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2� 1 ��484� <br /> 14. DEFAITLT. Trustor��II �e �n d�fault �f an�r part� obligated on�he Secured De��fa�.�s �o make paymen��hen due. Trus�ar <br /> wi�� be in default if a �reac�.�oc�urs .unde�.�h�_�erm.s of thi5 Secur�t� �nstrum�nt or any �ther document e�ecuted f�r the <br /> u ose of�rea�xn , s�cu�in or= uaran� �n � the Secured �3ebt. A ood fa�th beiief b B <br /> P rP. . � g �. . Y � � � enef�c�ary tha� Benefic�ary at any <br /> �ime �s �nsecure w�t� respec� ��._an� person ar �ntity obl�gated on the Secured D�bt ar tha� �he prospect of an� payment or <br /> the va�ue of the Prap���::��'��xipa��a�I als^o �4nst�tu��an event of�efa�lt�.V <br /> 1�. �11�Y7TES �N D�FAULT. �n som� i�stan�es, fed�ra� and sCate Iaw �r��� requ�re Ben�ficiary �� provide Trustor w�th <br /> noti�e of the right to �ure or at.h�r no�ices and may estabi�sh �ime �ehedu�es for f�reciosure actions. Su�jec� �o these <br /> �im�tat�ons, if any, Ben�fiC�ary may a�ce�era�e the Secured�Jebt and f�reclose�his Secur��y Instrument xn a manner pro�rrded <br /> b�r law if Trustor is in defau��, <br /> A� the �p��on of Bene�ciary, all or a�y par� of�he agreed fees and �harge�, a�crued inter�s� and pr�ncipa� sha11 be�om� <br /> �mmediately du�and pa�able, aft�r g�ving n�t�c��f requ�red by �aw, upon the occurrence of a defaui�or an�t�rn��hereaf�er. <br /> �n add�tion, ��nef�c�ary sha�� be en����ed �a a�.� the remed�es pr�v�ded b� �aw, the �erms �f th� Secured Deb�, �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrument and any re�ated docur�nen�s, in�luding w�th�u�l�mitati�n, �he power�� s���the Proper�y, <br /> �f�here is a default, Trustee sha11, in add�t��n t� any other p�rm����d r�m�edy, at the request �f�he Benefi�iary, adv�r���� <br /> and sell th� Proper�y as a whal� or in s�parate parcels at publ�c auc�ion�a �he h�gh�s� b�dder f�r �ash and conve� a�s��u�� <br /> �itle free and c�ear flf all rig�t, ����e and xn�erest Qf Tru���r at su�� ��nze and place as Trustee d�signates. Trus�ee �ha�l gi�re <br /> no�ice of sale in��uding the t�m�, terms and place of sa�e and a d�scrip�ion of the pro�er�y to �e sold as r�quir�d by the <br /> app�i�able lav� �n effe��a�the�ime of�he pr�posed sale, <br /> Upon sa.�e af�he prap�r�y �d �o th� ex�en� not prohibited by 1a�v, Trus��� sha.�� m.ake and deli�er a deed to �he Praper�y <br /> sold which con�e � a�bs�lute ' ' <br /> t�t�e t� the urchaser an� after firs� <br /> Y , p , pay�ng a�l fe�s, charges and costs, sha�l pa� �o Benefi�lary <br /> ali mon�ys advanced far repa�rs� taxes s �nsurance, ��ens, assessments and pr�4r encumbran�es and �nteres� thereon, and ��ie <br /> pr�ncipa� and int�res� �n th� S�cured Debt, pa��n� the surp�us, �f an�, �o Trus�ar. Beneficiary ma� purchase the Pr�per�y. <br /> The reclta�s �n any d�ed����nveyan��shall b�przma fac�e evidence�f the fac�s s�t f�r�h ther�ln. <br /> Ail remedi�s are dist�nct, cumu�ative and not exclus�ve, and the B�nef�ciar� is en�it��d to aIl remedies �rovided at lau� or <br /> equity, whether or nat express�� set for�h. The acc�ptance by Benef�Giary of an� sum in payment �r par�zal paym�n� on�h� <br /> Secured Debt af��r t�e b�.anc� �s due ar is a�c��erat�d ar after foreclosure roceedin s ar�f�l� ' <br /> p g , d s�all not const��u�e a wa�ver <br /> �f Benefi�iary's righ��o re u�re �o�nple�� cure �f any exis�ing defau��. By not exercis�ng any r�medy �n Trus�or's defau�� <br /> � �en�ficiar�does no��a�ve en�f�c�ary's r�ght ta later consi�er t.