_ --- — --_ � �
<br /> 6 Emin�nl Oomaln.�encfor�s nereby ass�gnea an compensaUOn �W�rds damage5 anp pihee piYments or rc•��e11rn•remit���r ProreedS'1�n cunneChon�nlh
<br /> .__ COntlOmnit�OnOrOthOtitlkingOtlhBPropOrtyOrpa�I/herBpl.orlOiCOnvPy�nCOinheuptcO�dCm��iiOn Lendershallbeeni��ieAat�isoD��onlocommence appoar�n�na
<br /> p�osr.ute�n ds ovfn n;mo�ny ithpn or procee�d�ne�� i�nd,ha�l aiso ne entrt!eq lo m�k�any comprom�s00r settl2ment in connert�on,,vrth such ta�ing Or damage In Iha
<br /> oranf any port�on ot tne Prpperty�s so taken ur tlamagod.Lendor shall h�ti�o tne opt�on �n�Ig soln an0 aDSOlute Q�sc�et�on So applv a11 such Proceetls.atte�Uedut!ing
<br /> thurolroma�ICOSi5an0p�penyes�ncurreqby�l�nGOnnect�onw�lh9uChproCeEd9 uDOnanyindBbtednesssecurednerPbyanA�nsuc�orderdSLendermaydotnrm�no.orto
<br /> app1V ali 9uCh ProCe0d5 att9r suth COduCtions tp the re9lp�ation ol the Property uDOn suCA contl�tions as Londei may dotorm�ne Any aOP��cat�on ot Proceeds to
<br /> ind@blQdi�885 4hAll n01 patCnp O�pOS1p0�0lhB tlup dat0 pf Tny p�ymgnts�intlPr the N018.Or CutO lny delaUlt thOteUnd�t Or hE�eUndO�
<br /> � P�rfOtmanC�byLfnd�f.Inl�oovan1o18orrower'slailuretoDOriprmanyofihecovenentshe•emormakaanyp�fymenisrequ�redhereby.or�fanyacti9takenor
<br /> 1@Q01 proCeodmp CommBnCOC w��c�matenally 8tfects Lender's�merpc�in the Property.Lenqer may m HS otivn cf�sc�et�On.pu1 w�thout Obl�gat�on Io c10 so.and without not�ce
<br /> � toor4emanduponBOtroworandwilhoutreleas�ngHorroweilromanyo0l�gat�an.doanydctwhichthe8orrowerhasagreedbulta�ISlotloandmayalsodoanyott�erACt•1
<br /> rleem�rtsceuary to protect t�e secunty h8tf�p1 BprrOwer shdll,immeC�atoly uoon demand therefor by Lendar piy to Lenqer att casta anp exppnsos�ncurrad and sums
<br /> e,penaed by lender m connecU on w�th iho oxnrc�se by lendor ot Ino foregomg ngnts.topother w rth mtorast thereon a1�ne rato p.av�dod m the Note.wh�ch shou bo addotl to
<br /> � tne�ndedtetlne]!becured hereby lender shall not�ncur any personal I�ab�l�ty dacause o1 anytn�ng�t may do or om�t lo do nereunde�
<br /> 8 �:„,:;„ti-.;:�;,;.TF�r�uHUwmg snau constrtuta an evem ot 0et2u11 under thie Oeed ot Trust
<br /> � (e) Fa�lureto08yany�nslatlmentolpnnapalorintarestorAnyothersumsecuredh8r8CywhenAue.orfailu�etopaywhentlueanyotherintleDtodnes3ot
<br /> M Borrower to Lender,
<br /> KI
<br /> � (D) A preach ot Or Cefault under any p�ovision cpntainod�n the Notv,fh�s Oeed ot Trust.any aoeument which secures Ine Note.and any otrter
<br /> � O enCUmbrance upon ihe Property:
<br /> (C) Awntofexecutionorettachmenloranys�m�la�processs�allbeerttereCagainsiBorrowerwh�c�shallbecomealienonthePropB►tyoranyportion
<br /> O thE►E01 Of IIItEtESt ihErgin;
<br /> � 0 (tl) Thare shall be tUed by or aga�nsl Borrower an act�on unqer any present or tuture tetlera�, state or other statute,Iaw or reguiation relat�ng to
<br /> � panMruptcy.insolrencyorotherrehettprdebtors:orthereshaubeappo�ntetlanytrustee.rece�verorhqu�datorol8prrowerorofanorpnypahoftheProperty.or
<br /> ' the renta.islues or prof�ts ihere0f,or Borrower 9halt make any ggneral assig�menf tor the benotit ot creddors
<br /> O (e) The 981e,transfer,aSSignment,con�eyance o►lutiher ancumbrantp ot atl or any part ol or 0ny intere9l in the PropeAy,e�ther vpluntdrily o�
