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� <br /> _ � � � <br /> ACKNOWLEO�EMENT OF DEED�F TRUST �v ^ �1 O�O�S <br /> �. <br /> t01111CWE11�RlAO TM!!0lFOlIE SIONINQ: <br /> 8orrower9(Tr u�tors)undarntand tnal tne document lhal the 8orrowere ere about to execute�a�OeeO o1 Truat and nol a mortgage end thet iho power of sYle provtded <br /> � tor tn ti'w Oiad of Trus!Oror�Oae a�batant�ally d�lterent nqhta A�d obl�gat�ona to the Borrowero than a mortgape in the event ot e detault or breach ot obhgation ur.tlar tns <br /> pMd o1 Truit,mcludiny,but not lim�t�d to,the Lsnder'e r�gnt to n�ve tne Real Propa►ty sold by tna Truet�e wi[hout any Judicia�Oroceeding or torociosure 8orrowaro <br /> roprofs�t fr�My���n1 ihal tRi!atkswwledg�menl wa3 executed 6y them DBtOte tnE ex u�on at me Deed of Trust <br /> .. ' / �� I.A � A � <br /> �� <br /> Ss�f � Pa jp � Borrower <br /> � oris �. Pe S�OS) Borrawer <br /> , PREFACE TO QEED OF TRUST <br /> i COM'IETE thh porMon ONLY N tM nN Rrop�rt�l dNe�ibW tOn1hN of INUIYIDUAILY OWNEO AORICULTUlIAL LAND. <br /> 11 applk�ble,compNN ONLY QNE NIMr A,�,or C: <br /> 1 <br /> O A �IiCLAiME110i RIGNT 70 OE3tONATE HOYESTEAD: <br /> I TheBorrower(alacknowlsdpetntttheyRrea�oultoexecutethe}ouowingpeedolTrustuponiha�e�lestateQescnEedtheroin.TheBorrower(s),andeachott�emit <br /> more th�n one,do hereby disclaim thNr right to Cesignate a homestead punuant ihereto.No part ot the homestead of either o1 the Borrqwer(a)ia prsaently or wfll in the <br /> � futurebesituatsduponsaldrealeetats.TheBorrower(�►undentandthal�leitherestabGsneaenomeeteadonanypartolsaidrealeatateduringthetimeths0eedotTrust <br /> ��mafns umlitis7led anG�fien upon said teal eatate,there ahail Ee no righl to make a dea�g�ation ot Aomestead in the event ot a torecloaure or truatee'a aats with�s�pect to <br /> � aald Daed o1 Trust <br /> � B. NfAIYER OF 11IOMT TO OIESIONATE biOMESTEAO: <br /> i TheBor�ower(a)acknowte0gethattneyareehouttoexecutethetollowmgOeeaolT�ustuponlhereaiestat�descnDetlthere�n.The6o►rower(s).andeachoitAemif <br /> � more ih�n one,do hemby waive thei<<�ght to des�gnate a homestead purouant fhereto The Borrower(s)unAerstand ihat they have the rig�t to make!deaiynaHon of <br /> homestQad Rnd t�at ay exeCUNnp ih�s wd�ve�,they are wa�ving ngh45 otherw�se ava��able for the purpose o1 altording them the opportunity to retaln then homestead in the <br /> � event ot a defautt upon the Oeed ot Trust. <br /> � C. DElIGNATION OF MON�E51iCAO: <br /> Purauant to the Farm Homestea0 Protection Act(Sect�on 78-1901 et seq.Rensed Statutes o1 the State of Nebraske),the Borrower(a),do hereby desi9nate t�e real <br /> ' propetty desCriWd in the"Oeslgnrtion of HomesteaG"attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference <br /> ; i <br /> Borrower <br /> , :�'. <br /> :i <br /> f �s <br /> - -- gorrower I -` _ <br /> DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION � <br /> THIS OEEO OF TRUST,�s made a5 0�the 3�'SI aay ot JanUa Yy, �g_JO_,by and among the T�uStOrV IFI�$.