��e�rent a defau��if�t cant�nues or happens again. � <br /> ls. ��PENS�S; ADVANC�S [�lv ��VENANTS; ATT�RNEYS' �E�S; C�LI���TID� ��STS. �xcept when <br /> prohibite�. by Iaw, Trustor agrees to pay aII af B�neficiar�r's expenses �f Trusto� breaches an�r covenan� �n this Secur�ty <br /> Znstrument. Trustor wi�� also pay �n d�mand any am�unt �ncurr�d by Benef�c�ar�r far �nsurin�, �nsp�ct�ng, preservin �r <br /> otherwi�e prfl�ec�ing �he Prope�y and Beneficiary's securi�.y inter�st. T`hese expenses �vi11 �ear �n�erest fram th� �.a�e o �he <br /> paymen� unt�l paid �n fu�� a� the h�ghes� interes� rat� in effec� as prov�d�d in �he terxr�s of�.he 5ecured Debt. Trustor agre�s <br /> to pay a�� cos�s and expenses �n�urred by Bene�ciary �n co��ec��ng, enf�rcing ar prote��ing Beneficiary's rights and <br /> rem�dies under �hi� Sec�r�ty �nstruxnen�, This amount may include, �u� is not l�m�.t�d to, a��orneys' fe�s, court costs, at�d <br /> �ther legal expenses, Th�s Securi�y �ns�rument shall remain in eff��� un�i� released, Trus��r agr��s to pay for any <br /> rec�rda�ron cas�s of�uch r��ease. <br /> 17. �NVIR.UNMENTAL LAV�S AI�I] HAZARD�US SUBSTANCES. As use� �n th�s s�cti�n, ��} Envzronmental Law <br /> m�an.�, wi�hout limi�a�ian, th� ��mpr�hensiv� En�r�ranm�ntal Respons�y �ompensat�on and L�abiiity Act ��ER�LA, 42 <br /> U.S.�. 964� e� seq.}, an.d a.�� ��her federa.�, state and 1o�a1 1aws, regu�a�ions, ord�nances, c�urt orders, a��orney general <br /> op�n�ons or �nt�rpr�t��e�etters concer�ing�.h�publi�h�a��h, safe��, we�fare, env�ronment or a hazardaus substance; and ��} <br /> Hazard�us Substanc� means any �ox�c, radroact�ve �r hazardous ma�erraJ., was��, pa�lutant or contaminant urh�ch has <br /> character�st�cs which render �.he subs�ance dangerous ar paten��al�y dangeraus �� �h� pub�i� hea�th, safety, we�fare or <br /> en��ronment, The term inc�udes, w�thou� �in�ta��on, any subs�ances d�f�ned as "�azardous ma�erial," "tox�� su�stances," <br /> "hazardous was�e" �r "Y�a.�ardou� substance" under any �nvironmen�al Law. <br /> Trustor represents, warr��s and agr�es that; <br /> A, Except as pre�r��us�y d�sc�osed and a�know��dged �n wr�t�ng �o B�neficiary, no �3a.zard�us Su�sta��e is or w�11 be <br /> Iocated, store� or r���ased on o� �n th� Prop�r�y. This res�r�ct�on does no� app�y �� sma�� �uan�i�ies af Ha.2ardous <br /> Substances�h�.t ax�genera���recognized t�be appropriate for the norma�us�and r�aintenance of��Prapert�. <br /> B. Except as prev�vus�y.disclos�d and acknow��dged in �vriti.n.g �� B�nefi��ary, Trus�o� and �ver� �enant have �been, <br /> are, and sha�l re��.