2� 1 ��5215
<br /> in th� Praperty and rights under this Secur��y�nstrument; and�d} tak�s such ac�ian as L.�nder ma�
<br /> reasonahiy require to assure that I..�nder's zn�erest in�h�Proper�y and righ�s under th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�,
<br /> and Borrower's�b�igation�o pay th�sums secured by this Securi�y Instrum�nt, shall continue un�har�ged.
<br /> Lend�r rna�requ�re that B�rr��v�r pay such reinstatemen� sums and��p�nses �n one or more of�h� fo�l�vving
<br /> forms, as se�ec�ed by Lender; �a} cash; �b} money ard�r; �c}certifie�check, bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier'� check, prav�d�d any such check is drawn upon an �nst��u�ion whase deposits are �nsured by a
<br /> f�deral agenc�, instrumen�al�ty or entit�; or��} E�ectr�nic Funds Transfer. tlpan reins�a�emen�by Borrovver,
<br /> this Secur�ty In�trument and oh���at�ons se�ur�d hereby sha�� remain fu��y effective as if no acce�eration had
<br /> occurre�. H�v�re��r, this right�o reinsta�e sha��not app�y �n the�a�e of acee�era�ian under Section �$.
<br /> ��. Sa�e nf Note; Cnange vf Loan �er�icer; Not�ce af Gr�evance. The No�e ar a par�ial interest �n�he
<br /> I�Ia�e�toge�her wi�h thi�Security �ns�rument}can be sold one or more tim�s without prior na�ice to
<br /> Borrovver. A sal�migh�resul� in a chan�e in�he enti�� �kn�wn as�he "L.nat� Servicer"} that c��iects Periodic
<br /> Pa�ments due under the No�e and this Securit��nstrument and performs ather mar�gage loan ser�icing
<br /> ob�igations under the No�e, �his Securit��ns�rument, and App�icable LavW. There also migh�be one or mar�
<br /> �hanges of the Laan Servicer unrelated �� a sale of the Note. �f�her��� a change of the Loan Se�rv�cer, �
<br /> Borr�wer vvi���e given written notice of the change which v�i11 state the name and address af the new Loan
<br /> S�r�r�cer, the address ta which pay�a.ents shouid be made and any o�her�nforma�ion R.�SPA requires in
<br /> cann�c��on vvi�h a no�ic��f transf`er of ser�icing. If the Note is s�id and ther�af�er�he L.oan is serW�ced by a
<br /> Loan Servic�r��her�han�he purchaser flf the No�e, �he m�rt�a�e�oan ser��icing obiiga�ions to BorrovWer v�iii
<br /> remain with the Loan Ser�i�er�r be�ransferred �o a successor Laan S�r��cer and are not assum�d by the
<br /> No�e purchaser unless other�vise pro�xded by�he Note pur�haser,
<br /> Nei�her Borrovv�r nor Lender may commence,jo�n, or be j��ned to an���udic�a� action�as e��her an
<br /> indi�idual I��igan�or�h�rnember of a class}that ar�s�s from�he ath�r part�'s act��ns pursuant ta this
<br /> Securi�� �ns�rument or tha� a����es that the other party has breached any pro�r�sion of, or any duty owed b�r
<br /> reason�f, this 5ecurit� �nstrument, unt�� such Borrou�er or L�nder has notif�ed�he ather par�y ��rith such
<br /> notice�i�en in�ompliance with th�requirem�nts of Sec�i�n 15} of su�h al�eged breach and afforded the
<br /> a�her party hereto a reasflna�Ie perio�. after�he giving of such notice��take carrectiWe ac��on. If Applicable
<br /> Law pro��des a ti��period vvhich mus� eiapse b�fore cer�a�n act�on can be taken, �ha�time p�r�od wi���e
<br /> de�med�o be reas�nab�e for purposes of th�s paragraph. The no�ice of ac�e�eration and oppor�unity to cure
<br /> �,��en�o B�rrow�r pursuan��0 5ec��on�2 and�he no�i��of accelera�ion gi�en�o Borrov�er pursuan��o
<br /> Sec��on �8 sha�I be deeme�to satisfy the not�ce and opportunity �o�ake corrective ac�ian prov����ns af this
<br /> Se�tion 2�.
<br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 2�: �a} "�-Ia�ardaus Subs��rt�ces"are those substanc�s
<br /> de��ne�i a�tn�ic ar hazardous substanc�s, pollutants, or was��s by Environmental La�r and the fol�o�ring
<br /> substances: gaso��ne, kerosene, other flam�ma�le or toxic pe�roieum produ��s, tox�c pestic�des and her��c�des,
<br /> �ola�ile sol�ents, materia�s con�a�ning asbes�os or forrna�d�h�de, and radi�a��ive materials; �b}
<br /> "Et�viror���xQ��ta�La�v"mean� federa� lav�s and Iaws of the�urisdic�ian wh�r�the Proper�y is loca�ed�ha�
<br /> relate ta heal�h, safety or en�ironm�enta� protecti�n; �c} "�nvirorzt�z��ztal C'�ear2up"includes an� response
<br /> action, r�media� act�on, ar rem��al ac�ion, as de�ned in En�ironmental Law; a�d�d} an "En�irat�rr�e�z�ar
<br /> Gandi�io��"means a conditian�ha�can�ause, con�ribu�e to, or fltherw�se�rigger an Environm�ntal Cl�anup,
<br /> Borrow�r shall n�t cause�r perm�.��he pr�sence, use, disposal, storag�, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hreaten�o release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Property, Borr�wer shall n�t do,
<br /> n�r a�low anyflne else�o do, any�hing affec�ing�he Proper�y �a� that is in�i��ation of an�r En��ronmenta�
<br /> Law, (�} which creat�s an Envir�nmen�ai �ondition, ar�c} wh��h, due to the presence, us�, or re�ease of a
<br /> �iazardous Subs�an�e, creat�s a c�nd��ion�hat ad�ersely affects �he�a�ue�f�he Prop�rty. The preced�ng two
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fami�y-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM iNSTREJM�NT Farm 3��8 11D1
<br /> VMP� VMPfitNE;t13023
<br /> Wvlters Kl�w�r Finan�ial 5er�iGes Page I3 af 17
<br />