2� 1 ��484�
<br /> B. A�� fu�ure ad�an��s fr�m Benefi�xary t� Trustor or other future obl�ga�ions �f Trus��r to B�neficiar� under any
<br /> pramu.ssor� note, Gon�ra�t, guaranty, �r ather evidence �f debt e�ecuted by Trustor zn favor of Beneficiar�r execut�d
<br /> af�er thxs Secur�ty ��.s�rum.�n� whether or not �hxs Security �nstrument �s specifica�ly r�feren�ed. �f more than one
<br /> person signs th�s S�cur�t� �nstrum�nt, �a�h Trustor agrees tha�th�s Security �nstrum�nt will s�cure all future ad�anc�s
<br /> and future a�ligat�ons tha� are gi�en to or incurred by any on� or more 'Trus�or, or an� ane or more Trustar and
<br /> others. Al� future ad�ances and ather fu�ure ob�igations are secured by th�s Security �nstrum�n� even �hough aIl �r
<br /> par� may n�t yet be advanced. All fu�ur� ad�ances and o�her fu�ure ab�igatians are secured as if made on the date of
<br /> this S�curi�y Instrum.en�. No�ing in �h�� Securi�y �nstrument sha.�l cans�i�u�e a �ommx�ment to ma�e addi�i�na� or
<br /> fu�ure loans or ad�anc�s in any amount. Any such cammitm�nt must be agr��d to in a separate wr�t�ng.
<br /> C. All�bliga�ions Trus�or owes to Beneficiary, vvh�ch ma�r later arise, ��the extent not prohibi�ed by law, inc�uding, bu�
<br /> nat 1�m�ted ta, liab�li��es for�verdrafts relating to an d� o�i�ac�ount agreernent between Trustor and Benefi�iary.
<br /> D. Ail addi�i�nal sums advanced and e� enses incurre�b �Benefici for �nsurin reser�in or therwi e r
<br /> p � axY g, p g o s p �tect�ng
<br /> �h� Propert� and i�s valu� an.d any other sums advan��� and expenses �n�urred by �enef�ciar�r und�r the terms of�his
<br /> Se�uri�y �ns�rument,
<br /> Th�s S�cur�ty �ns�rument w�Il not secure any o�her debt if Bene�cza.r�r fails tv give arzy required notice af �he r�gh� �f
<br /> res��ssian.
<br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trust�r agrees tha� aJ.I payments under th� Secured D�b� w��� be paid when due and in a�cordance w�th the
<br /> �erms of�he Secured Deb�and this Secur�ty�ns�rument.
<br /> �, yVARRANTY �F TITLE. Trustor �arrants that Trust�r �s or �v�l� �e lawfi,i��y seized of the es�a�e con��yed �y ��.�s
<br /> Secur�t� Instrument and has �he right�o irrevocabl� gran�, canvey, and se�� �.e Property ta Trustee, �n trust, with power of
<br /> sa�e. Trus�or a�so warran�s�hat�he Property is unen�umbered, exc�pt f�r en�umbrances of r�cflrd.
<br /> 7. PRI�R SECURITY INTERESTS. With regard to ar�� o�h�r martgage, de�d �f �rus�, se�urity agreement or other lien
<br /> document�hat creat�d a pr�ar secur�t�inter�st or encumbran�e an the Proper�y, Trus�ar agrees;
<br /> A. To make a11 paynzents�v�rhen due and to perform�r comply wi�h a1�c�venar�.�s.
<br /> B, T�promp t�y del�ver t� Benef��iary any notx�es that Trust�r recei�es fram�h�ho�der.
<br /> �, No� t� a1�ow an mod�fica��on or extens�Qn of n�r ta re uest an fu
<br /> y , q y ture advanc�s under any note or agreem�nt
<br /> secured by�he��en do�urnen�wx�.out Ben�ficiary'�pri�r wri��en consent.
<br /> 8. �LAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Trus��r �iii pay a�l taxes, ass�ssments, I�ens, encumbrances, l�ase pa�m�n�s, ground rents,
<br /> utilities, and o�her charges r��ating �o �h� Praper�y �vhen due. Beneficiaxy �nay requir� Trustor ta provide �o Benef�c�ary
<br /> cop�es �f all natices that such amoun�s are du� and the r�ce�pts evid�n�ing Trustor's paynzent. Tru�tor wi�1 defend t�tXe to
<br /> the Proper�y agains� any c�a�ms �hat ��u�d �m�.pair �he �ien of this Securi�y Instrument. Trustor agrees t� assign t�
<br /> Ben�f�cxary, as requested by Bene�iciary, any rzghts, �laims or defenses Trustflr may ha�e against par�ies who supply labor
<br /> or�m.ateria�s�fl maxnta�n�r xmpro�e the Prop�rty.
<br /> 9. DUE �N �AL� �R ENCYJII�IBRA��E. Ben�fic�ary ma�, a� ��s op��on, declare th� ent��e balance of th� Secured Deb� �a
<br /> �e imumedzat��y due an.d payable up�n the crea�ion of, transfer or�al�of a.�� or any paz-��f the Property. This righ� �s sub�ec�
<br /> �o �he restr�ctlons xmposed �y fe�.era� �a�v ��.2 C.F.R. 591}, as appl�cahle. Th�s cfl�enant shall run wi�h �he Property and
<br /> sha.tl r�main�n effect un��l�h�Secured Deb�is paid in fuii and�his S�curi�y xnstrum�nt�s released.
