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. <br /> 2� 1 ��4815 <br /> . <br /> consen�sha�l not he unreasanably withheld, or un�ess extenua�ing circumstances exist which are beyand Borrovver's <br /> contral. <br /> 7. Preserva�ion, Maintenan�e and Prote�tion vf the Property; Inspectians. Barrower shall nat des�roy, <br /> damage or impair the Property, allow the Pro�erty to d�teriorate or commi�waste on�he Proper�y. Wh�ther or no� <br /> Borravver is residing in �he Proper�y, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order ta pre��n�the Prflperty fram <br /> deteriorating or decreasing in value due to��s condition. Un�ess it is determined pursuant�o Seetian 5 that repair or <br /> restoration is not ecvnamically feasibte, Borrower shall promptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid further <br /> deterioratinn or damage. �f insurance or candemnation proceeds are paid in canneetion�v�th damage to, or the taking <br /> of, the Property, Barrov�rer shall be respons�h�e for repairing ar res�orin� the Property onty if Lender has re�eased <br /> proce�ds for such purpo�es. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoratxon in a szngle payment or in <br /> a series of progress paymen�s as the work is completed. If�he insurance or condemna�ian proceeds are not suff cient <br /> to repa�r nr restflre�he Prvperty, Borrower is not relieved of Borr�wer's obligatian for�he�ompletion of such repair <br /> ar restorat�on. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasanable entries upon and inspectxons of#he Praperty. �f it has reasonab�e cause, <br /> Lender may inspect the interiar of the impravements on the Property. Lender shal�give Borrower notice at the time <br /> of or prior�o such an interiar �nspection specifying such reasonahle eause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Laan Applicat�on, Borrower shall be in defaul� if, during the Loan application process, <br /> Bnrro�uer or any persons or entities ae�ing at the direction of Barrower or with Borrower's knowiedge or consen�ga�e <br /> materiaily fa�se, misleading, or �naccura�e information or statements to Lender �or failed�o pro�ide Lender with <br /> materia� information} in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, hut are not limi�ed to, <br /> repxes�ntations concerning Borro�er's occupancy af the Prop�r�y as Borrower's pr�ncipa�residence. <br />, 9. Pr�te�fion of Lender's Interest in the Property and'Rights Under this Security Instrument. If�a} <br /> Borrower fa�ls to perform the covenants and agreements contained in th�s Security Instrument, �b�there is a lega� <br /> proceedzng that migh�t szgnificantiy affect Lender's interest in the Property andlar rights under this S�curity�ns�rumen� <br /> �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, far condemna�ion or forfei�ure, for enfarcement of a lien vvhich may <br />: attain prior�ty over�his Security�nstrument or tn enforee la�rs or regu�ations}, or �c}Borrower has abandaned the <br /> Property, then L�nd�r may do and pay for whate�er is reasanable or appropriate to pratect Lender's interest�n the <br /> Proper�ty and rights under this Secur�ty�nstrumen�, including proteeting andlor assess�ng the value�f�he Froperty, <br /> and securing andlor repairing the Property. Lender's ac�ions ean�nc�ude, but are nat�imited ta: �a}paying any sums <br /> �ecured by a lien which has priority o�er this Security Instrument; �b}app�aring in court; and�c}paying reasonahte <br /> attarneys' fees to�rotec�it�interest in the Frflper�y andlor rights under this Security Ins�rumen�, �nciud�ng zts secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Property includes, but is not limited ta, en�ering�he Proper�y to <br />� make repa�rs, change locks, rep�ace ar board up doors and�vindows, drain water from p�pes, eliminat�building or <br /> other cade violations or dangerous conditians, and have uti�i�ies turned on or off. Alth�ugh Lender may take action <br /> under this Section 9, Lender does no�have to do so and is not under any duty or�bliga�ion ta do sa. It is agreed that <br />� Lender incurs na liability fvr na�taking any or aIl actions authorized under this Section 9, <br /> Any amaunts dishursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall�ecome additional deb�of BorroWer secured by�hi� <br /> Security�nstrument. These amaunts shall bear in�erest at�he Nate ra�e from the date af disbursemen�and shall be <br /> payable, with such interes�, upon notice from Lender to Barrower re�uesting payment. <br /> If�his Security Ins�rument is on a leasehald, Barr�wer shall compiy with all the provisions af�he lease. <br /> Borrower shall no�surrender the leasehold estate and interes�s herein canvey�d ar termizaate or cance�the graund leas�. <br /> Borrawer shall not, without the express v�ritten cansen�of Lender, a�ter ar amend the ground �ease. If Barro�er <br /> acquires fee title ta the Property, the leaseho�d and the fee t�t�e shal�not merge un�ess Lender agrees ta the merger <br /> in writing. <br /> 1�. Mor�gage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a conditian af making the Loan,Borrower <br /> sha�l pay the premiums required�o maintain the Mortgage �nsurance in effect. If, for any reasan, the Mortgage <br /> �nsuranee coverage required by Lender ceases to be a�ai�able fram the mortgage insurer that pr�viously pro�ided such <br /> insuranc�and Borrvwer�nras requ�red to make separat�ly designated payments toward the premiums for Morfgage <br /> Insurance, Borr�wer sha�� pay the premzums required t❑ obtair� coverag�substantially equivalent to the Mor�gag� <br /> NE6RASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Ma� UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT- MERS D�c�a,g�c o <br /> Fvm� 3028 110� Page 7 of '�5 www.docmagic,corrr <br /> �� � <br /> fr <br /> � � ! <br /> w..w... � �� , � , ■� <br />