� K. Patsies � <br /> and Doris ,�. Patsios• ht�sbar�d_ and wlfe. w►,o5e ma��,,,9�aa�esg�s ?612 W._ Stolley Park Rd.. Grand , <br /> Islan NE 68801(herem BorrpwEr") th@TruSteeWilliam.S,. Bta�ktiurn�a_nnsmbsr_ of the NE State Bar �n., .`�� <br /> , whosemailingaddressis P�O._BOx_2280t__Grand_ Island�_NE__ 68802-2280 ._.___ �_ �nerein••7rustee'•�. "� <br /> andtheeenefic�ary. �PQlIItS_.B�3IIk-- --------...------- -... --------- -- -.-------- — <br /> whosema�hngadtlressis �Q_._..�4X_1�2{_.Gr_al[td .l�land_�. NE_._68802_1507_.________ �r,e�e��°�e�aer•>. <br />, FOA VALUABLE CONSIOERATtON.�ncluding the�nOebtedness�Gent�hed here�n antl trust here�n createtl,tne receipt ol wh�ch�9 hereby acknowledged,BOrrower <br /> he�eby�r�evocably g�ants.transters.conveys anA ass�gns to Trustee.�N TRUST.WITH PpWER OF SALE for thd benel�t and secunty of Lender.under and subject to the <br /> � terms and conditions here�natter set forth.the real property.Aescnbetl as foliows <br /> Lot Four (4), Cleveland Street Subdlvision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. . � <br /> :� <br /> �;:_- <br /> ';,�.;; <br /> ; 1 . <br /> � � TpgethCr w�th all bw�ding8.�mprovementa.tixtures.streets.O�IeyS.Da59ageway5.easements.nghts.pnv�leges and appurlenances IOCatBG thereon O►�n anywise <br /> perta�mng thereto.and the renls,�saues antl 0*of�ts.reversions and remaintlers thereol.�ntluding.but not I�m�tetl to,neating antl cool�ng equ�pment and such personai <br /> . propeAythat�sattachedtothe�mprovement�soastoconst�tuteah,eture.anatogelherw�rnthebomesteadormantaimterests,dany.wn�chmterestsareherebyreteaseA <br /> and warved:all ot which,�nctuC�ng replacement�antl add�t�ons thereto.�s hereby declared to b0 a Oart o1 the rea�estate sQCUreA by the I�en o11n�s DeeC ol7rusl antl all 01 the <br /> torego�ng be�ng refeired to here�n as the"property" <br /> Tn�e DeeO ot Trust ahau secure�a1 the payment o1 tne pnnc�pai sum and�hte�est ev�denced by Borrower s note antl�or cretlil agreoment tlatetl tan_____�____�a rzv�, <br /> 1990 ,nav�ng a mawnty date ot.L8IIl18r.�C_3, 200�__. .�o tne ong�oai pnr,c�pai amount o�S __4_�s 4Q4*—QO_ antl any and at1 <br /> mOdif�C8l�onl.extOnsioh9 0nd ten0wal9 thOreOt 0�ih0�eto and any and a��iutu�e advances and readvances herpunder pursuant to one or more pramisso►y note9 or creAit <br /> agreement�(he�e�ncel�etl"NOto'1.(tr)theDayme�tolothergumsadva�cedbyLendbrtoprotect/hesecuntyo�tneNote.