<br /> 1�. PR�PERTY CQNDITI�N, ALTERATI�NS AND INSPECTI�N. Trustor�v�l�keep th�Proper�y in g�od condition and
<br /> make al�repairs that are reasonabl�r ne�essar�r. Trustar sha.l� not comrrut or al�ow any waste, impa�rm�nt, or deteriarat�on af
<br /> th� Proper��r. Trustar w�il keep th� Prflperty free of nox�ous we�ds and grasses. Trus��r agrees that the nature af the
<br /> occupancy and use wi11 not substan�ially change �xthau� $eneficiary's prior wri��en consent. Trust�r w�ll nat permit any
<br /> change in any �icense, restr����v� c��enan� or easement without Bene�r�cxar�'s �rior wrxt��n �onsent. Trustar v�il� notify
<br /> Ben�t�c�ary of a11 d�mands, pro�eed�ngs, claims, and actions against Trus�flr, and af any �oss ar damage to the Prop�rty.
<br /> Bene�iciary or Benef�c�ary's agen�s may, at Beneficiary's option, enter�h� Praper�y a� any reas�nable t�me for the purpos�
<br /> of inspect�ng the Proper��. Ben�fi�iary sha.�l give Trust�r no�ice at �h� t�xne of or before an inspec�ion spec�fy�ng a
<br /> reasonable purpose far the �nspect�on. Any inspection of the Prop�r�y sha�1 be entirely far Benef�ciary s benefit and Trus�or
<br /> vvi�l in no�ay re�y�n B�ne�c�ary's in�p��t�on.
<br /> 11. AUTH�RITY TQ PERFf]RM. �f Trus��r fails to perfon�. any dut� �r any �f the co�enants conta�ned �n �his S��uri�y
<br /> �nstrument, Beneficiary ma�, w�thou� n���ce, perfor�n or cause �hem t� be perform�d. Trustor appoxn�s Beneficiar�r as
<br /> a��orney in fac� to s�gn Trus�nr's name �r pay any amoun� necessary fnr perfo�mance. Benefic�ary's right to perform far
<br /> Trus�or sha�� not create an �b�igat�an to p�rfonn, and B�n�f�c�ary's fa�lure �o perform tiv��� not pr�c�ud� Beneficiary from
<br /> exer�is�ng any of Beneficiary s o�her rights under�he lav� ar this S��urity �nstrumen�. Zf any cflnstructz�n on the Proper�y is
<br /> discon�inued or not �arried on in a reasonable xnann�r, Benef�c�ary may take all s��ps necessary �o protect Beneficiar�'s
<br /> se�urity int�r�s��n t�e Proper�y, zn��uding complet�on af�h���nstruct��n.
<br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT DF LEASES AND RENTS. Trustor �rrevocabiy assigns, grants and eon�e�s, �o Trust�e, in trust for the
<br /> b�ne�t of Beneficiary as add�t�onai securzty all �he rig�t, �i�le and in�erest in the follow�ng �all ref�rr�d to as Prop�r�y};
<br /> exist�ng or future leases, subleases, �icenses, guarant�es and any �ther vvritten or ver�al agreemen�s far the us� and
<br /> nc�upancy of the Pr�per��, including any ex�ensxons, r�newals, modifications or replacements �all referred to as Leases};
<br /> and ren�s, �ssues and prof�ts �ail referred to as R�nts�. In the event any ztem lis�ed as Leases or R�n�s is determ�ned to be
<br /> personal proper�y, th�s Assignment�i�� also b�regarded as a se�urity agreement. Trust�r wi�I prom.p�ly prav�de Benef�c�ary
<br /> w�th �ap�es of the Leases and w��i �er�ify these Leas�s are true and correc� capies. Th� ex�st�ng Leases �il� be pr�vided on
<br /> execution�f the Assignxnent, and a�l future Leas�s and any a�her inf�rmat�on w�th r�spec�to these Leases v�i11 be pr���ded
<br /> immedia���y after they are execu�ed, Trustor may c�llec�, receive, �n�oy and use �h� Rents so long as Trustor is no� in
<br /> default.
<br /> Upon defaui�, Trustar wx�� re�ei�e any Ren�s in trust for Beneficiary and will not comming�e �h� R�n�s wi�h any �th�r
<br /> funds. Trus��r agrees tha��his Se�uri�y �nstrumen�is �mmedia��ly effe���ve be����n Tru�tar and Benef�ciary and�ffec��v� as
<br /> ta t�.ird par�i��on��.e recording�f th�s Assignment. As��ng as th�s Assignment is in effec�, Trus�or warrants and repr�s�nts
<br /> that no defauXt ex�s�s under the L�ases, and the par�ies subje�t�o the Leases have no�vio�a�ed any app��cable la� �n�eas�s,
<br /> l�censes and�andl�rds and t�nan�s.
<br /> 13. LEASEHQLDS; C�ND� S; PLANNED iTN�IT DEVEL�PTV�N'TS. Tru�tor agrees to comply w�th the
<br /> provisiQns of any Iease if this S��ur�ty Instrum.en� is on a Xeas�hald. �f the Proper��r includ�s a un�t �n a condom�n�unz or a
<br /> planned un�t developmen�, Trus�or w�l� perf�rm a�.I �f Trust�r's duties under�he co��nants, b�r--�aws, or regulations of the
<br /> condominium or planned unit dev��opmen�.
<br /> -�-- IAa �
<br /> 4�
<br /> � i 994 Wo�ters Ki�wer Financial Ser�iG�s-Bar�kers Syst�ms�� Farm RE-DT-NE 3 21�512fl�6 �t�
<br /> 1IMP�-C'[65(NE� to�osy
<br />