<br /> � �nvoluntarily.withoul the e�press wntten consent ot LenCer
<br /> (11 ��Borrower i!not an mdiv�dual.the sale t�ansfer,ass�gnmem.conveyance or encumbrance of more t�an percent o1(�i a corpo�at�on)its
<br /> iuued and outatantling stock or(it a partnarsh�p� percent of partnersh�p�nterests
<br /> 9. R�nNdNr,ACC�h�aNOn UpOf1 O�buH.ln the event o1 any Event o1 Delault lender mdy declare a11�ndebtedness sec ured heteby to Ce due and Dayeble and the
<br /> aame s�all thereupon beCOme due enA payable w�thout any preseniment,demand,protest or not�ce at any k�na.Thsreafter Lentler may
<br /> (a) OemanqthatTrusteeexerc�sethePOWEROFSALEgrantedherem,andTrusteesnauthereaftercause8orrower'sinterest�ntnePropertytobesottl
<br /> an0 the proceeda to be dislnbuted.all m the manner prpv�ded�n the NeCraska Trus!Oeeds Act,
<br /> (b) Edhei in person or by a9em,w�th or wdhout bnngmg any act�on ar�roceetlmg,or by a recewer appo�nted by a court and w�thout regard to the
<br /> eOEqUdCy Of it5 SBCUnty,@nter UpOn eftd tak9 po55959iOn ot t he PrOp2rty.or any part t�erept.�n itg own nam e or i n 1hB ndm0 01 th�Tru9t0e,and C0 8ny 8Ct5 whiCh
<br /> �)Aeems neces9dry Or Cesi�eble lo preserve the vdlue.marketa6�lity or rpntability pl the Property,or parl there0l Or interest there�n,increasa the incOme
<br /> thereTrom or protect the SeCUnry hereot and.wdh or without tak�ng possess�on ol tne Property,9ue for or ot herw�so coltecl the rent9,fssues and prolit�thereot,
<br /> mCluOmg tnose pdet due anC unpa�d.and apply the same.iess costs anQ ex penses of operat�on antl col lett�on mc lutl�ng atto►neys'tees,upOn any i ndeCtedness
<br /> Securad hereDY.all in such ortler as Lender may tletermme Thp Qmo.�ng vpon and tak�ag possesswn of ihe Properiy,ihecufieciion of such rents,is9uesan0
<br /> prot�t9andiheaOP��Cat10n thEreOf a�atoro98iA,shall notcureo►waiveany tlofault or not�ce ot d0fault hereunCer or�nvalidateany act tlone�n responSEtO SuCh
<br /> tletault or pursuant to such not�ce o1 defeult and,notw�thstand�ng the conanuance in possess�on ol the Property or the collect�on,rece�pt and appl�cation of
<br /> rents,issues or prof�ts,Trustee or Lentler shall be ent�tted to e■erc�se every nght p�ov�tled for�n any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurence of eny
<br /> eve�f ot defaull,inctuding the nght to exerase the power ot saie,and
<br /> (c� Commence an acti0n to fOrOClosO th�s Deetl o1 Trust as a mortgage.appoint a rece�ver,or spCCif�caliy entor�e any pi tha covenants her8oi: • .
<br /> No remedy hereln con}erred upon or ra5ervetl to T rustee or Lentle�u�ntenAetl to be excl us�ve of�ny other remedy herein or by law prov�ded or perm�ited.but eec�shall be i
<br /> cumulative,a�eit�e in adtlit�on to every other remedy g�ven hereunder or now or hereatter ex�sung at Iaw or�n eqwty or by statute.and may de eze�c�sed concurrentty.
<br /> mdepenAently or sueCes��vely.
<br /> � 10. TNa}N.The Trustee may resi�n at any t�mw�r,�neut c3use.and Lcn�cr:stiay as any im��e antl wd�wut cause appomt a successor or subst�tute Tru9tee Trustea �
<br /> �_ ' 8h�1)f10t bB IitbtE fOI 8ny IOSS 0/68m8g9 unIQSS du@ to BChOnBblo negligfnCO or w�INul mi5cOn0uCt.8nd 4h811 not be requir0d to takC 8nY dCttOn In c�nflCCtton with the _�. -.