(c)theperlormancoaucovenantsa�dagreemont _ ___ <br /> of&Drrowe�Set lorth herem.an01d1 eu intlebtetln859 anA obbgations o1 Borrowe�to Lender whether tl�reCt �ndrtect,abso�ute or contmgeM antl whether ans�ng by nole. � � <br /> guaranty.overGrefl Or oii�erw�5e , <br /> Bo�rower,fo Drotect the secur�ty o1�h�s Deed of T�usf.covenants a�tl agrees w�tn Lentler as�o��ows � <br /> 1 IJy111Mt Ot P�inC1alN�d fnhf�tl.Borrower sball promptly pay when tlue the Drmc�pal ol and mterest on_and any fees or cnargos prov�ded��-ihe NoTO o�in th�s i <br /> DeeO Of T�ust <br /> 2 TiMl.Borrower i9 ihHOwner ot Me ProDerty.nas the ngM and autnonty to convey the Proue�ly ancf warr�nis Ihat the I�en created hefeby 4 d first and Onor hen on - <br /> Ihs PtOpErty.Catl01 A!may Ot�@rw�39 bQ 50110�ih h@t@�n.dnd t�0 eaQCU��on and tlBl�very ol t��s DeOtl o�T�u5i duQS�Ot v�olatV 0ny GOnt�dtt or othUr obl�g�l�on 10 whttn <br /> L Bo�.�we,i,s�Dp�t <br /> 3 T�tp,AsN�nU.To pay wne�tlue all taxes.spec�at as3e9sments antl au otne�cnarges aga�nst�ne Property and upon w��itPn�Pmantl Dy Le�dC� so��ay�o <br /> LenCer such 8mount as may DO sut��c�0��lo onaDte tno len0ei to p0y sucn ta�es.assessme�ts or otne�cha�ge9 as they become d��e <br /> 0 II1WfMC�.TO kC@0 tho P�00@/ty�nSUtOtl 89�inSt tl�m3g@ by���C he111rA9 mtludOd wrthm 1�A tfrm e■te�oed covc+�aqe %1nf�SIILh OIhCf h�2dfdS 75(CMP�mAy � <br /> rtf;�wrp �n amounts and w�tn tompan�es acce�tabla lo Lender artd wAh lo5s payabip tothe Lender i�«sr ot�osy u�der sucn poi�c�es 1hP l.e����e���s autnonre�d tn aAius� � <br /> cp�lectanAcumprom�so a�IC�e�myt�e�eu�Aerandsnaif�avethebpt�on�,f�ppiy,nqa�iorpartoft�ems��anceproceedsl�ltoa�ymtlrbte•an�•asse•c�,rF�U�+i•�rn,nn;f�nti„rn <br /> o�da,ys l C•�aar mny tlatorm�no h�l to t+.e Honower�o ne useA�or tne rena��o+•eetorai�on n�tr�e PrnUor�y n���,�I f�r any otnrr purpr,;�.n•n�,irr��.�i�c�,ac ic��v�n i r�•n�• <br />- N�Mput RH0[t+ng lh0 Lt1n of 1��9 DPCOOt Tr.iSt 10t ih(71u11�n7nunl 5f7U��CA hPrphy bClnrP;uCh OAymp�l��rC�I4Jk U�1CP Any;�up��r u�.:.n.,��•.,i•,�i•.� .-..irt.trn,���;.s�,�. <br /> .,rd ratrnd u�yos�y����t��e due daln nr�ny y�yrnr•�ts v��.far the N•de ur�,��c�•�y AE•�au�l Inerr���,a�.�nr hp��.��r.r1Cr .• .. <br />. q M�fnl�n�nt�R�pal�t�nd Compltant�MOIh L�1Yt linnuorr•� ar�.p�R��Cf thl•i�r.-pt•r��.,�a•�,-1 � •�•t.�.�•• a��d �r�•.r• ,�.�-. �• .�p� . i�.�.• • •,i•'� r r. <br /> -.�piu.Prn9r,�,Nr.��nmdyCUd�n,afM<,r!tOaNnye(1 t��d��nn��<�n.m�t0•horn,�tanyw:l;t0•.rn�.•�.r.t,�e�. •,-�rvnP.,,pr..�� ..�.� ... � • ..� . • . , _� �. , .� <br /> ��.. �. <br /> Ar.yr.Hro.mpir�rr.rr.ant9antrpF�.iprrt� thann.n,urnrn�t au��P�,npo�•n•�::t•�ya(tfr.nrd•�na,..�� .�..,..��.�.��..; , :r . �., , �a �.� . �. • .••.�.. i� � .� i <br /> �i.s,�f��nn�7p.,,•.,�����..�..�.�.,�rHo�..,nr��, .�srn�••7�.pr..s�.�„�.�.,,c,.�.,����e�„r,.,•a ���. . � .� t ••c. .��� ,. , .� . ,�� . , i•� , �. � ,. �• � <br /> � <br />