�n�n full �omp��ance w��h any app��cab�e Envlronmenta�Law, <br /> C. Trustar sha�� imm.edia�el� no�ify Benef�c�ar� if a r�lease or�hreatened re�eas�of a �Ia2ardou� Substance occurs on, <br /> under or a�baut th� Pr�per� or�ere �s a v�o�afiion of any �nvironmen�al La�v co�cern�ng the Property. rn such an <br /> even� Trustor�hal� � ' <br /> , �ake a1 nec�ssary rem�d�a� ac�ian�n accordance v�r�th any Env�r�n�men�a� Law. <br /> D. Trus�or shali inl�,edia�e�y notify Ben���iary xn wr�ting as s�an as'Trustar�as reas�n to b�lieW��here�s an�pending <br /> �r �hreat��ed �nv�st�gat�fln, cla�m, or proceeding re�at�ng to t�ae re�ease or �hrea�ened release of any Hazardous <br /> Substanc��r the�vi��at�on of any Envir�nmental Law. <br /> 1S. ��ND�MNATI�]N', Trus�or�iII give Benef�ciary promp�notice of any p�end�ng or threatened ac�ion, �y privat� or pub�ic <br /> ent�ti�s tfl purchase or ta�� any or all of�h� Proper�y thraugh c�nd�mnat�an, em�.n�nt domain, or any o�h�r m�ans. Tru�tar <br /> authar�zes �en�fic�ary �o ��ter�en� �n Trustor's name �n any of the a�ove descrrbed ac�i�ns or claims, Trus�or assigns �o <br /> Beneficiary �he pr�ceeds af any award ar claim f�r damages connected v��th a conden�at�on or other taking of aII ar any <br /> par� of �.he Prop�r�y, ��ch prac�eds shall be considered paymen�s and w�l� be app�i�d �s provided �n th�s Secur�t <br /> Instrumen�. Thzs ass�grux�en� af procee�s �s su��e��to �he ��rms Qf any prior mor� a e, deed of�rust securit a reemen� r <br /> a�er lien documen�. <br /> � � > y g a <br /> 19. I�S�.TRANCE. Trus�or shall keep Proper�y insured agains� �oss by f�re, fla��., �heft and other hazards and r�sks reasonabl <br /> associa�ed w�th the Property,due to its typ� and 1oca���n, This insurance shall b� �na�n�ain�d in the amounts and for the <br /> p�r�ads that Ben�fic� ��qu�res. �Vha�B�nefrc�ar� r�quires pursuan� to th�prec�ding sentence can change dur�ng t�ie �erm <br /> �f the S��ur�d Deb�, he insurance carrier prov�ding the insurance sha�1 be chos�n �by Trus�or �ub�ect to B�nef�c�a 's <br /> appro�ai, wh�c�i s�ia1� �at be unreas�na�l� wz�h�aeld. �f Trus�or fail� �a maintai.n �e covera e d�seribed abave Benef�c� <br /> ma , a� Benef�c� � �' <br /> y ary's apt�fl�y obtain cov�rage t� pr�tec� Benef�c�arsr's rigY�ts in the Pr4per�y accor�ing to the ter�ms of th�s <br /> 5ecurr�y I�s�run�e�t, <br /> A1� insurance palicies and r�ne�ra�s sha�I be accep�able to Benefciar� and sha.�� inc�ude a standard "mortga e �lause" and <br /> wher� a �icable "� " � � <br /> PP , ass a e� ��ause. 'Tru5�Or Sha�� � <br /> � y mm�d�a�e�y notxfy B�neficrary Qf canc�Ilatron �r terr�unatxan of �e <br /> insuranc�. Benefzc�ary s�all have the right to ho�d the pa�ic�es and r�ne�rals. �f Benefic�ar� re u�res, Trustor sha�� <br /> �mm�d�atel� ��ve t� Benef�c�ary a.�I recei �s of aid premiums and rene�va�no�ices. U an�oss Trusto� <br /> no�ice to�he�nsurance car�rie�and Bene ��i .�Benef <br /> . P , , ha�I g��e xmmed�ate <br /> ary �c�ary may make proof of�ass �f no�made�mmediately by Trus�or, <br /> �.��. �pa <br /> � 1994 Wvliers Kluwer�inancial 5ervices-gar�ksrs Systems�M Form R�-DT-NE �z�1�i�oos <br /> VMP�-C'l fS�NE}{0��8� <br />