<br /> entnre�mwm�t�n�.�...}�!Tf�:,.L���...��z;y;;av'.c�.w.rimy,tur aii cosis.campensat�on 0►expA�SA4 w�ith may be aS9oc�eted therewd�.In etldd�On.Tr�ygtCe m0y
<br /> � becomeepurchaseratatfysata0ftheProPer1Y(lud�c�alorunde►thepowerofsaiegrantedhere�ro.postponethesaleofauoranyport�onofthevroperty.asP�ov�dedbylaw:
<br /> or sell tne P�operty ae a whole,or�n separate parcets o►iots
<br /> 11. Futun AdraneM.Upon raquost ol8orrower.lender may.at�ts opuon.make add�t�onal antl future aCvancesdnd reaAvanees to Bo�rower Such ativancesand �-
<br /> readvanCes,wlth Int9tE31 MEreon.shall bw cw��,vptl by th�4 pCCC Ot TruSt AL no Lme sha��ihe p�mc�pa{amounl ot Ihe mdebtetlnesy secure0 Oy th�s 08ed of TruSt,n01 tn-
<br /> __
<br /> •-
<br /> cludingsumeadvanceA to protect theseeurityaf th�s Oeea ot Trust.exceeG the ongmai pnnc�paiamount stated nere�n.or 5 .42.,QQ��OO_____._,Wh,chever�s
<br /> greatet. . �
<br /> 12. MNc�Man�ous PrwriNon�. ,�,��
<br /> f�
<br /> , (a) SOrtotv�r Not R�Maud.Extension of the I�me for paymenl or mOdd�catron o1 amortrzat�on of the sums sewred by th�g Qeetl of Tru51 granteG by
<br /> . Lendlrto anyluceeuor in�nteresl 01 8orrower shall not operate to release.m any manner,the babd�ty of theo.egmal Bo�rowBr and 8prrowe►'s successor9�n
<br /> � interest.LenGershall no1 be reqwred to commence proceetl�ngs agamst such successor or reluse to extend Ume for payment or otherw�se moddy amorhzation
<br /> of Ihe sum�secured by th�s Deed ot Trust by reason ot any demantls maGe by the u��g�nal Borrower and Borrower's successo.s�n�nterest
<br /> (b) L�nd�P�POwfn.Withoutaifect�ngtha I�ab�l�tyot any otner person��abtefor the payment of any oGhgat�on herein ment�onetl,and w�thout aftecting
<br /> the lien or ctfarge o1 t�is Oeed o1 Trust upon a ny port�on of the Pro perty not then or theretofore releasoo as secur�ty lor the lu II amount o}all unpaid obligation9.
<br /> Lender may,trom hme to time anC wrthout noUte�i)�elease any person 5o nable.Inl extend the maturdyo�aqer any ot the terms ot any 5uch obhgations.(uq
<br /> grant othe�intlulgences.(rv)release or reconvey.or ca use to Co�e�easetl or reconveyed at any t�me at Lentle•'s opt�ons any parcel.port�on or alt ol the Property.
<br /> - (v)takeorreteaseanyotheroraAtlitionalsecuntyfOranyobltgationh.e*einmentianed.or�vilmakecomposit�onso�otherarrangement5withtleDtorsinrelaUOn
<br /> th0reto.
