc�v�i�h Envirflnmen�al Law. Noth�ng herein sha�l crea�e any ob��ga��on on Lender for an <br /> Enva ronm�n�a� C�eanup. <br /> �an-Unifarm Co�enants, Borro�er and L�nder c��enan�and agree as follows: <br /> �Z, Accelerativn; Rem�d�es. Lender sha��g��e notice to B�rrow�r prxar�o a��e�era�ion fvllowin� <br /> Barro�ver's breach af any cavenan�ar agreern�nt�n th�s S�cur��y InStrument �bu� no� pr�or�o <br /> acce�era�ian under Sec�ion 18 unless Applicab�e Law prav�d�s otherw�se}. Th�no�i�e sha��spec�fy: 4a} <br /> �he defaul�; tb} �he a��ion require�ta cure�he defau�t; �c} a�a�e, no��ess �han 30 day� from�he date <br /> �he no�ice is given�o Borro�ver, by �vhich�he defau�t nr�us�be cured; and �d} tha� fai�ure�o cure the <br /> �efau�� on or before�he date spe�if�ed�n �he natice may resul�in acceleration flf the sums secured by <br /> th�s Security Ins�rument and saZe af�he Proper�y. The na�ice sha�l further inform Sorro�ver of the <br /> r�gh��n reinsta�e aF�er acce�era��an and�he right to br�ng a cour�action�o assert the non-exis�ence of a <br /> deFau�� ar an� o�her defense af Barrower�o a�ceierat�on and sa�e. If�he deFau�ti�s no� cured an or <br /> �efore�he date sp�cified�n �he natic�, Lender a��ts op��on may require immediate paymen� in fu�� of <br /> al�sums se�ured by �h�s Seeuri�y Ins�rument wx#hou� fur�her demand and ma��nvoke�he potiver of saXe <br /> and any other remedie� permit��d by Applicable Law. Lender sh�ll be en�i��ed t�ca��ec� a�� expenses <br /> �ncurred in pursu�ng�he reme�i��s provided in�his Se�t�on Z2, inciuding, but not i�m�i�ed�o, reas�nab�e <br /> at�arneys' fees and cos�s af����e e��dence. <br /> If�he po��ver of sale i�invoked, Tru��ee sh�ll record a no�ice af c�eFaul�in each county�n which any <br /> par� af�he Prflper�y is I��a�ed and sha�l ma�X �opies of such no��ce�n�he manner prescribed by <br /> App�i�able La�v�a Borro�ver and�v�he other persQns prescr�bed by App��cab�e Laz�. .�.fter�he�ime <br /> required by App��cab�e I�aw, Trustee shall give�au�x�c nn��ce of sa�e�a �he persons and �n the manner <br /> pr�5cr�bed b� Appl��ab�e Law. Trus�ee, wi�hou� demand an Barrower, shall sel��he Proper�y at pu�Iie <br /> auc��on�a the h�ghe�� b�dder a� �he��me and plac�and under�he terms designated�n the na�ice of sa�e <br /> ix� on�or m►ore parce�s and in any order Trus�ee de�ermines. Trustee nr�.ay pos�pon�sa�e of a��or any <br /> parcel af�he Property by pubtic annauncemen� a� �he��me and p�ace�f any�rev�aus�y schedu�ed 5a�e. <br /> Lender or i�s designee may purchase�he Proper�y at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt of payment of�he pr�Ce��d, Trus�ee shall de��ver�o the pur�haser Trus��e's deed <br /> canvey�ng the Proper�y. The rec��a�s�n�he Trus�ee's d�ed shali �e pr�ma facie e�iden�e oF the tru�h oF <br /> the s�atements made�here�n. Tru�tee�h�a�� app�y �he prac�eds of�h�sa���n�he fvila`v�ng vrder: �a} �o <br /> a�l c�s�s and expenses of exerc�sing the po�ver of sa�e, and �hQ sa�e, in��ud�ng�he payment of th� <br /> Trus�e�'s fees ac�ually in�urred and reasanable a�torn�ys' f�es as perrn�tted by App�icable La��� �b} �a <br /> a��sums s�cured by th�s Secur��y Instrumen�; and �c� any ex�es��o the person or persons Iegally <br /> en����ed t���. <br /> NEgRASKA-Si�gle�amiiy-Fannie MaelFrede�ie Mac UN�FORM INSTRUMENT �arm 3��8 i1�� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi4N���1302f <br /> WaIters KEuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 14 a#'!7 <br />