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2� 1 ��5214 <br /> A���nsurance pa��c�es required by Lender and rene�vals af such po�x�ies shall��subjec��o Lender's rxgh�to <br /> disappr���such p���c�es, shall inc�ude a standard mor�gag�clause, and shall nam�L.�nder as mortgagee <br /> andlor as an addi��onal �oss payee. Lender shall ha�ve the righ��o ho�d the po��cies and renewai cer�if�cates. Zf <br /> Lender requir�s, Borrower shall prarnp��y giWe�o Lender all rece�p�s�f paid premiums and renewal na��ces. <br /> �f Borr�wer obtains any form�f�nsuran�e cavera�e, no�otherw�se required b� Lender, for darn.age to, ar <br /> destruc�ian�f, �he Prapert�, such policy sha�i �nc�ude a standard mnr�gage c�ause ar�d sha��name L�nder as <br /> �rno�gagee andlor as an add�f�onal Iass payee. <br /> �n�he event of 1oss, Borrow�r sha��giv�promp�natice�o the�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> rnake proof�f lass if not made promptly by Borrow�r. Unless L�nder and Borrower atherwise agree �n <br /> vvriting, an�insurance proc�e�.s, �hether or nat�he underiyi�.g �nsurance was required by Lender, sha��be <br /> appl�ed�o restorati�n or repair af the Prop�r�y, if�he restoration or repa�r is ecanomically feas�ble and <br /> L�nder's secur�ty is not Iessened. During such repair and restara��on per�ad, L�nder sha11 have�he r�ght to <br /> hold such insurance proceeds un�i� Lender has had an oppor�uni�y to �nspect such Proper�y�o ensur�the <br /> work has�een comple��d to L.ender's satisfaction, pra�ided �hat such inspect�on sha��be und�r�aken <br /> prompt�y. L.ender may d�s�urs�proceeds for�he repairs and restoration in a s�ngle pa�men�flr in a ser�.es of <br /> progr�ss paynzen�s as the work is compXeted. Un�es� an agreement�s made in�rr���ng or App��cable Law <br /> requires �n�erest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender�ha�� no�be requ�red�o pay Borrower any <br /> in�erest or earnings on such procee�s. Fees for pub�ic ad�usters, ar ather���rd par��es, reta�ned by Borrower <br /> sha��nat�e paid out of�he�nsuranc�praceeds and shall be the sale abligat��n�f Borr�w�r. �f the restora�ion <br /> or re�a�r�s nat ec�nom�.�.call�r feasxble ar I.�nder's securx�y would be�essened, �he�nsurance proceeds sha1l be <br /> app��ed to�he�um�s secured b�this Securi�y �nstrun�en�, whe�her or not then due, w�th the ex�ess, if ar�y, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds sha�� be app�ied in the arder pro�ided for in Sec�ion 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons th�Property, I,�n�ier may �ie, nego�iate and se��le any available insuran�e clairn and <br /> re�a�ed ma���rs. �f Borrov5rer d�es not respond within 3�days to a notice from Lender fha��he insurance <br /> carr�er has offered�o se�tle a claim, then Lender ma� nego�iate and settle the claim. The 3�-day period w��1 <br /> �eg�n wh�n�he no�ice is g�ven. In either e�ent, or�f Lender acquires the Praper�y under Section�2 or <br /> otherwise, Borrvwer hereby assigns to Lender�a} Borrower's rights to any insurance praceeds in an amoun� <br /> no��o exceed the amounts unpaid under�he No�e or this Securi�y In�trumen�, and�b} any other of <br /> Borrower's r�ghts �other than the r�gh��o any refund of unearned premiums paid�y Barrower}under a�� <br /> insurance po�icxes covering the Propert�r, ins�far as su�h rights are applica�le�o �he co�erage of the <br /> Proper��. I..�nder may use the in�uran�e proceed�e��her�o repair or res�ore the Proper�y or�o pay amaunts <br /> unpa�d under the Note or this Secur���Instrument, whe�her or no��hen due. <br /> 6. �]ccupancy. Borrower shali occupy, estab�ish, and use the Proper�y as Barrower's principa� residenee <br /> �vi�hin 6�days after th�execution�f thrs Security �nstrument and shall cnn�inue to occupy the Pr�per�y as <br /> Borr�wer's prin�ipal residence for a� Ieast one�rear after the da�e of accupancy, unless Lender otherv�ise <br /> agr��s �n wri�ing, which cansen�sha11 not��unreasona��y withhe�d, or unless extenuat�ng circumstances <br /> e�is�which are beyond Borrower's c�ntro�. <br /> 7. Pr�se�r�at�on, Niaintenance and Pr�tect�on of the Property; �nspect��ns. Borrawer sha�l no�des�ro�, <br /> damag�or�mpair�he Prop�r�y, a�low�he Proper�y �o deteriorate ar canamit v�ast�on the Property. Wheth�r <br /> �r not Borr�wer�s residing�n th�Pr�per�y, Borrower sha�l maintain the Prnperry in order to preven�the <br /> Property from de�erivrating or decreasing in value due ta i�s c�nditi�n. Unless i��s determ�ned pur�uan�to <br /> Section S �hat re�a�r or res�orat�on is no�econ�mically feasible, Borrower shall promptly repa�r�he Proper��r <br /> �f dam.a�ed��av��d fur�h�r deteriorat�on or damage. If insuranc�or condernnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connect�on wi�h damage�o, or the tak�ng of, the Praper�y, Borrawer shali b�respans�b�e f�r repa�r�ng or <br /> res��r�ng t�e Pr�per�y on�y if L.�nder has relea�ed proceeds for such purpases. Ilender ma� disburse proc�eds <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUMENT Fortn 3��8 llal <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEy�'i 3�2f <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 of 7 7 <br />