2� 1 ��4797 �
<br /> LC]AN #; 18'16225fi22
<br /> �. Appfication of Payments vr Proceed�. Ex��pt as otherwise descr�b�d in this Section �, alf
<br /> payments accepted and applied by Lender shall b�applied in the fol�owing order af priorrty: �a} interest
<br /> due unde�the N�te; �b}princEpa{due under the N�te; �c}amounts due under�ection 3. Su�h paymen�s
<br /> shal!be appli�d to each Periodic Payment in the orde�in which it became due.Any r�maining amounts
<br /> shall be appfi�d first to la�e charges, s�cand to any other amounts du� under�his 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> and then to redu�e the principa! ba�ance of�h� Nate.
<br /> !f Lender rec�i�es a paym�nt frqm Borrower far a delinquen� Periodic Payment which includes a
<br /> sufificient amour��to�ay any late charge du�,the payment may be a�piied to the deiinquent payment and
<br /> th�late charge.lf more than one P�riodre Payment is outstanding,Lend�r may app�y ar�y paym�nt recei�ed
<br /> firom Borrower t�the repaym�nt af the Periodre Payments i�, and t�the ext�nt that,each payment can be
<br /> paid in fu�l.Ta�h�extent that any exc�ss exrsts after�he payment is app�ied#o th�full payment o�one ar
<br /> more Periodic Payments, such excess may be appli�d to any late charges du�. V�luntary prepayments
<br /> shafl be applied first ta any prepaymen��harges and then as descrihed in the Nate.
<br /> Any appli�ati�n ot paym�nts, insurance proceeds,��Misceilaneaus Proceeds to principa!du�unde�
<br /> the Note shall no�extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount, of the P��indic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Es�raw ltems. Borravver�hall pay to Lender an th�day Periadic Paym�nts are due
<br /> under the Nate, untrl the Na#e�s pa�d in�u��, a sum�the"Funds"}to pro�i�e far payment of amoun�s due
<br /> far: ta}tax�s and assessments and ather�tems whEch can atfain priority over this Se�urity Instrument as
<br /> a lien or encumbrance on the Property; �b} �easehold payments or graund rents on the Pr�perty, if any;
<br /> �c}p�emiums fv�any and all insurance required by Lender under Sectian 5;and�d} Mo�tgage Insuranc�
<br /> prem�ums,i�any,�r any sums payable by Barr�wer to Lend�r�n lieu of the paymen�af Mortgage Insu�ance
<br /> pr�miums in ac�ordance with the provisions of Se�tion �Q. These items are call�� "Escr�w items."At
<br /> originat��n or at any time during the term af#he Loan, L�nder may r�qui�e that Community Assvciation
<br /> Dues, F�es,andAss�ssments, if any, b�es�rowed by Borrav�rer,and such dues,fees and assessments
<br /> shall be an Esc�ow�tem.B�rrower shali promptiy furnish to Lender all noti�es of amounts to be pai�und�r
<br /> this Sec�ian. Bor�ower shall pay L�nd�r the Funds�ar Esc�ow Ifems uniess Len�er wa�Wes Bo��awer's
<br /> obligati�n ta pay the Funds�o�any or all Escravv�tems. Lender may wai�e Borrower's ob�igation to pay
<br /> ta Lender Funds for any or a�l Escrow Items at any time.Any such waiv�r may oniy be in wrttin�. 1n the
<br /> event of such waiv�r, garrvwer shall pay directly, when and where payable, the am�unts due for any
<br /> Escrow Items for which paym�n� ❑f Funds has be�n waiv�d by Lender �nd, it Lender re�uires, shall
<br /> €urnish to L�nder reCeip#s e�iden�ing such payment within such tim� periad as Lender may requi�e.
<br /> �3vrrower's obliga�tan ta make such paymen�s and to prov�d�r�ceipts sha11 for all �urposes be deemed
<br /> ta be a covenan� and agreement c�ntained in this 5ecurity instrument, as the phras� "co�enant and
<br /> agre�ment" is used in Section 9. If Borrawer is obli�ated tn pay Es�raw Items d�rectly, pursuant to a
<br /> wai��r, and Borrower faiis ta p�y �h� amount due for an Escrow l�em, L�nder may exercise i�s ��ghts
<br /> under Section 9 and pay such amoun�and �orrower shall fhen be obi�gated under 5����on �to repay
<br /> to Lender any such amount. Lende�may revoke the wa�ver as to any or all Escrow I�ems a�any t�me by
<br /> a notice giv�n in ac�ordance w�th Secti�n '!5 and, upon �uch revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br /> al1 Funds, and in such amounts, that a�e then r�quired under this 5ec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time,�olle�t and hold Funds in an amvunt�a}sufficient to permit Lend�r to apply
<br /> the Fun�s at#he time specified under F�ESFA, and�b} not�o exceed th�maximum amount a�ender�an
<br /> requir�under RESPA. L�nder shall estimate the amount of Funds due an�he basis�f current da�a and
<br /> r�as�nabl�estimates afexpenditur�s of futur�Escrow t�ems orotherwise in ac�ordancewithApplicab�e
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds shal(be held in an instttutian whase dep�sits are insured by a federa#agency,instrumenta�ixy,
<br /> or entity �including Lender, if Lend�r fs an ins#itution whase d��osits are so insured} or in any Federak
<br /> Hame Laan Bank. Lender sha�l app�y the Funds ta pay the Escrow It�ms no later�han the time�pecif���
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha��no�charg�Barrower f�r ha�d�ng and app�ying the Funds, annually anafyz�ng
<br /> the�serow acCvun�, ar�erifying the Escrow ltems, un�ess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds
<br /> and Applicab�e Law permtts Lender to make such �char�e. Unl�ss an agreement is made in writing ar
<br /> Appli�ab��Law re�uire� int�rest to be paid an the Funds, Lender shai� nat be required#o pay B�rrower
<br /> any interest ar earnings�n the Funds. Bo�row�r and Lender can agree in writing, howev�r, tha�in�e�est
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds. Lende�shal!g�ve to Borrawer, vvithout�harge, an annual accoun�ing �f the
<br /> Funds as �equ�red by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a su�plus af Funds held rn esCrow, as defined under RESPA, Lende� sha## a�count to
<br /> Borrow�r for the excess�unds in�ccardanc�with RESPA. if ther�is a shortag�of Funds held in escrow,
<br /> as defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as requ�r�d by RESPA,and Sorrower�hali pay to
<br /> Lend�r the amount ne�essary t�make up the shortage in ac�ardance vu�th RESPA, bu��n na mare than
<br /> �2 m�nthly paym�nts. �f there�s a deficiency a�Funds held in escrow, as defin�d under RESPA, Lender
<br /> shal� notify Bor�ower as required by RESPA, and �3arrower sha!! pay to Lend�r the amvunt necessary
<br /> to make up the deficien�y in accordance with RESPA, but 'tn n� more than '�2 monthly p�yments.
<br /> Upon payment�n �u�l of all sums secured by this Security instrumen�, L�nder shai� promptiy refund
<br /> to Borr�wer any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charg�s; Liens. Borrow�r sha�� pay a�� �axe�, ass�ssmen#s, �harg�s, fin�s, and impas�tiQns
<br /> attr�butable to the P�op�rty which can a�tain priority aver this Security �nstrument, �easehai �aymen#s
<br /> Initia�s:
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami�y--Fannie lVlae�Fr�edd�e I'tillac UNIFDRM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3�28'�lU1
<br /> Elli�Mae,inc. Page 4 of�1 NEEDEED �3�5
<br /> NEEDEED��LS}
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