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2� 1 ��5214 <br /> r�quired by�ESPA, and Borrower shail pay ta Lender the amaunt nec�ssary ta mak�up th�defzc�enc��n <br /> accordanc�with RESPA, but in no m�re than �2 monthly paym�n�s. <br /> Upon pa�men� in full �f aI� sums s�cured�y this Securrty Instrumen�, Lender sha�� promp��y refund to <br /> Borrawer any Funds held by L�nder. <br /> 4. Cnarges: Liens. Barr�wer shali pay al� �a�.�s, ass�ssments, charges, f�nes, a�rzd �m.pos�t�ons a�tr�bu�a����o <br /> �he Proper�y wh�ch can at�ain pr�ori��aver�h�s Security �nstrument, leaseha�d paym�nts or ground r�nts on <br /> the Prop�rty, if any, and�ommuni�y Assocxat�on I]ues, Fee�, and Asse�sm�n�s, if any. To the�x�ent that <br /> these it�m� are Escrav� �tems, Borrower sha��pay th�m in�he mar�x�er prQvid�d in Sec�ion 3. <br /> Borraw�r shal�prompt�y d�scharge ar�y�ien wh�ch has priori�y�ver th�s 5ecurit��nstrument un�ess <br /> Bnrrow�r: �a} agr�es in v�rr�t�ng�� the payment of the ab�zgati�n secured by th�� a manner a�ceptab�e <br /> to Lender, but�n�y sa long as Borra�crer�s performing such agr�ement; �b} contes�s the l��n in ga�d fai�h by, <br /> or d�fencis aga�ns�enforcement of the��en in, legal pr�ceed�ngs wh�ch �n Lender's opzn��n operate to prevent <br /> the enforcem.ent�f�he lien wh�le�hase proceedings are pendz�ag, but only unt�� such proc�ed�ngs are <br /> c�nc�uded; or�c} secures from the holder of�he l��n an agreemen�sat�sfactary to Lender subordznat�n�the <br /> ��en ta this �e�ur�ty�nstrument. �f Lender d��ermines �hat an�par�of the Proper�y is su��e��to a�ien�vh�ch <br /> can atta�n prinrit�over�his��curit� �nstrument, Lender may gi�e Borrower a no�ice identifyi�g the li�n. <br /> Wi�h�n �.�days af the da�e on which tha�na�ice x� given, Borrovver sha�� sati�f�th�l��n ar take one or n1�re <br /> af the ac��ans s�� for�h ab�ve in this Section 4. <br /> Lend�r m�.a�r�quir�Borrower�o pay a ane-time charge for a reat es�a�e tax verification andlor r�por�ing <br /> servi�e us�d by Lender in c�nnect�on�ith this Loan. <br /> �. Property Insu�rance. Borrow�r�ha11 ke�p�h��mprovemen�s now exi�tzng�r h�r�after erected�n�h� <br /> Proper�� insured against lass b�r �re, hazards included within the term "extended ca�rerage," and any��her <br /> hazards ir�cluding, but not limui�ed �o, earthquakes and#�oads, far v�hich Lender requ�res insurance. This <br /> �nsu�rance shall be ma�nta�n�d in th�amounts tincluding d�du��i�i�le�els� and for the peri�ds that Lender <br /> requires. �ha� Lender requ�res pursuan��o the pre�eding sentences can change during t�e t�rm of th�Loan. <br /> Th�insurance carrier providing th�insurance shal�be chosen by Borrnwer subje�t�o Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borr�wer's chaice, vvhi�h righ�sha�l no�be exerc�sed unreasflnab��. Lender may require <br /> Borrow�r to pa�, �n cnnn�c�ion wi�h th�s L�an, either: �a} a one-t�me charge for f�ood zane determina�ion, <br /> �ertif��ati�n and tra�k�ng services; or�b} a�ne-�irne charge f�r flood zone determxnat��n and cert��cati�n <br /> s�rWices and subs�quent charges each�ime remappings�r similar changes occur which reasonably might <br /> affec�such d�t�rmination or Certi�cat�on. B�rr�w�r shall alsa be responsible for the pa�ment of any fee� <br /> irnposed by�he Fed�ral Emergenc� Managem�nt Ag�ncy in canne��inn with th� re�iev�of an� flaad zone <br /> determinatian resul�ing from an�bjection by Barrower. <br /> if Borr�w�r fa��s to maintain any of�he�overages descr�b�d a�ave, Lender may obtain insurance covera��, <br /> a� Lender's optzon and Borrow�r's�xpense. Lend�r is under no obligat�on to purchas�any par�icu�ar typ�or <br /> amaun�af coverag�. Th�refore, such�overage shall cover L�nder, bu�might or might not protec�Borrower, <br /> Borrower's �qu�ty in the Proper�y, or�he C�ntents of the Property, a�ai�.st any r�sk, hazard or��ab�lity and <br /> might pro�xde grea��r�r l�sser co�erag�than was pre�iausly i�effect. Borr�vver ackxa.ow�edg�s �hat the c�s� <br /> �f�he insurance c�verage so obtain�d might s�gnif��antly�xceed�he cost af insura�a�e�ha� Barrav�er cou�d <br /> hav�obta�ned. Any amounts d�sbursed by Lend�r und�r this Section S shall bec�me add���4nal debt af <br /> Barrovver secured by this S�curity�nstrumen�. Th�se amounts sha�1 b�ar interest at the Note rate from�he <br /> dat�af disbursem�nt and sha��be payable, w�th su�h in�erest, upan not�c� from Lender to Borrower <br /> reques�ing payme�t. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-�a�nie Ma�l�reddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3(]28 110� <br /> VMP Q VMPfitNEy t13�Z} <br /> Wolters iC luwer Financia!5er�ices Page fi of 17 <br />