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2� 1 ��4815 <br /> . <br /> . <br /> nvf be exercised unreasonab�y. Lender may require Borrawer to�ay, �n conne�tian with�his Laan, e�ther: (a}a one- <br /> time charge far flaod zone determination, certif cation and tracking ser�ic�s; ar(b}a one-time charge for flood zone <br /> determination and cert�f cativn services and subsequent charges each�ime remapp�ngs vr simi�ar changes oecur which <br /> reasonably might affect such de�ermination or certifica�ion. Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of <br /> any fees imposed by the Federa�Emergency Managernen�Agency �n cannect��n with the re�iew of any flaad zone <br /> determinatian resu�ting from an ab�ect�on by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fails�o maintain any of the co�erages described abov�, Lender may abtazn insurance coverage, at <br /> Lend�r's aption and Borrower's exp�nse. Lender i�under no ob�igatian ta purchase any particu�ar type vr amou.n� <br /> af coverage. Therefore, such co�erage sha�l cov�r Lender, �ut might �r mzght nat protect Barrower, Borrower's <br /> equity�n the Fraperty, vr�he contents af the Property, aga�nst any risk, hazard or Iiability and might provide greater <br /> or lesser coWerage than was pre�iously�n effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance co�erage so <br /> abtal�aed mlght s�gnif can�iy exceed�he cost of insurance�hat Borrov�er could ha�e ob�ained. Any amounts disbursed <br /> by Lender under this 5ection S shall become addi�ianal debt of Borrower secured by th�s Security Instrument. These <br /> amoun�s shall bear interest a�the No�e rate fr�m the date af d�sbursement and shall be payable, with such interes�, <br /> upon no�zce from Lender to Barrnwer requesting payment. <br /> All insurance policies requ�red�y Lender and renewa�s of such policies shal� be subj ect to Lender's right ta <br /> d�sapprove such paiicies, sha�l include a�tandard mortgage clause, and shai�name Lender as mortgagee andlvr as an <br /> addit�ona�Ioss payee. Lender shal�have the right to hold the policies and renewal certif cates. If Lender requires, <br /> Borrower sha��promp�ly give to Lender a�l receipts of paid premiums and renewal not�ces. If Borrower obtains any <br /> form of insurance coverage, not otherw�se required by Lender, for damage�o, or destructifln of, the Praperty, such <br /> policy sha�� inc�ude a s�andard mortgage ciause and sha�� name Lender as m�rtgagee andl or as an add��i�nal l�ss <br /> payee. <br /> In the e�ent of�oss, Borrawer shall g�ve pr�mpt no�ice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make <br /> proaf of�oss if not made�romptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borrvwer atherwise agree in wr�t�ng, any <br /> �nsurance proceeds, whether ar no��he under�ying insurance was required by Lender, sha��be applied to restorat�on <br /> or repair af the Pr�perty, if the restaration or repa�r is economica��y feasib�e arid Lender's security is nat lessened. <br /> During such repair and restaratian period, Lender shall ha�e the right to hoid such insurance praceeds unt�l Lender <br /> has had an apportunity to inspect such Praperty to ensure the work has been completed ta Lender's satisfaction, <br /> provided that such inspec�ion shall be undertaken pramp��y. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and <br /> restara�ion�n a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unl�ss an agreemen� <br /> is made in wri�ing or Applicable Law requires interes�to be paid on such in�urance proceeds, Lender shall nat be <br /> requxr�d�a pay Borrower any int�rest or earnings on such pra�eeds. Fees for pu�lic adjusters, or other th�rd parties, <br /> retained by Barro�ver shai� nat be paid out af the znsurance proceeds and shali be�he sole obligatian of Borrower. <br /> If the restoration or repair is not econvmically feasible ar Lender's security would be iessened,the insurance praceeds <br /> shall be applied to�he sums secured by th�s Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with�he excess,if any,paid <br />' to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds sha11 be app�ied in the arder provided far �n Sectian 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons the Property, Lender may f Ie, negotia�e and settle any available insurance claim and <br />; related matters. �f Borrow�r daes no�resp�nd wi�hin 3�days t�a no�ice from Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> flffered ta sett�e a cla�m, then Lender may negotiate and se�tle �he claim. The 3D-day periad wil� begin when the <br /> no�ice is given. �n e�ther event, or if Lender acquzres the Property under Section 22 ar o�h�rwise, Borrower hereby <br /> assigns ta Lend�r�a� Borrawer's rights to any insurance praceeds in an amaunt not�a e�ceed the amounts unpaid <br /> under the No�e or this Security�nstrument, and(b}any other of Barrower's rxghts�ather than the right to any refund <br /> of unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under aII insurance palicies co�ering the Property, insafar as such r�gh�s <br /> are applicabie ta the coverage of th�Praperty. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair vr res�are the <br /> Property ar to pay amoun�s unpaid under the Note or�his Seeurity Instrument, whether or not�h�n due. <br /> 6. �ccupancy. Borrawer sha�l accupy, es�ahli�h, �nd use the Property as Barrower's principal resid�nce <br /> within 6�days after the execut�on af thxs Security Instrument and shal�con�inue to occupy the Property as Borrower's <br /> principai residence for at least ane year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender a�herw�se agrees in wr�ting, wh�ch <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN1FqRM INSTRUMENT- MERS par.�fagic <br /> Form 302$ �1�1 Page fi vf �5 www.dr�cmagic.corr� <br /> � � � 1' ' <br /> � <br /> � � � � � �� <br />