2� 1 ��4797
<br /> L�AN#: 18'I 5��5622
<br /> o�ground r�nts on the Prop�rty, if any, and ��mmun��y Associa�ian Dues, F�es, and Assessments, i�
<br /> any. To the ext�nt that these items are Es�r�w Items, Bor�owe�shall pay�hem in the manner�rovided
<br /> in Secti�n 3.
<br /> Bar�awer shall prvmptly discharge any lien which has priority o�er�this Se�ur�#y lnstrument unless
<br /> Sorrowe�:�a}a�rees in writing to�he paym�nt of the obligation s��ured by the lien in a manne�acc�ptable
<br /> to Lender, but on�y so�ong as Borrowsr is perfvrming such agreemen�; �b}cvntests the lien in goad fa�th
<br /> by,or d�fends against�nforcement of the lien in, legal prac�edings which in Lend�r's opin�on operate to
<br /> pr��ent the�nforcement of the lien while those praceedings are pending,�ut anly until such proceedings
<br /> are�vnclud�d;or�c}secures fr�m the holder vf the�ien an agre�ment satisfactory to Lend�r subvrdinating
<br /> the��en to this Security lnstrum�nt. lf Ler�der determines that any part o��he Property is subj�ct t❑a�ien
<br /> which �an attain p�iority over this 5ecuri�y lnst�ument, Lender may gi�e Borrow�r a notice �denti�y�ng
<br /> the lien. Vllithin '{Q days of the dat�on which that nntice is given, Borrower shall satisfy�he �ien or take
<br /> one ar mare of the a�tions set farth abo�e �n thEs Sectian 4.
<br /> Lender may r�quire Bo�rower fo pay a one-time char�e fvr a r�al estate t�x ve�i�icatian andlv�
<br /> report�ng seivice used by Lender in conne�tion with fihis Laan.
<br /> 5. Praperty Insuranc�.6orrower shalf keep the impra�em�nts now ex�sting ar hereafter er�c#ed on
<br /> �h�Praperty insured agains�Ivss by fire,hazards in�luded within�he term"extended coverage,"and any
<br /> other haz��ds includ�ng,but not�imit�d to,earthquakes and fioods,f�rwhich Lender requires insurance.
<br /> ThEs insu�an�e shall be maintained in th�am�unts�including de�uc#ib�e leV�ls} and�a�th��er�ods that
<br /> Lend�r requires. What Lender requi�es pu�suant to the pre�ed�ng sentences can change durEng �he
<br /> t�rm af the Lvan. The�nsurance carrier providing th��nsurance sha��be chasen by Borraw�r subject to
<br /> Lender's�ight to disa�pro�e Bvrrow�r's Choice,whi�h right shall not�e exercis�d unreasonab�y. Lender
<br /> may require B�rrawer to pay, in c�nnection with this L�an, either: �a}a one-time charge far fivod zone
<br /> determinat��n, certif�cati�n and tracking services; �r�b} a one-tim�charge�ar flo�d zone d�t�rmination
<br /> an�certificat�on services and subsequent charges�ach time remappings o�simiiar changes occu�which
<br /> reasonably might af�ect such determination or certification. Borrower shall alsv be responsible far the
<br /> payment of any fees imposed by the Fe�era! Emergency Management Ag�ncy in cvnnection w�th the
<br /> re�iew o�any fia�d zone determination �esulting fram an objection by Bvrrower.
<br /> rf Borrower fails ta mainta�n any vf the co�erages describ�d aba�e, Lender may obta�n insuran�e
<br /> coverage, at Lender's optian and Borrawer's expense. Lend�r is under no a��igation to purchase any
<br /> pa�ticular fype or amount of coverage.Therefore, such c�verage sha�i ca�er Lender, but might ar mi�ht
<br /> not protect Borrovv�r, Bor�awer's equity in the Prope�#y,or�he contents af the P�operty, against any risk, �
<br /> hazard or lia�ility and mi�h�provide greater or lesser co�erage than was pre�iously in e�Fect. Borr�wer
<br /> acknavuledges that the cost of�he insurance �overage sa�bta�ned might si�nifi�antly exce�d the cast
<br /> of insurance that 8vrrower could ha��a�tained.Any amvunts d�sburs�d by Lender unde�this Secti�n
<br /> 5 shal! b�come ad�itiona� de�t of B�rrovver s�cur�d by this Se�uri�y Instrument. These amounts shali
<br /> bear interest at the Note rat�frnm the date of disbursem�nt and shall be payable, vu��h such interes�,
<br /> upan nntice f�om Lend�r to BorrovWer requesting payment.
