<br />A trncr of kind comprising nll or Lots Sixty -live (65), Sirtyxix (A6).
<br />Sixly•soven (67 ;, Siny -eight (68), Sixty -ninc (09), Seventy- x%;Ven (77),
<br />Se:volity -eight (7114), Sovctiv -nine: (79). Zighty (RU). Eighty•tnx: (NI),
<br />Ninetv -six (96), Ninety- cevc;n (97), Ninety- eight (9gj. vnil Onc
<br />Hundred Three (103). c►nd part of Lot% Furiy-Fix (46), F+�rtv•SC +c:n
<br />(e.7), hearty -cl.h► (48), F oriy -ninc (49). minty (sn), pirty -one (51),
<br />Sixty -rour (64), i7lghty -t +von (52), Nincty -five (95), end One Hundred
<br />Four (1114), all in the Intluxirhil Add4ion LEI LhC City ril' Grind 1;%Inntl,
<br />i4ebriska, and lying in the SOuLhwest, Quarter (SWY•) of Section
<br />Fourteen (14), Township Ele -pen (11) North, Rnngc Nine (9) Wert or
<br />the dih P.M., i-lnll County, Nebraska, :ind more particularly dc:scribod
<br />as (ollo%v::
<br />Beginning at a point at:t,e:nty' t70.o) reel South and thirty- thrt:c (13$)
<br />1'cut F.•a5G of the AbrthNVOL corner cr said Southwest Quarter (S W' /a);
<br />thancc running cmwrly Arid pinlltl w 144. North line or -%vid
<br />Southwest Quartcr (SWY-t) a distance: of one thousand ninc hundred
<br />thirty-seven and liVc- tenths (1,937.5) rest: thence running southerly
<br />ttnd pitrallel to the West line 'oE4ald SouthVAST. iQ'unri;►r, (SW V4) ' a
<br />distance *tone thousand six h�undred th.irty:arid'thlity► t(v.6 hundredths
<br />(1163032) feet to a point on thi northerly right,,o(-wSy line -or the
<br />C.S. ae 0. railroad Company; [,Ilene* ntnning northwesterly ttlongsaid
<br />right -afo� ay a distance of seven hundred th,',rty -four. and ninety- eight;
<br />hundrrX;tha (734,95) feet to a POInt Qn the- Least line.of the Southwest
<br />Quarter of the: Southwe3t Quarter (SW1 /.SWV4); thence running
<br />northerly along the Ent tine of the Southwest Quarter of the
<br />S:: uthWESr Qt:,rter (SW1/,SW1 /.) a distance of thirty -nine and sixty-
<br />eight hundttcdihs (39.65) feet to the Northenst cgrnor or the
<br />Southwev Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWIMW' /.); thence
<br />running westerly mlong the North line of the Southwest Quartcr or the
<br />Southwest Quarter (S%V1/4.SV4) a distance of sevcnty.six and thirty -
<br />seven hundredths (76.37) feet to a point on the northerly riffit -of- -way
<br />lire o[ the C.B. & Q. Railroad[, Company; thence running
<br />northwesterly along said rjsht- of -wav a distance of ono thousand three
<br />hundred seventy and Cfty -six hundredths (1370.56) feet in a point
<br />thirty -three (33,0) feet East, of the Viest line of acid South%vcst
<br />Quarter (SWI /.); thence: running North and panllel.to the West line
<br />of said Southwest Quarter a, diminca of sill hundred nineteen and
<br />three- tenths (61931y reel to the- point or beginning,
<br />AS:
<br />Beginning at a point on the Nest line. of Lot Forty Six (46), Industrial
<br />Addition[,, said point being Seventy (7Q,0) feet south of and Thirty
<br />Three (33.0) for east of the northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW if) of Section Fouofth (I d), Tovmship El6en (11) North, Range
<br />!dine (9) West of the 6th P.M., said point also being the Intersection of
<br />the south line of Swift Road and the east line of Stuhr Road; thancc
<br />east an the south line of Swift Road a distance of Twenty (20.0) feet;
<br />thence southwesterly on a tine •to a point Twenty (20.0) feet south of
<br />the' intersection of the south"llne' of Swift Road and the'east line of
<br />Stuhr -had, thmm,north on the tut tine of Stuhr Road a distance of
<br />Twenty (20.0) feet to the point of beginning; 23 shoWn on the plat
<br />