<br /> �� '
<br /> (c) iorb�arane�by LlnNr Not s Wilv�r.Any forbearance by lenCer�n exerc�s,ny any nght or reme0y hereuntler.or otherwise aitorded by apphcable •'"�
<br /> law.shallnotbeawa�verolorpreNuaetheezeraseofanysuehr�ghtorremetly Theprocu�CmentOtmSUra�C80rth0p2ymentollaxOSOrOlhOrliensorcharg@S
<br /> by Lender shatl not be a warver ot lendei s nght to acceie�ate tne matunty of the mdebteEness secured by th�s Deed o1 Trust. I,��
<br /> (d) Sueeq�qs�nd Atfl���sound;Jolnt and 3�r�ral Llablllty Capttonf.The covenants and agreements nerem conta�neG shall bi�d.and the nghts �
<br /> . hereunder shatl inure to.the respechve successo�s ana ass�gns ot�ender and Borrower,suD�ect to tne prov�s�ons ol varagrapn 8(e)nereo�An covenants and
<br /> ! agre¢mentsof8orrowersnatlbe�o�ntandseveral Theeapt�onsanOneaa�ngsoitneparpgraphsofth�sOeedof7rustareforconven�enCeonlyantlarenottobe '
<br /> used to tntetpret or deftrte the prov�sions hereof - -
<br /> ' (9) ppu�sltorNotlees.Tnepart�esnerebyreQuesttnatacopyatanynot�ceofaetauunereunderaneacopyotanynot�ceotsaienereunderbemailedto
<br /> eac��partytoth�sDeeCOfTrustatlheaCdresssettorthabove�ntnemannerprescnnedbyapphcaoieiaw Excepiloianyothernot�cereQu�redunderappiicao�e
<br /> Iawto be given�n anot�er manner,any not�te prov�detl for�n this Oeetl ol Trust shau be g�ven by ma�l�ng sucn not�te by Lert�f�eC ma�l aCd�essed to the other
<br /> part:es,at the address set forth above
<br /> Any notice piowde6lvr�n this Ocet!of Trust S�elt�e tleemed to haYe been 9�ven to 8orrower or Lentler when g�ven�n the manner Ces�gnated here�n
<br /> (t) InfpN.Mion.LenGermaymak00►causBtobemadereeSOnaCleentnesuponantlinspectionsoftheProperty.prov�dedthatLentle�shai�giveBorrower
<br /> not�ee prior to any Such inspection apec�fy,ng reasonable cause therefor re�ated to Lentler's�nterest�n tne Properfy
<br /> � (g) R�eonwy�ne�.Uponpaymentofa115umssecureObythisDeetlofTrusl.LendershailrequeslTrusleetoreconveythePropertyanCShallsurrender
<br /> th�s Deed of Trust and al�nOtes eviCenc�ng indebtednes�secured by th�s Deed ol Trust to Trustee Trustee shail reconvey the Property without warranty and
<br /> w�thout charge to the person or p@rsons legally ent�tletl thereto Such person or persons sha11 pay a��costs o1 reco�dation.�t any
<br /> (h) P�nonalProp�rty,S�euHfyAyrttrt�tnl.AsaCA�t�onaisecuntyforthepaymentoftneNoteall}�xtures.eqwv�++ent.andot�erpersonalpropertyused
<br /> in tOnnOCt�On w�th thB rB81 pSt8t0 Or imprOVements lOtBted t�e reon,and not othetwtse dCClar¢d Or Ge6metl t0 b@ a pah Ot thC�0a18st8t0 SBCUretl hQr@Dy.S�a I I be
<br /> sub�eet to a secunty mtoreet in lavor of tne Lende�undpr tne Nebraska Umiorm Commerc�al Code Th�s msV um9nt shau be construed as a Securdy Agreement �----=-_-
<br /> under said Cotle,An0 the L9ntler shall have alI the nghts and remed�es ol a secured party un0er saiC Code�n addit�o�to the nghts ana remetltes treated under ,
<br /> and accor�ed tne LenQer pursuant to tn�s Oeed of Truat
<br /> (�) S��NUbYily.IntAeevenith8tanypron5�onotth�sDeedofTrustconf��ctwithappl�cab�olaworarecleelared�nvai�do�otherw�seune�for�eahie.such ;
<br /> Gonlhtt or mvel�Ody shal�not alfeCt theot�er prowsions olth�s Deed of Trust or t�e Note which can be g�ven e}tect wdhout tne conflrcUng prov�s�on.anG to t��9 �
<br /> 9ntl the prOV�5�On9 Of 1h0 09Cd O1 Tru9t anA thB NOt9 8re Aeelar8d to b0 SAVerable
<br /> 1
<br /> Bonower hae e:vcuted this dee0 of Trust the tlate wntten ebove
<br /> � �
<br /> �v�aSSy a $�pg� Bo�rower �
<br /> `-�1.�:� - �-
<br /> Ooris J. atsios) a�«�w<•• ��
<br /> -- �' ,
<br /> + .� ,
<br /> �,
<br /> J" + �
<br /> -,
<br /> 1, vj
<br />__ 1 , i1
<br /> ��+�.�
<br /> .i.�f
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<br /> ',�1
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<br /> ' 1
<br />