<br /> Ail insurance�olici�s r�quired by L�nder and r�newals of such pv�i�i�s shall be subj�ct to Lender's
<br /> right to disappro�e such pvlicies, sha�� include a standard martgage�lause, and shak! name Lender as
<br /> mortgage�andlor as an additiona�Ioss pay�e.Lende�shall ha�e the right ta hold#he polEcies and��n�wai '
<br /> certificates. �f Lender requir�s, Barrvwer shail promptly giv�ta Lender al�rec�ipts af paid premiums and '
<br /> �
<br /> renewal na�ices. If Borrower obtains any�orm o�insuranGe coverage, not otherwis�requi�ed by Lende�,
<br /> ��r damage to, or destruction of,�h�Praperky, such poli�y shai�tnclude a standard mortga�e ciau�e and �
<br /> sha#I name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an addit�an�l loss payee. ,
<br /> 1n the��ent of loss, �orrower shall give prompt notice�o the insurance carr�er and Lender. L�nder i
<br /> may make p�oof of�oss if not made prvmptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and B�rrovver oth�rwise agree '
<br /> in writ�ng, any insurance prviceeds, whether�r not the underlying insurance was requi�ed by Lender, �
<br /> shall be appiied t�restora��on ar repair af the Praper�y,if the rest�rati�n or r�pair is econamicaliy fsasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is not lessened. During such r�pair and restoration period, Lend�r shall ha�e#h�
<br /> right to hold such insurance praceeds unti� L�nder has had an o�portun�ty ta inspect such Prape�ty ta
<br /> ensure the wvrk has been compl�ted to Lender's satisfactian, prov�ded that such inspectian sha�� be
<br /> undertak�n prom��ly. Lender may disburse pr�ce�ds for the repairs and restoration in a single paymen�
<br /> �r in a series a�prag�ess�ayments as th�work�s completed. Unless an agreement is made in writin�ar
<br /> Applicable Law requires ir�terest to be pai�on such insuranc�proceeds, Lender sha#�not be r�quired to
<br /> pay Barrower any interest or earnings on such proce�ds. F�es for public ad�ust�rs, or other�hi�d parti�s,
<br /> retained by Borr�wer shail not b�paid aut of the insurance pro�e�ds and shall h�the sole obliga�ian o�
<br /> Borrower, i�the restoration or r�pair is nat�canamica(�y�eas�bie�r L�nd�r's security would�e I�ssened,
<br /> the insurance pro�eeds shalE �e applied to the sums secur�d by this Securi�y Ins�rum�nt, whether ar
<br /> not then due,with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Su�h insurance prviceeds shal�be applied in the
<br /> arder provided for in Section 2.
<br /> 1f Borrowe�abandons fhe Property, Lender may �ile, negatiate and settle any ava+labie insurance
<br /> c�aim and �eiated matters. !f Borrow�r daes not respond within 3D days�o a notice from Lender that the
<br /> insuranc�carrie�has affered to settle a claim, th�n Lender may negot�a�e and s�ttle the�iaim. The 3U-
<br /> day periv�will begin when the no�ic� is given. ln e�t�e�e�ent, �r if Lende�acqui�es th� Property und�r
<br /> Initials � ��
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fanni�IV�aelFreddie Mac UN�FflRM INSTRIJMENT Form 3a�8�1D'I
<br /> Ellie Mae,lnc. Page�af 1'� NEEDEED �3�5
<br />� NEEDEED�CLS}
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